"God and Donald Trump"


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
Or, you know. Not.

Good video, I read his dad's book back in the day. I went to Basic Youth Conflicts (if anybody is checking my bona fides, since so many people believe that if you're not for DJT, you can't possibly be a person of faith.) I'm not anymore, but I was for several decades.


I think he (Frances Junior) makes a very good point, in that for Evangelicals, this is a theological point, and they will not be swayed. So there will be no debate, no rationalization, no - nothing. They can't hear us on the DJT front any more than they can on the death and resurrection front.

Probably something good to know going forward.

Despite Trump’s many scandals ― including allegations of affairs with porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal ― the president maintains a 78 percent approval rating among white evangelicals, according to a Pew Research poll last month.

“Evangelicals still believe in the commandment: Thou shalt not have sex with a porn star,” Trump-supporting pastor Robert Jeffress said on Fox News last month. “However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him.”

And this is in current events because it's all news at the top of the news cycle. If you think it belongs elsewhere, feel free to notify a mod.
And this is in current events because it's all news at the top of the news cycle. If you think it belongs elsewhere, feel free to notify a mod.
...But what exactly do you want to be the focus of the thread's discussion? From your OP, I can't tell....There're plenty of things I know it isn't, but I don't know what you intend it to be.
Good point. I thought I was pretty strong on it being about the white evangelical base, 78% wholehearted support. I never thought of it as being theological (and maybe someone will tell me it isn't?) I would really love that.

Did you watch the video? He made a lot of very good, valid points. And I would love some evangelicals to rebut him.
I'm a man of faith who simply can't stand religmo's

They are mankinds counter celestial spawn who have no soul, but they sure want yours!

Good point. I thought I was pretty strong on it being about the white evangelical base, 78% wholehearted support. I never thought of it as being theological (and maybe someone will tell me it isn't?) I would really love that.

Did you watch the video? He made a lot of very good, valid points. And I would love some evangelicals to rebut him.

I'll gladly rebut him without even watching the video.

Most of the great men and women of the Bible were in real life, horrible people.

Noah was a drunk

Abraham was too old

Isaac was a daydreamer

Jacob was a liar

Leah was ugly

Joseph was abused

Moses had a stuttering problem (Moses stuttered)

Gideon was afraid

Samson had long hair and was a womanizer

Rahab was a prostitute

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young

David was an adulterer and a murderer

Elijah was suicidal

Isaiah preached naked

Jonah ran from God

Naomi was a widow

Job went bankrupt

John the Baptist ate bugs

Peter denied Christ

The disciples fell asleep while praying

Martha worried about everything

The Samaritan woman was divorced (more than once)

Zacchaeus was too small

Paul was too religious

Timothy had an ulcer

Lazarus was dead

But God chose them to do His great works, just as He chose Donald Trump to lead this country. So are you so pure and without sin that you should be throwing stones?

Nope, you want to operate in a vacuum, that’s fine. I won’t be discussing it with you, then.
Nope, you want to operate in a vacuum, that’s fine. I won’t be discussing it with you, then.

Sorry to suck all the hot air out of your thread.

Maybe your next one will do better. :biggrin:
Good point. I thought I was pretty strong on it being about the white evangelical base, 78% wholehearted support. I never thought of it as being theological (and maybe someone will tell me it isn't?) I would really love that.

Did you watch the video? He made a lot of very good, valid points. And I would love some evangelicals to rebut him.
Did you watch the video?

I would love some evangelicals to rebut him.
I'm not an evangelical anything, least of all an evangelical Christian. FWIW, I ascribe to my own agglomeration of Episcopal and Jesuit ideas about a number of things, but to only my own theistic/dogmatic notions.
Good point. I thought I was pretty strong on it being about the white evangelical base, 78% wholehearted support. I never thought of it as being theological (and maybe someone will tell me it isn't?) I would really love that.

Did you watch the video? He made a lot of very good, valid points. And I would love some evangelicals to rebut him.

I'll gladly rebut him without even watching the video.

Most of the great men and women of the Bible were in real life, horrible people.

