Global Warming? Nah! 120 Year Ice Age Coming!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Who is it on here who just loves coming up with graphs? Doesn't mean anything to me. Anyone?

ust think. 120 years of super cold winters. Anyhow, check it out @ ICE AGE EARTH: Global FREEZE lasting 120 YEARS threatens ‘more intense’ winters from 2019

Who is it on here who just loves coming up with graphs? Doesn't mean anything to me. Anyone?

ust think. 120 years of super cold winters. Anyhow, check it out @ ICE AGE EARTH: Global FREEZE lasting 120 YEARS threatens ‘more intense’ winters from 2019
Some one points to the cyclical cycles of the earth in graph form, poses a reasonable hypothesis backed with empirical facts and they call them a hack... What should we call all of the climate scaremongers who claim they are scientists and use modelling that NEVER passes empirical review and yet somehow they are credible?
Ah, another thread for denial of factual reality.

All you cons who think Jesus rode a dinosaur and the world is flat here's another chance for you to commiserate with each other.

lol.........lets ask the folks in Times Square on New Years Eve about the warming world.:ack-1: At the end of the day, its all that matters in the big picture. Lets not forget.........all the science and graphs in the world will move nobody if they think they'll still be pulling out the winter parka's, gloves and mittens for 5 months every year. That's just the way it works in the different than me marching down Main Street this weekend shaking a banana at people in my birthday suit warning of the end of the end of times.:boobies::boobies::coffee:
Deniers are some truly fanatical ice age cultists. They've been predicting their Holy Ice Age nonstop for over 40 years now. It never arrives, and it just keeps warming strongly instead, but that doeesn't affect them at all. It only makes their faith in the upcoming HolyIceAge even stronger.
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I guess the solar input isn't dropping off.... Moron...

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The unadjusted data sets say your full of shit... Cooling started back in 1997
Now that was some cooling. Second highest point on Dr. Spencer's graph in 1998. Then we have 2016. LOL At this rate of cooling by 2025, we will have seen at least one month well above the 2 degrees C mark.

Again, computer models are of no use for predicting future temperature. The IPCC admitted this in the early 1990's but by the mid-90's, they had removed such references in their summaries.

"The IPCC concluded even as early as 2001 that their research and climate modeling can not be used for long-term predictions of the future climate. For the Panel's Third Assessment Report, paragraph page 774 it says in my translation: "In research and modeling of the climate, we should be aware that we are dealing with a chaotic, nonlinear coupled system, and that long-term predictions of future climate states is not possible. "
Let's see. For over 100 years the scientists have stated that the Earth is going to warm due to the impact of GHGs that mankind is putting into the atmosphere. So, what has happened. The earth has warmed. And, since about 1970, the denialists have denied that it is happening, and it has continued to warm. And will continue to warm. And we are already seeing the affects of that warming in extreme weather events we see every year now.

It is not the scientists that have been consistently wrong, but the denialists.
The Ice House world we live in today is a relatively recent development. For most of earth's history our planet has been a Green House world.

The same conditions which led to the transition from a green house world to an ice house world still exist today.

Over the last 500,000 years we have been cycling between glacial cycles - where significant ice accumulates over portions of North America - and interglacial cycles which is what we have today.

There is zero evidence to suggest that if all things were equal we wouldn't continue to experience these glacial - interglacial cycles.

So only an idiot would try to discount the risk or probability of another ice age. An idiot.
The Ice House world we live in today is a relatively recent development. For most of earth's history our planet has been a Green House world.

The same conditions which led to the transition from a green house world to an ice house world still exist today.

Over the last 500,000 years we have been cycling between glacial cycles - where significant ice accumulates over portions of North America - and interglacial cycles which is what we have today.

There is zero evidence to suggest that if all things were equal we wouldn't continue to experience these glacial - interglacial cycles.

So only an idiot would try to discount the risk or probability of another ice age. An idiot.

Nobody alive today can with any degree of certainty discount the possibility of a new ice age.........cannot discount the possibility of significantly warmer temps either. The plain fact is..........nobody walking knows for sure. Statements either way are pure fakery.:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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