Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
ill take lots of flack for this,but its true. Obama is a communist. At least BILL CLINTON was a moderate democrat.

His failures-
The intelligence wall created between the FBI/CIA that blocked intelligence that contributed to the allowance of 9/11,by jamie gorelick.
he lied under oath.

Successes vs. Obama
1.stable oil prices
2.better economy.cross the board.
3.less unemployment,far less...
Clinton was too busy boinking interns and raping secretaries to do the damage that Obama has done to this country.

Clinton screwed his employees more than he screwed the country.

THANK GOD Clinton was a sexual predator, and not an arrogant leftist puppet like Obama.
Every president in my lifetime was a better president than obama.

Each and every one of them made some effort to unite our country while obama appears to do everything in his power to divide the people of this country.

All the others, president clinton included, was capable of compromise for the good of the country. Obama doesn't posess the skillset to do so and it just makes him appear arrogant.

Even president garfield was a better president than obama.

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Hahaha.....thats part of the point.
way better,he had the morals of a pig,not excusable,but things were far more stable.
Every president in my lifetime was a better president than obama.

Each and every one of them made some effort to unite our country while obama appears to do everything in his power to divide the people of this country.

All the others, president clinton included, was capable of compromise for the good of the country. Obama doesn't posess the skillset to do so and it just makes him appear arrogant.

Even president garfield was a better president than obama.
I still say LBJ was worse.....But not by much.
To oddball...
this country is lucky it survived the 60s.
point taken.
ill take lots of flack for this,but its true. Obama is a communist. At least BILL CLINTON was a moderate democrat.

His failures-
The intelligence wall created between the FBI/CIA that blocked intelligence that contributed to the allowance of 9/11,by jamie gorelick.
he lied under oath.

Successes vs. Obama
1.stable oil prices
2.better economy.cross the board.
3.less unemployment,far less...

That's funny you say that now because back then you were saying the same lies about Clinton that you are now saying about Obama.

THE 1992 CAMPAIGN: The Republicans; HW Bush Paints Clinton as 'Social Engineer
Published: September 18, 1992 NY TIMES

President Bush delivered a slashing assault on Gov. Bill Clinton's economic policies today, painting his rival as a "social engineer" whose proposed tax and spending increases threaten the life styles and freedoms of Middle America. :lol:

Unleashing some of the most pointed language of his campaign, Mr. Bush cast the Democratic Presidential nominee as an Oxford-educated liberal bent on reviving big-government theories that have failed in capitals "from Warsaw to Prague to Moscow."

Sound familiar? :lol:
ill take lots of flack for this,but its true. Obama is a communist. At least BILL CLINTON was a moderate democrat.

His failures-
The intelligence wall created between the FBI/CIA that blocked intelligence that contributed to the allowance of 9/11,by jamie gorelick.
he lied under oath.

Successes vs. Obama
1.stable oil prices
2.better economy.cross the board.
3.less unemployment,far less...

You don't need to be forgiven for speaking the TRUTH.
Every president in my lifetime was a better president than obama.

Each and every one of them made some effort to unite our country while obama appears to do everything in his power to divide the people of this country.

All the others, president clinton included, was capable of compromise for the good of the country. Obama doesn't posess the skillset to do so and it just makes him appear arrogant.

Even president garfield was a better president than obama.
I still say LBJ was worse.....But not by much.

Agreed...although he was just before my lifetime.
Any President you can name was better for this country than Obama. Any!
Every president in my lifetime was a better president than obama.

Each and every one of them made some effort to unite our country while obama appears to do everything in his power to divide the people of this country.

All the others, president clinton included, was capable of compromise for the good of the country. Obama doesn't posess the skillset to do so and it just makes him appear arrogant.

Even president garfield was a better president than obama.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

This has to be the most slanted post I have ever seen. Obama hasn't compromised? Have you had your head buried in the sand for the past 4 years? Did you watch the debt ceiling debates? Did you see the GOP shoot down Obama's jobs bill? Zero compromise from the GOP and you have the balls to say this?

And I love it that for years you guys had a good case that Carter was "the worse", but clearly GW Bush was the worst president ever. And history will judge him so. At least ONE OF the worst.

You are clearly insane and stupid.
To oddball...
this country is lucky it survived the 60s.
point taken.
LBJ set in motion the debt that we're eating today.

The accumulated money pissed away on Medicare, the Great Society welfare state and the Vietnam war easily account for 2/3 of our present gubmint debt.

Then there were the 58,000+ dead American boys.
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Any President you can name was better for this country than Obama. Any!

That pretty much says it all. Pick ANY President of the United States out of a hat, and they would be better than the arrogant a-hole who occupies the White House right now.

Nixon, LBJ, G.W. Bush, Carter, Hoover, Wilson, Cleveland, Clinton................ALL better.

Even Millard Fillmore. Even William Henry Harrison. Even James Buchanan.

How LOW can Obama go? Obama is the number one ranked LIMBO dancer in the world! :clap2:
Every president in my lifetime was a better president than obama.

Each and every one of them made some effort to unite our country while obama appears to do everything in his power to divide the people of this country.

All the others, president clinton included, was capable of compromise for the good of the country. Obama doesn't posess the skillset to do so and it just makes him appear arrogant.

Even president garfield was a better president than obama.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

This has to be the most slanted post I have ever seen. Obama hasn't compromised? Have you had your head buried in the sand for the past 4 years? Did you watch the debt ceiling debates? Did you see the GOP shoot down Obama's jobs bill? Zero compromise from the GOP and you have the balls to say this?

And I love it that for years you guys had a good case that Carter was "the worse", but clearly GW Bush was the worst president ever. And history will judge him so. At least ONE OF the worst.

You are clearly insane and stupid.

Clearly you have had your head in the sand. No Obama hasn't compromised. I did watch the debt cieling debate. The GOP folded and Obama got what he wanted: The debt ceiling was raised with no cuts to spending. Not surprisingly we got a credit downgrade immediately afterwards.

Obama's "jobs" bill was nothing of the sort. The House has sent 15+ bills to the Senate that would encourage growth in the private sector. Both Obama and Reid have refused to even discuss them.

And dont even get me started on Obamacare.

You would say the sun wasnt shining at noon, wouldn't you?

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