Noah was a drunk

Abraham was too old

Isaac was a daydreamer

Jacob was a liar

Leah was ugly

Joseph was abused

Moses had a stuttering problem (Moses stuttered)

Gideon was afraid

Samson had long hair and was a womanizer

Rahab was a prostitute

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young

David was an adulterer and a murderer

Elijah was suicidal

Isaiah preached naked

Jonah ran from God

Naomi was a widow

Job went bankrupt

John the Baptist ate bugs

Peter denied Christ

The disciples fell asleep while praying

Martha worried about everything

The Samaritan woman was divorced (more than once)

Zacchaeus was too small

Paul was too religious

Timothy had an ulcer

Lazarus was dead

But God chose them to do His great works, just as He chose Donald Trump to lead this country. So are you so pure and without sin that you should be throwing stones?


My little sister would often say I could fall into a pile of shit and come out smelling like a rose.
I thank God for that.
Didn't Trump make some remark about empowering Christianity a while back?

That I do not know. I know there was an allegation of a quote that Republicans are stupid and etc, but I think that one was disproven.

I think what we're seeing today is whatsisface, I need to look up the quote.


This is exactly what we are up against now.
Your thread sucks and your picture of the book is enormous and lacks any substance about describing the book. FYI- I am not up against anything. Have a nice day.
Or, you know. Not.

Good video, I read his dad's book back in the day. I went to Basic Youth Conflicts (if anybody is checking my bona fides, since so many people believe that if you're not for DJT, you can't possibly be a person of faith.) I'm not anymore, but I was for several decades.

View attachment 185959

I think he (Frances Junior) makes a very good point, in that for Evangelicals, this is a theological point, and they will not be swayed. So there will be no debate, no rationalization, no - nothing. They can't hear us on the DJT front any more than they can on the death and resurrection front.

Probably something good to know going forward.

Despite Trump’s many scandals ― including allegations of affairs with porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal ― the president maintains a 78 percent approval rating among white evangelicals, according to a Pew Research poll last month.

“Evangelicals still believe in the commandment: Thou shalt not have sex with a porn star,” Trump-supporting pastor Robert Jeffress said on Fox News last month. “However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him.”

And this is in current events because it's all news at the top of the news cycle. If you think it belongs elsewhere, feel free to notify a mod.
Should be in conspiracy theories.
Or, you know. Not.

Good video, I read his dad's book back in the day. I went to Basic Youth Conflicts (if anybody is checking my bona fides, since so many people believe that if you're not for DJT, you can't possibly be a person of faith.) I'm not anymore, but I was for several decades.

View attachment 185959

I think he (Frances Junior) makes a very good point, in that for Evangelicals, this is a theological point, and they will not be swayed. So there will be no debate, no rationalization, no - nothing. They can't hear us on the DJT front any more than they can on the death and resurrection front.

Probably something good to know going forward.

Despite Trump’s many scandals ― including allegations of affairs with porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal ― the president maintains a 78 percent approval rating among white evangelicals, according to a Pew Research poll last month.

“Evangelicals still believe in the commandment: Thou shalt not have sex with a porn star,” Trump-supporting pastor Robert Jeffress said on Fox News last month. “However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him.”

And this is in current events because it's all news at the top of the news cycle. If you think it belongs elsewhere, feel free to notify a mod.
Should be in conspiracy theories.

On what basis.
The penchant for religmo control is no conspiracy , it's a reality we've had to live since our FF's penned a constitution excluding the theocratic control they fled from

Theocracies are the most toxic form of governance this rock has, or will ever see

They insidiously gain control, and make no mistake, it's about CONTROL, via their 'believers' bowing to Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Yahweh , etc.

their modus operandi is imparting doctrine to the masses , and because that doctrine hails from on high, it HAS TO BE the epitome of human morality , that everyone must accept, and no one can question

In America they've infiltrated our pledge, our currency, our courts, schools, hospitals , you name it

the irony being celestial morality is always skewed through the lens of terrestrial interpretation completely escapes them

but not the shill politicians , who suck it up like creme fed kittens

Were Jesus to return today, i highly doubt he would even recognize the 'religion' He started

Better yet, a sure sign of the 2nd coming might be a huge smokin' hole where the Vatican used to be


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