"Gloves made of human skin, taken from living people" ☭ How Moscow Marxists (Bolshevik gang ) created sadistic death squads!


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
"On the windowsill of the room next to the basement in which the executions were carried out, Lekhno and other members of the commission "found one intact and two tattered gloves made of human skin, taken from living people." What was happening in the Kharkov Cheka is difficult to describe, but in the USSR Sayenko was repeatedly awarded and died a natural death at the age of 87. According to some reports, after the war he was even awarded the Order of Lenin. Therefore, I believe that the assumptions about the Chekists with mental disabilities are not groundless....

not only open opponents of the Bolsheviks were subject to liquidation, but also those who, under certain circumstances, could become an enemy due to wealth, education, profession, social origin, experience of service in tsarist Russia. It was not without reason that Latsis, speaking about the Cheka, said: “The need for this body was felt all the more acutely because the Soviet government did not have an apparatus for spiritual re-education. Hence the urgent need for an apparatus of coercion and cleansing."


In the former USSR, nothing mattered but the party. The party was their god as people lived and died according to party policy.

Today, with the cancel culture the US is beginning to emulate that concept, as nothing is more important that the PC of the democrat party.

But they way Stalin canceled you was, he would first murder you and then try and remove any evidence of you ever existing, like scrubbing you out of photos, etc.
In the former USSR, nothing mattered but the party. The party was their god as people lived and died according to party policy.
I knew Republicans were the same as communists, thanks for reminding me. The only difference is Trump is their God, not the party.
Hey man!!!!

Don't be giving the Dementocraps and Libturdz any ideas!!!


It's not like they study history.

I knew Republicans were the same as communists, thanks for reminding me. The only difference is Trump is their God, not the party.
The Chekists ensured the security and inviolability of the power of the nomenklatura, its collective property and privileged position. The organs of the Cheka (since 1922 - the GPU under the NKVD of the RSFSR, from 1923 - the OGPU under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR) were not without reason considered primarily an "armed detachment of Marxist party"
Cheka-OGPU became an instrument with the help of which the Bolsheviks radically changed the structure of Russian society, eliminating entire classes and socio-professional groups. A simple example: by 1917 there were 146 thousand Orthodox clergy and monastics in Russia, there were almost 56 thousand parishes, more than 67 thousand churches and chapels. In 1917-1939, out of 146 thousand clergy and monastics, the Bolsheviks killed more than 120 thousand, the vast majority in the 1930s under Stalin, as a result of the practical activities of the employees of the OGPU and the Main Directorate of State Security (GUGB) of the NKVD of the USSR. By the fall of 1939, only from one hundred and fifty to three hundred Orthodox parishes and no more than three hundred and fifty churches were operating in the Soviet Union. Thus,in the first 22 years of Soviet power, the Bolsheviks - with the indifference of the vast majority of the Orthodox by baptism of the population - managed to almost completely destroy the largest loca "Orthodox" Church in the world.


Ukraine 1941 ▶ Lviv Lemberg Great Prison Massacre (June 1941) Executions by Soviet GPU NKVD​


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