Go Canada

rtwngAvngr said:
Nope. You libs seek to emulate eurosocialists. You want to please them. You feel proud when your cities seem like theirs. How bereft of confidence you are.

No we don't see the world in black and white, in dualities rigidly stuck in between two ideologies that are just that: ideologies. With no flexibility in hand, your ability to adapt world changes is failing. You are the outstretched arm, rigid, strong, unmoving but ultimately brittle to reality. Absolutism has been tossed out ages, though apparently its adherents, have not.
Isaac Brock said:
No we don't see the world in black and white, in dualities rigidly stuck in between two ideologies that are just that: ideologies. With no flexibility in hand, your ability to adapt world changes is failing. You are the outstretched arm, rigid, strong, unmoving but ultimately brittle to reality. Absolutism has been tossed out ages, though apparently its adherents, have not.

No, you see it through a lens of economic naivete, and a short memory span, intentionally cut short by socialists seeking to deny the ideas that made western civilization great.
Alrighty then! I have been to Montreal and a few othe Canadian cities as well. I have also been to many cities across Europe. I dont find them any more "cosmopolitan" than any other. They all have their glamourous side, their professional side and their seedy side. So does every US city. The biggest noticeable difference (to me anyway) between European cities and US/Canadien cities is age and history. European cities have buildings, monuments, and even roads that are thousands of years old. You dont see that in the US or Canada. Not saying it is good or bad...just different.

By the way, I should mention that nice clothes dont impress me much. I've seen near naked (and some naked) strippers with more integrity than ANY well dressed politician (from ANY country)!
As Frank Sinatra once sang "you've either got or you haven't got style", and I believe I have flare! :mm:
Said1 said:
As Frank Sinatra once sang "you've either got or you haven't got style", and I believe I have flare! :mm:

I'm more function over form type, go polar fleece, go! :banana:
Hey any place that houses the Hockey Hall of Fame is alright in my book.


They are generally good friends. Along with the UK and Australia they come along for almost every US endeavor.
rtwngAvngr said:
No, you see it through a lens of economic naivete, and a short memory span, intentionally cut short by socialists seeking to deny the ideas that made western civilization great.

To assert that there is one and will be only one way to greatness to me is sad and harmful to societal evolution. Your thoughts on absolute duality of Capitalism and Socialism is unnecessarily limited and contravenes reality, both current and historical. Adapt, die or die trying.
Isaac Brock said:
To assert that there is one and will be only one way to greatness to me is sad and harmful to societal evolution. Your thoughts on absolute duality of Capitalism and Socialism is unnecessarily limited and contravenes reality, both current and historical. Adapt, die or die trying.

Socialism is just tyranny by the state. It's something very old and barbaric. Not enlighened at all.
rtwngAvngr said:
Socialism is just tyranny by the state. It's something very old and barbaric. Not enlighened at all.

Acceptance of sole existance of a duality in the construct of society is false and unrooted, and indeed quite primative. Societal flexibility is a positive trait. Absolutism is antequated.
Isaac Brock said:
Acceptance of sole existance of a duality in the construct of society is false and unrooted, and indeed quite primative. Societal flexibility is a positive trait. Absolutism is antequated.

Ummm. whatever you say, nonsense-boy.
Isaac Brock said:
As always, "enlightening".

You last post was utter nonsense. What is the false duality I insist on, or whatever. Could you make your mad ramblings more accessible to the more logically minded?
rtwngAvngr said:
You last post was utter nonsense. What is the false duality I insist on, or whatever. Could you make your mad ramblings more accessible to the more logically minded?

My dear RWA, you are not one to lecture me on nonsense. I could mention the score of a Leaf's games and you would mention their failing were due to your "socialist" boggyman interference. However, I can try to bring this down a few notches for you as you requested.

You see the world in terms of poles based on the the only two notions you can conceive. The world is not polar and does not follow your conception. Your argument is academic at best, but more certainly not reflective of reality.

Perhaps, this discussion should be moved out of this thread as it is severely, yet unsurprisingly, off-topic.
Isaac Brock said:
My dear RWA, you are not one to lecture me on nonsense. I could mention the score of a Leaf's games and you would mention their failing were due to your "socialist" boggyman interference. However, I can try to bring this down a few notches for you as you requested.

