Global Warmists Preach Hunger, But Crops Just Grow And Grow


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
Global Warmists Preach Hunger, But Crops Just Grow And Grow
How often have warmists peddled the starvation scare?
Some examples:

Mark Rosegrant, International Food Policy Research Institute , February 2013:
FRAN Kelly: Dramatic falls in staple crop production, and a jump in malnutrition are predicted across the Asia Pacific in coming decades due to climate change. . . (Dr Mark Rosegrant) . . . according to your research which crops would be most affected?

Rosegrant: We’re finding that the key staples of rice, wheat and maize are going to have very large declines through most of Asia—anywhere from 15 to 25 per cent compared to a no-climate-change scenario.​

Professor Ian Lowe, president of the Australian Conservation Foundation, December 2012:
For example, the United Nations food agency has warned that it will be less and less likely that we can feed the human population if climate change continues on its present trajectory.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2001:
Acute water shortage conditions combined with thermal stress should adversely affect wheat and, more severely, rice productivity in India even under the positive effects of elevated CO2 in the future.​

German Advisory Council on Global Change, 2007:
The Climate Change as a Security Risk report by the German Advisory Council on Global Change called on governments meeting this week at the climate change conference in Bali to adopt deep emissions cuts to avert disaster…. According to the report… India, Pakistan and Bangladesh could see falls in wheat and rice yields as the monsoon changes.​

David Lobell, Stanford University, 2008:
Impoverished farmers in South Asia and southern Africa could face growing food shortages due to climate change within just 20 years, a new study says…

“The majority of the world’s one billion poor depend on agriculture for their livelihoods,” said the lead author of the new study, David Lobell of Stanford University.

“Unfortunately, agriculture is also the human enterprise most vulnerable to changes in climate.”​

Elizabeth Ainsworth, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2008:
Rice is arguably the world’s most important food source and helps feed about half the globe’s people. But yields in many areas will drop as the globe warms in future years, a review of studies on rice and climate change suggests.

…when the evidence from some 80 different studies is combined, the outlook is bleak, says Elizabeth Ainsworth of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.​

Green activist Cameron Scott :
Most major political shifts are caused at least in part by economic pressures. Food prices are now at an all-time high. Those prices have, according to a wide range of analysts, contributed to the political revolts first in Tunisia and now in Egypt… But here’s the kicker: Food prices aren’t just some arbitrary economic statistic. They measure (inversely) the planet’s success at sustaining its human population. And right now, it’s not doing so well. The reason? Erratic weather spurred by climate change.​

The Age, 2013:
Imagine India in 2033. It has overtaken China as the most populous nation. Yet with 1.5 billion citizens to feed, it’s been three years since the last monsoon. Without rain, crops die and people starve.

The seeds of conflict take root.

This is one of the scenarios Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, presented today to members of the United Nations Security Council in New York to show the connection between climate change and global security challenges.​

I think the warmists were wrong again:

The cult sure does have a tough time with predictions, don't they?
I hear it told that grasses are a better CO2 sink than trees.

But I imagine the eugenicist streak running a mile wide through the global warming scam wouldn't stand for growing more grains to feed more people.
Part of the AGW formula includes Agriculture which is 15% of their mantra.

So what does that tell you about it's loyal church members?
Pay no never mind to the 39 million U.S. Acres of ethanol-bound corn which actually exacerbates the issue.
Again CO2 does not drive climate!

And your credentials for making such a statement? Your articles showing the evidence for that in what peer reviewed scientific journals? Your lectures presented in what universities?

Perhaps you should really consider what the absorption spectra of GHGs means.
Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight | Worldwatch Institute

Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight

Product Number:
Following several years of declining harvests, the world’s farmers reaped a record 2.316 billion tons of grain in 2007.1 (See Figure 1.) Despite this jump of 95 million tons, or about 4 percent, over the previous year, commodity analysts estimate that voracious global demand will consume all of this increase and prevent governments from replenishing cereal stocks that are at their lowest level in 30 years.2

The global grain harvest has nearly tripled since 1961, during a time when world population doubled.3 As a result, the amount of grain produced per person grew from 285 kilograms in 1961 to a peak of 376 kilograms in 1986.4 (See Figure 2.) In recent decades, as the growth in grain production has matched population growth, per capita production has hovered around 350 kilograms.5

But output per person varies dramatically by region. For instance, it stands at roughly 1,230 kilograms per year in the United States, most of which is fed to livestock, compared with 325 kilograms in China and just 90 kilograms in Zimbabwe.6
After years of crop crises, U.S. harvest beckons new era of plenty...almost | Reuters
Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:16am EDT
(Reuters) - For much of the past six years, the global grain markets have lurched from one crop crisis to the next, keeping inventories low and food prices high.

