Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Cite your evidence for that for unqualified nonsense.
Kamala Harris is a liar just like you are

WashingtonVice President Kamala Harris pushed back on Republican claims that Democrats support abortions up until birth, but repeatedly declined to say how far into a pregnancy abortion access should be denied.

That’s nice. Then they should be like me and not abort their own progeny. Now they should learn to mind their own business.

Democrats will restore RvW so everybody can mind their own fucking business like it used to be before Donald Trump came along and fucked up reproductive freedom in America.
there ya go supporting abortion again.
Kamala Harris is a liar
What do you think she lied about?

Kam says in the link you provided that she believes, “ that we should put the protections of Roe v. Wade into law, and the way that will happen is if we have a United States Congress, who regardless of their personal view for themselves or their family, would agree that the women of America should be trusted to make decisions about their life and their body based on what they know to be in their best interest. It's that simple. “

Roe v Wade allows for state protection for the unborn at viability or 24 weeks.

Repubs who complain that Dems want women to be able to change their minds after going through the rigors of pregnancy for eight months just to kill their baby at the last minute.

The truth is all ninth month terminations occurs to woman who want to have a baby but come to experience a catastrophic end to that dream.

Republicans suck for that.
women of America should be trusted to make decisions about their life and their body

Problem is it's not really thier life they're terminating, nor thier body they are killing.

Camels refused to say WHEN it would be okay to terminate the life leaving it open to up till birth. Democrats suck for that.
Camels refused to say WHEN it would be okay to terminate the life leaving it open to up till birth.

You are a liar. Kam said in the quote you provided that she wants RvW restored. That’s 24 weeks. When RvW was law 99% of all abortions were done before the 25th week.

The remaining one percent are all a heartbreaking end to a wanted pregnancy.

It means you are a sick Republican human being in denial of reality.
You are a liar. Kam said in the quote you provided that she wants RvW restored. That’s 24 weeks. When RvW was law 99% of all abortions were done before the 25th week.

The remaining one percent are all a heartbreaking end to a wanted pregnancy.

It means you are a sick Republican human being in denial of reality.
First you say you are against abortion then you say you are for it. You can't seem to get your story straight here. I think it's you that is the liar and sick fuck here.
First you say you are against abortion then you say you are for it
I have never said I am for abortion.

I am not Herschel Walker. Do not be confused about that.

I am for every woman making a decision about abortion in privacy with whoever she chooses including her doctors. I want no government involved in that private decision all the way to live birth.

Get the government the fuck out of it. Is that clear

And remember this part you lying Republican crap that I want within that private decision I would like to see zero women deciding to terminate their pregnancy simply as means of birth control.

So I am not advocating for abortion excite when a doctors determines it is necessary.
I have never said I am for abortion.

I am not Herschel Walker. Do not be confused about that.

I am for every woman making a decision about abortion in privacy with whoever she chooses including her doctors. I want no government involved in that private decision all the way to live birth.

Get the government the fuck out of it. Is that clear

And remember this part you lying Republican crap that I want within that private decision I would like to see zero women deciding to terminate their pregnancy simply as means of birth control.

So I am not advocating for abortion excite when a doctors determines it is necessary.
am for every woman making a decision about abortion in privacy with whoever she chooses including her doctors. I want no government involved in that private decision all the way to live. Get the government the fuck out of it. Is that clear
That is what's called advocating for abortion. You can't have it both ways. Stop lying.
That is what's called advocating for abortion.
No. That is what you call advocating for abortion. It worked for 50 years when women thought RvW could not be overturned.

White Christian nationalist distortions of our language is over.

You are lying and women are pissed..
No. That is what you call advocating for abortion. It worked for 50 years when women thought RvW could not be overturned.

White Christian nationalist distortions of our language is over.

You are lying and women are pissed..
Irrational theist wants women to be able to have abortions anytime they want. It's not about their bodies it's about the life inside of them that is its own entity.

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