You see the world in terms of poles based on the the only two notions you can conceive. The world is not polar and does not follow your conception. Your argument is academic at best, but more certainly not reflective of reality.

Perhaps, this discussion should be moved out of this thread as it is severely, yet unsurprisingly, off-topic.

What are those poles that form the basis of my worldview?
rtwngAvngr said:
What are those poles that form the basis of my worldview?

Democratic, unrestrictive free market one hand, totalitarian socialism on the other. Nothing to suggest alternatives in between or beyond. Two rigid, and absolute poles.
Isaac Brock said:
Democratic, unrestrictive free market one hand, totalitarian socialism on the other. Nothing to suggest alternatives in between or beyond. Two rigid, and absolute poles.

Those pretty much are the endpoints of the spectrum of possibilities. Wouldn't you agree? Of course there are in between states of existence. I accept trust busting legislation, for instance.

I just want you to accept that a lower governmental burden stimulates business and jobs grow naturally out of that, so people can live and work and be happy. Maybe you have just internalized the meme of self destruction from your enemies who dress themselves as your comrades in global peace.
rtwngAvngr said:
Those pretty much are the endpoints of the spectrum of possibilities. Wouldn't you agree? Of course there are in between states of existence. I accept trust busting legislation, for instance.
I would disagree. That would be akin to me saying there will be no more scientific breakthroughs, because they don't exist right now. It's simply not historically responsible.

I just want you to accept that a lower governmental burden stimulates business and jobs grow naturally out of that, so people can live and work and be happy. Maybe you have just internalized the meme of self destruction from your enemies who dress themselves as your comrades in global peace.
I simply cannot accept completely unregulated business and no social programs as a viable society. The example would be Europe at the turn of the Industrial revolutions. There must always be checks and evolution in a healthy society in order for it remain viable. The greatest societies in human histories arose because they offered their citizens something different. Conversely, static, stagnant societies fell. Innovation, flexibility over the status quo.

Western Civilization found an excellent innovation in capitalism, which elevated them over planned and feudal societies. We indeed have a better society than we did before, but to say it cannot be better, is self-defeating. If societies want to stay on top, they must do so by improving their system over others to remain in power. To stagnate is to decline.
Isaac Brock said:
I would disagree. That would be akin to me saying there will be no more scientific breakthroughs, because they don't exist right now. It's simply not historically responsible.
What? Focus. We're talking about economics, it basically goes from a completely "planned" totalitarian economy, to a totally unregulated one with lots of individual firms striving to maximize their own individual profits. What are you prattling on about?
I simply cannot accept completely unregulated business and no social programs as a viable society. The example would be Europe at the turn of the Industrial revolutions. There must always be checks and evolution in a healthy society in order for it remain viable. The greatest societies in human histories arose because they offered their citizens something different. Conversely, static, stagnant societies fell. Innovation, flexibility over the status quo.

Western Civilization found an excellent innovation in capitalism, which elevated them over planned and feudal societies. We indeed have a better society than we did before, but to say it cannot be better, is self-defeating. If societies want to stay on top, they must do so by improving their system over others to remain in power. To stagnate is to decline.

You want to go back to planned and feudal. And you've invented a feel good rhetoric of "fairness" to support your regressive policies. Or maybe you didn't do it, Isaac, maybe you're just one of the many, the proud, the brainwashed.
Ladies and gentlemen, Isaac is experiencing massive amounts of cognitive dissonance right now, as evidenced by his rambling thought pattern, unresponisiveness and emotionality. He is evolving before our eyes. He will be one of us soon enough.

He will rise like a neocon phoenix from the lib ashes of his former self, at which point he will be rechristened as "BushBoy".
rtwngAvngr said:
Ladies and gentlemen, Isaac is experiencing massive amounts of cognitive dissonance right now, as evidenced by his rambling thought pattern, unresponisiveness and emotionality. He is evolving before our eyes. He will be one of us soon enough.

He will rise like a neocon phoenix from the lib ashes of his former self, at which point he will be rechristened as "BushBoy".

I think that's gonna push him right over the edge. :D

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