Now, as harvest machines across the U.S. Midwest prepare to reap the nation's biggest corn crop in history, a sea change seems imminent, one that could transform the market. No longer will a constant a fear of scarcity drive prices. Instead, traders be battling for market share instead of scrambling for supplies.

But, warn experts, we are not there yet. At least one more trouble-free global growing cycle is necessary to safely put the past few years of uncomfortably high food prices behind us. Global stockpiles, while recovering, are still far from the 80-or-so days worth of demand that will keep panic at bay.

Chief among their concerns is that demand for cash crops could accelerate now that prices for things like corn and wheat have fallen by as much as half. Meanwhile, still-elevated costs for inputs like fertilizer, seeds and fuel may dampen some farmers' enthusiasm to keep the production throttle at maximum.
Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight | Worldwatch Institute

Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight

Product Number:
Following several years of declining harvests, the world’s farmers reaped a record 2.316 billion tons of grain in 2007.1 (See Figure 1.) Despite this jump of 95 million tons, or about 4 percent, over the previous year, commodity analysts estimate that voracious global demand will consume all of this increase and prevent governments from replenishing cereal stocks that are at their lowest level in 30 years.2

The global grain harvest has nearly tripled since 1961, during a time when world population doubled.3 As a result, the amount of grain produced per person grew from 285 kilograms in 1961 to a peak of 376 kilograms in 1986.4 (See Figure 2.) In recent decades, as the growth in grain production has matched population growth, per capita production has hovered around 350 kilograms.5

But output per person varies dramatically by region. For instance, it stands at roughly 1,230 kilograms per year in the United States, most of which is fed to livestock, compared with 325 kilograms in China and just 90 kilograms in Zimbabwe.6

So why not re-direct the 39 million acres of U.S. Ethanol-bound corn acres to a crop that can actually feed the world?

That answer would lie within the same reasoning that justifies the wholesale slaughter of the avian species in the name of "green" energy.
Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight | Worldwatch Institute

Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight

Product Number:
Following several years of declining harvests, the world’s farmers reaped a record 2.316 billion tons of grain in 2007.1 (See Figure 1.) Despite this jump of 95 million tons, or about 4 percent, over the previous year, commodity analysts estimate that voracious global demand will consume all of this increase and prevent governments from replenishing cereal stocks that are at their lowest level in 30 years.2

The global grain harvest has nearly tripled since 1961, during a time when world population doubled.3 As a result, the amount of grain produced per person grew from 285 kilograms in 1961 to a peak of 376 kilograms in 1986.4 (See Figure 2.) In recent decades, as the growth in grain production has matched population growth, per capita production has hovered around 350 kilograms.5

But output per person varies dramatically by region. For instance, it stands at roughly 1,230 kilograms per year in the United States, most of which is fed to livestock, compared with 325 kilograms in China and just 90 kilograms in Zimbabwe.6

So why not re-direct the 39 million acres of U.S. Ethanol-bound corn acres to a crop that can actually feed the world?

That answer would lie within the same reasoning that justifies the wholesale slaughter of the avian species in the name of "green" energy.

If you gave a damn about avian species you'd stop the fossil fuels like coal and oil from killing well over a million per year. You'd then tar down the buildings that kill 20-30 times that...
Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight | Worldwatch Institute

Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight

Product Number:
Following several years of declining harvests, the world’s farmers reaped a record 2.316 billion tons of grain in 2007.1 (See Figure 1.) Despite this jump of 95 million tons, or about 4 percent, over the previous year, commodity analysts estimate that voracious global demand will consume all of this increase and prevent governments from replenishing cereal stocks that are at their lowest level in 30 years.2

The global grain harvest has nearly tripled since 1961, during a time when world population doubled.3 As a result, the amount of grain produced per person grew from 285 kilograms in 1961 to a peak of 376 kilograms in 1986.4 (See Figure 2.) In recent decades, as the growth in grain production has matched population growth, per capita production has hovered around 350 kilograms.5

But output per person varies dramatically by region. For instance, it stands at roughly 1,230 kilograms per year in the United States, most of which is fed to livestock, compared with 325 kilograms in China and just 90 kilograms in Zimbabwe.6

So why not re-direct the 39 million acres of U.S. Ethanol-bound corn acres to a crop that can actually feed the world?

