Global Warming propaganda and this White House- Article by American Thinker

Red herring.

CO2 isn't a pollutant.

What do you call total cluelessness? Water isn't a pollutant either, but getting too much of anything can be bad. Just ask New Orleans. Once again, you spout irrelevancies as if they actual arguments. FAIL!!!
A deminimus change in the water content of your body, analogous to that of atmospheric CO2, wouldn't be enough to make you thirsty.

Goddammit are you loons....fucking loony.
Energy is everything. I mean.... Everything.

Whoever controls it, controls life on Earth.

Think about it.

We use energy to farm and grow our food. We need energy to take that food to market and process it. We need energy to transport the finshed products to the store.

You need energy to drive to the store to get the food. You need energy to cook the food. You need energy for your hot water, for lighting, for transportation, for clothing.

Life on this Earth would not be possible without energy. Oil, coal, gas... You name it.

If dimocrap scum can place restraints on energy, if they can control energy -- They control life on Earth itself. Every single aspect of your life will be under their control

THAT is what this is about. Control.

Anybody that doesn't see that is just too stupid to live and should commit suicide immediately

Let's explore your theory regarding human motives a little bit. You don't think that fossil fuel owners, and producers, and all the people who have massive financial interests (trillions of dollars) in maintaining the status quo wouldn't do whatever they thought was required (including lying about the existence and dangers of climate change), in order to maintain their control over the current system?

If that's what you think, you're their bitch!

All the blood sucking ticks who feed at the government trough are also willing to do the same thing, and the government gives them billions every year to generate global warming propaganda.

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