God and jesus believe in socialism


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

God’s low to the Israelites was distribution of the wealth. “Gleaning” was one way that socialism was practiced. God took from other nations and gave to the Israelites and then he took for the Israelites and gave to the nations. He took the Kingdom of Heaven from them and gave it to the nations.
Jesus approved of taxes, healing the sick and feeding the poor which were socialistic practices.
Right Wing Regilioius Nuts and Village Idiots call this “stealing” and “robbery” The government do ask from you more than what you can afford and what is fair.
Giving to charities is not the same as the government distributions because they distribute according to rules, regulations and guide lines. Money given to charitable organizations it is almost never given to the poor.
GOD was the ultimate socialist when he gave his son as a ransom for our sins.
When you give to your church, especially the Catholic church, that is socialism because that money is distributed to the poor.

Is God a Socialist?
Oct 10, 2008
Is God a Socialist? - Vox

God’s low to the Israelites was distribution of the wealth. “Gleaning” was one way that socialism was practiced. God took from other nations and gave to the Israelites and then he took for the Israelites and gave to the nations. He took the Kingdom of Heaven from them and gave it to the nations.
Jesus approved of taxes, healing the sick and feeding the poor which were socialistic practices.
Right Wing Regilioius Nuts and Village Idiots call this “stealing” and “robbery” The government do ask from you more than what you can afford and what is fair.
Giving to charities is not the same as the government distributions because they distribute according to rules, regulations and guide lines. Money given to charitable organizations it is almost never given to the poor.
GOD was the ultimate socialist when he gave his son as a ransom for our sins.
When you give to your church, especially the Catholic church, that is socialism because that money is distributed to the poor.

Is God a Socialist?
Oct 10, 2008
Is God a Socialist? - Vox

I suppose that there are some similarities but is the government God? Is is the same force that can morally compel us to do things that a religions can and command the same respect? This is the question that should be asked the next time you compare government compulsion with the will of God. You should realize that government is not God but composed of people who are no different than yourself who have decided that you must give to the poor. No one would tolerate any group of people telling them to do things so why should it be different with the government?

There are those that still believe that people should have a sense of choice over what practices that they do with their own lives especially if those actions taken don't interfere with the life and property of others. There is an old liberal saying which is true and that your rights end the minute they violate mine. Well I would say that is true about your own rights to property. My property rights ends the minute they violate the rights over someone else's property which is why you only have the right to redistribute your own property and no one elses.
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God’s low to the Israelites was distribution of the wealth. “Gleaning” was one way that socialism was practiced. God took from other nations and gave to the Israelites and then he took for the Israelites and gave to the nations. He took the Kingdom of Heaven from them and gave it to the nations.
Jesus approved of taxes, healing the sick and feeding the poor which were socialistic practices.
Right Wing Regilioius Nuts and Village Idiots call this “stealing” and “robbery” The government do ask from you more than what you can afford and what is fair.
Giving to charities is not the same as the government distributions because they distribute according to rules, regulations and guide lines. Money given to charitable organizations it is almost never given to the poor.
GOD was the ultimate socialist when he gave his son as a ransom for our sins.
When you give to your church, especially the Catholic church, that is socialism because that money is distributed to the poor.

Is God a Socialist?
Oct 10, 2008
Is God a Socialist? - Vox

A better question.....do socialist marxists believe in Jesus and God............?

God’s low to the Israelites was distribution of the wealth. “Gleaning” was one way that socialism was practiced. God took from other nations and gave to the Israelites and then he took for the Israelites and gave to the nations. He took the Kingdom of Heaven from them and gave it to the nations.
Jesus approved of taxes, healing the sick and feeding the poor which were socialistic practices.
Right Wing Regilioius Nuts and Village Idiots call this “stealing” and “robbery” The government do ask from you more than what you can afford and what is fair.
Giving to charities is not the same as the government distributions because they distribute according to rules, regulations and guide lines. Money given to charitable organizations it is almost never given to the poor.
GOD was the ultimate socialist when he gave his son as a ransom for our sins.
When you give to your church, especially the Catholic church, that is socialism because that money is distributed to the poor.

Is God a Socialist?
Oct 10, 2008
Is God a Socialist? - Vox

Stop lying you fucking lying twat!
No, God and Jesus believe in private initiative in helping the poor and sick. They did not believe in Person A forcing Person B to do so at the point of a gun.

Just at the tongue of the flames of hell ;)
A better question.....do socialist marxists believe in Jesus and God............?

You can't be a real Marxist (hold the views of Marx) and a socialist. Socialist view as the end what Marx views as a means, much as Social democrats view as an ends what Mao viewed as a means.
No, God and Jesus believe in private initiative in helping the poor and sick. They did not believe in Person A forcing Person B to do so at the point of a gun.

Jesus regarding taxation.
And he said unto them, Then render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's,

Yes, that which is Caesar's. Not that which Caesar claims is his.

Some one who obviously has no concept of taxation and caesar, if caesar said it was his then it was his.:lol::lol:
Why do Librul have to lie about Socialism? Why can't they just man up about it?

They should proudly point to Hitler, Mao and Stalin as their Statist heroes, why must they blaspheme against God and Jesus?

God’s low to the Israelites was distribution of the wealth. “Gleaning” was one way that socialism was practiced. God took from other nations and gave to the Israelites and then he took for the Israelites and gave to the nations. He took the Kingdom of Heaven from them and gave it to the nations.
Jesus approved of taxes, healing the sick and feeding the poor which were socialistic practices.
Right Wing Regilioius Nuts and Village Idiots call this “stealing” and “robbery” The government do ask from you more than what you can afford and what is fair.
Giving to charities is not the same as the government distributions because they distribute according to rules, regulations and guide lines. Money given to charitable organizations it is almost never given to the poor.
GOD was the ultimate socialist when he gave his son as a ransom for our sins.
When you give to your church, especially the Catholic church, that is socialism because that money is distributed to the poor.

Is God a Socialist?
Oct 10, 2008
Is God a Socialist? - Vox
Blasphemy hardly wins anyone over to the side of the jackbooted authoritarian liar.
Well, if you check what the rules for the governing of Israel were in the Torah, you would understand that yes, God and Yeshua are BOTH socialists.

Why else is the family unit so instrumental? Because it's a SOCIAL instrument. And, in socialism, everyone takes care of everyone else, and everyone shares in the profits.

It also works in the business world. Check Google and Yahoo for that one.

I also like the system of pay in Japan. CEO's can only make 1,000 times what their lowest paid employee makes.

That way EVERYONE in that company benefits when it does good, and everyone suffers when it doesn't.

God’s low to the Israelites was distribution of the wealth. “Gleaning” was one way that socialism was practiced. God took from other nations and gave to the Israelites and then he took for the Israelites and gave to the nations. He took the Kingdom of Heaven from them and gave it to the nations.
Jesus approved of taxes, healing the sick and feeding the poor which were socialistic practices.
Right Wing Regilioius Nuts and Village Idiots call this “stealing” and “robbery” The government do ask from you more than what you can afford and what is fair.
Giving to charities is not the same as the government distributions because they distribute according to rules, regulations and guide lines. Money given to charitable organizations it is almost never given to the poor.
GOD was the ultimate socialist when he gave his son as a ransom for our sins.
When you give to your church, especially the Catholic church, that is socialism because that money is distributed to the poor.

Is God a Socialist?
Oct 10, 2008
Is God a Socialist? - Vox
Blasphemy hardly wins anyone over to the side of the jackbooted authoritarian liar.

Speaking of jackboots, those were worn by the fascist Nazis.

They were extremely RIGHT wing, not left.

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