That answer would lie within the same reasoning that justifies the wholesale slaughter of the avian species in the name of "green" energy.

From the git-go I have stated I considered using a food crop, or the fields that could grow food crops to grow fuel a moral issue. Second, the mills kill very few birds compared to the petroleum industry, and both kill few compared to tall building with lots of windows.

'Green energy', wind, solar, geothermal, ect. is here to stay, not because of the support from 'liberals', but because of economics.
Yea, those scientists. What a bunch of stupid people. They never get anything right. What have they ever done? Nothing important. Right wingers are right not to pay any attention to those dumb ass scientists with all their book learning and science. Nothing ever came of it anyway. Name something they got right. Ever.
Again CO2 does not drive climate!

And your credentials for making such a statement? Your articles showing the evidence for that in what peer reviewed scientific journals? Your lectures presented in what universities?

Perhaps you should really consider what the absorption spectra of GHGs means.

I could ask the same questions about you!

However all the evidence gather proves that CO2 does not drive climate.

No AGW church member has shown any datasets and source code to show this.
Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight | Worldwatch Institute

Grain Harvest Sets Record, But Supplies Still Tight

Product Number:
Following several years of declining harvests, the world’s farmers reaped a record 2.316 billion tons of grain in 2007.1 (See Figure 1.) Despite this jump of 95 million tons, or about 4 percent, over the previous year, commodity analysts estimate that voracious global demand will consume all of this increase and prevent governments from replenishing cereal stocks that are at their lowest level in 30 years.2

The global grain harvest has nearly tripled since 1961, during a time when world population doubled.3 As a result, the amount of grain produced per person grew from 285 kilograms in 1961 to a peak of 376 kilograms in 1986.4 (See Figure 2.) In recent decades, as the growth in grain production has matched population growth, per capita production has hovered around 350 kilograms.5

But output per person varies dramatically by region. For instance, it stands at roughly 1,230 kilograms per year in the United States, most of which is fed to livestock, compared with 325 kilograms in China and just 90 kilograms in Zimbabwe.6

So why not re-direct the 39 million acres of U.S. Ethanol-bound corn acres to a crop that can actually feed the world?

That answer would lie within the same reasoning that justifies the wholesale slaughter of the avian species in the name of "green" energy.

Because the environmentalists pushed for ethanol.

Obama started the push for ethanol ahead of the 2007 Iowa Caucuses and his first bid for the White House.

So why are you against this?
Yea, those scientists. What a bunch of stupid people. They never get anything right. What have they ever done? Nothing important. Right wingers are right not to pay any attention to those dumb ass scientists with all their book learning and science. Nothing ever came of it anyway. Name something they got right. Ever.
So far, almost none of their climate models has been right.

You have heard of irony, haven't you? :rofl:
Yea, those scientists. What a bunch of stupid people. They never get anything right. What have they ever done? Nothing important. Right wingers are right not to pay any attention to those dumb ass scientists with all their book learning and science. Nothing ever came of it anyway. Name something they got right. Ever.

You keep spelling "rdean" wrong.
Yea, those scientists. What a bunch of stupid people. They never get anything right. What have they ever done? Nothing important. Right wingers are right not to pay any attention to those dumb ass scientists with all their book learning and science. Nothing ever came of it anyway. Name something they got right. Ever.
So far, almost none of their climate models has been right.

You have heard of irony, haven't you? :rofl:

This was published in 1981 by the National Academy of Science. In it Dr. Hansen and the other authors make several very astute predictions concerning what the observed warming was going to do. At that time, the denialists were denying that there was any warming at all.

The irony is that you believe yourself to be informed, when, with every post, you displaying bone deep ignorance.

Publication Abstracts

Hansen et al. 1981
Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.
the ruse list from these people is a mile long............and notice, always attached to bombs. Problem for them is.......nobody is caring.
Yea, those scientists. What a bunch of stupid people. They never get anything right. What have they ever done? Nothing important. Right wingers are right not to pay any attention to those dumb ass scientists with all their book learning and science. Nothing ever came of it anyway. Name something they got right. Ever.
So far, almost none of their climate models has been right.

You have heard of irony, haven't you? :rofl:

I've heard a lot of denialists who can't get their facts right.

And the FACT that NO ONE on your side of this argument has the faintest idea how to BUILD a GCM doesn't incline me to put a lot of faith in your opinion Ms Bag.
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