Go Canada

Canadians get bashed pretty regularly on this part of the board. It is only fair that we acknowledge their support of the US as well.
Frankly, Every Canadian I have met has been a good person - They tend to be more cultured, AND better dressers than the average American. :)
-=d=- said:
Frankly, Every Canadian I have met has been a good person - They tend to be more cultured, AND better dressers than the average American. :)
I dunno about the "better dressers" part. They seem about the same as US citizens to me.
TheEnemyWithin said:
Really? I've never been there before...tell us about it :D
you wouldn't be trolling now would you?
Well, unbeknownst to many, the Canadiens have provided a lot of support to US endeavors that is not generally publicly acknowledged. Haitti, Somallia, Afghanistan, etc.
CSM said:
Well, unbeknownst to many, the Canadiens have provided a lot of support to US endeavors that is not generally publicly acknowledged. Haitti, Somallia, Afghanistan, etc.
...and will absolutely again. We all know the problems centres on Iraq. I think both countries have similar goals, in the international sense. I do believe there is a disagreement on how we are to get there, which we did discuss in a past thread. A lot of tension could be removed if we could just say "Hey. I don't agree with what you did or did not do. Let's move on and try to work better in the future."

Instead the reality of the current US/Canada relationship is more akin to two Middle School girls fighting where each gives the other the silent treatment and talks about them behind their back. It's childish, but no one ever said diplomacy was for grown ups.

Maybe we all just need to have a short shouting match, then kick back and forget about the whole thing over a few beers. Canadian, of course. :D
CSM said:
I dunno about the "better dressers" part. They seem about the same as US citizens to me.
Even been to Quebec? They redefine cosmopolitan. At least Montreal and Quebec City do.

The West is still a bunch of hosers eh.
Yes, I've become more aware that Canada has more conservatives than you'd think, and the ones that are liberal are absolute to-the-left-of-Hillary liberal. Maybe I should go fishing up there sometime...hey CSM, do americans have to show ID to get in? :p:
CSM said:
Canadians get bashed pretty regularly on this part of the board. It is only fair that we acknowledge their support of the US as well.

I agree, it is only fair to acknowledge Canada's support of the US. It was great right after 9-11! However, to be honest, I have seen little support recently. :huh:

But for the most part I have always liked our Canadian friends, especially the conservative ones. :clap1:

Isaac Brock said:
Even been to Quebec? They redefine cosmopolitan. At least Montreal and Quebec City do.

The West is still a bunch of hosers eh.

Wouldn't it be better to have an identity of one's own instead of imitating eurolibs, who's country's are in turmoil due to the idiocy of their notions of governance?
rtwngAvngr said:
Wouldn't it be better to have an identity of one's own instead of imitating eurolibs, who's country's are in turmoil due to the idiocy of their notions of governance?
Who says we're imitating?
Isaac Brock said:
Who says we're imitating?

It's obvious you are. You canadian libs with low self esteem so long to be considered as intellectually superior as the EuroFauxIntellectuals. You should emulate us. We're better. Look at the collapsing european countries. Their head is up their ass on security, economics, the future, etc. Is this who you want to emulate? Paris? what a shithole.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's obvious you are. You canadian libs with low self esteem so long to be considered as intellectually superior as the EuroFauxIntellectuals. You should emulate us. We're better. Look at the collapsing european countries. Their head is up their ass on security, economics, the future, etc. Is this who you want to emulate? Paris? what a shithole.

Rhetoric. All I said is that people from Quebec, on average, dress well.

Apparently the legions of Armani, Gucci and Prada wearing people have create the new Red Menace. Run to the hills! The well dressed Reds are coming!
Isaac Brock said:
All I said is that people from Quebec, on average, dress well.

Apparently the legions of Armani, Gucci and Prada wearing people have create the new Red Menace. Run to the hills! The well dressed Reds are coming!

Almost. They're mostly hypocritical urban pseudo-intellectuals, suckling off the government teat, basking in the illusory glow of the riches of the governmental post confiscation economy.
rtwngAvngr said:
Opinion, and yours, nonethebetter.

Almost. They're mostly hypocritical urban pseudo-intellectuals, suckling off the government teat, basking in the illusory glow of the riches of the governmental post confiscation economy.

Nope, they're just Quebecers and they're doing A-ok.
Isaac Brock said:
Opinion, and yours, nonethebetter.

Nope, they're just Quebecers and they're doing A-ok.

Nope. You libs seek to emulate eurosocialists. You want to please them. You feel proud when your cities seem like theirs. How bereft of confidence you are.

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