God, Government and the Poor

Well, every American gets 12 years of free education. Its too bad that democrats stopped teaching them essential skills and instead groom them to be fags and trannies. Community college is free to.

At any rate, most normal people want a job and do not want free cheese.

Your misdirect is pathetically sad bullshit.

I repeat:

QUOTE: . . . . In my thread a leftwing democrat forum member went on to respond with Scripture about helping the poor. The inference there was that democrats help the poor and Republicans do not.

That is a common belief, and a total lie.

Who has heard the phrase, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

This is so applicable today: Democrats love to give a man a fish and feed him for a day, or in our case they love to give people free cheese and food stamps. Republicans want to teach a man to fish and feed him for life, or in our case, create a strong economy with good jobs and allow all Americans the dignity or earning a living. Democrats do not seem to grasp the concept of personal dignity and the Godliness of a honest days labor.

So, when it comes to helping the poor, Republican policies are best. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Under President Trump we reached the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and in case anyone forgot, Trump achieved the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment rates on record. As I say, a rising tide lifts all boats.

And as for social issues like sodomy (gay marriage) and killing (abortion) etc., well we all know what God says about those.

Go with GOD and go with GOP

ABC News October 4, 2019, 2:30 PM

The usual rubbish. Your wonderful 'free enterprise system' crashed a long time ago, nothing but corporate welfare and giant bank bailouts for criminals. Republicans don't do any better than Democrats. Republicans want to make it illegal for people to sleep on public property and demand we criminalize poverty. They don't really support free markets and the results. They just support the middle classes and rich voting themselves big Federal and state bennies.
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It's the god of republicans too.

Rand Paul sure does, depending......................

December 15 2021
Destructive tornados have swept through five states in the South and Midwest, leaving 88 people dead and many more without homes or power. Most of the damage has been concentrated in Kentucky where at least 74 people have died.

Paul sent a letter to Biden endorsing a request from Beshear that the president declare a major disaster in the state and start sending personnel from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to start assessing and responding to the damage done.

Paul also signed onto a Sunday letter sent by the Kentucky congressional delegation asking Biden for federal individual disaster assistance, which pays for things like temporary housing and repairs to damaged uninsured private property.

The two major examples cited to prove Paul's hypocrisy involve his opposition to supplemental appropriation bills in to provide aid in the wake of 2012's Hurricane Sandy and the hurricanes and wildfires that occurred in 2017.

In both cases, Paul proposed amending these bills so that they offset these supplemental appropriations—which ended up being $51 billion for Hurricane Sandy and a whopping $136 billion for 2017's disasters—with spending cuts elsewhere in the budget.

Ron PAul was one of the four biggest porksters in Congress. I think only Newt Gingrich surpassed him most years. 'Libertarians' are the biggest frauds around when it comes to practicing what they preach.
Recently I posted an article called "30 Good Things President Trump Has Done for America"

At the end of the list the author states this:

"If you believe (as I do) that God is sovereign over the affairs of nations, do you think that Donald Trump’s presidency has been evidence of divine blessing or divine judgment? I admit that perceiving divine purposes in human events is a task that cannot be proved with certainty one way or another, but when I look over this list of 30 actions, it appears to me to be far more characteristic of divine blessing than of divine judgment. If others disagree, I respect your right to have a different opinion, but that is my view"

In my thread a leftwing democrat forum member went on to respond with Scripture about helping the poor. The inference there was that democrats help the poor and Republicans do not.

That is a common belief, and a total lie.

Who has heard the phrase, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

This is so applicable today: Democrats love to give a man a fish and feed him for a day, or in our case they love to give people free cheese and food stamps. Republicans want to teach a man to fish and feed him for life, or in our case, create a strong economy with good jobs and allow all Americans the dignity or earning a living. Democrats do not seem to grasp the concept of personal dignity and the Godliness of a honest days labor.

So, when it comes to helping the poor, Republican policies are best. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Under President Trump we reached the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and in case anyone forgot, Trump achieved the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment rates on record. As I say, a rising tide lifts all boats.

And as for social issues like sodomy (gay marriage) and killing (abortion) etc., well we all know what God says about those.

Go with GOD and go with GOP

ABC News October 4, 2019, 2:30 PM
Not in 2020 unemployment hit numbers like the Great Depression
So how long does it take to teach somebody to fish, and what do they eat while they're being taught? What good does teaching them to fish do if there aren't enough fish to go around, or no fish left at all?
How are there no fish to go around? We have tens of millions of jobs available, many requiring no skills or education and yet paying $17 and $18 an hour, and we still have able-bodied adults sitting home and collecting Other People’s Money.

There’s no excuse for a household with two or more adults to be on welfare when not a single one of them has a job.
The god of Liberals is government.

They want their god to be worshipped.
That’s why they’re so hostile to religious people. They don’t want them worshipping Gd….they want them worshipping the Democrat State.
And not in the Bible. When Jesus (who is in the Bible) fed the multitude, did he give them fish or did he tell them to get off their lazy asses and go catch some fish?
The multitude wanted to make Jesus their earthly king after the free meal, but Jesus evaded them and disappeared.

Giving them the fish was to gain their attention only. He had no intention of being a meal ticket for them so that he could attain earthly power.

His disciples were bewildered, just like you are.
So how long does it take to teach somebody to fish, and what do they eat while they're being taught? What good does teaching them to fish do if there aren't enough fish to go around, or no fish left at all?
It is obvious there is a problem with our poverty programs. And the political class with activists seem to keep the system the same only adding a program here and there while increasing taxes on the peasant.
In July of 2022 the UE Rate was at 3.5%. Did I miss you thread proclaiming Biden was also a blessing from God due to this fact?
All that means is that the lazy people sitting at home living off of other people‘s money aren’t bothering to look for jobs. You need to research what the UE rate actually measures.
All that means is that the lazy people sitting at home living off of other people‘s money aren’t bothering to look for jobs. You need to research what the UE rate actually measures.

It measures the exact same thing it did when Trump was POTUS
And yet they somehow achieved the exact same UE results for which you worship Trump for achieving.
I don't worship Trump

Trump was a Progressive democrat for most of his life as he gave democrats millions in political donations to morons like Schumer.

Now Trump is reaping what he has sown as well.
God would not approve of 90 percent of the wealth in the hands of a few. He would also approve of social security and Medicare, two programs needed desperately by the working masses.
God would not approve of 90 percent of the wealth in the hands of a few. He would also approve of social security and Medicare, two programs needed desperately by the working masses.
Do you really believe God approves of much going on in the world right now, or over the history of mankind?

Remember, God in the flesh wound up on a cross for a reason, but most discount that had a reason or significance.

Instead, people like yourself just want money.
I don't worship Trump

Trump was a Progressive democrat for most of his life as he gave democrats millions in political donations to morons like Schumer.

Now Trump is reaping what he has sown as well.
The libs are always saying how Trump voters worship their Orange God. Our only “sin” was selecting a pro-American president over a senile one who is weakening the country and spewing venom against American citizens who don’t think the way he demands.
And not in the Bible. When Jesus (who is in the Bible) fed the multitude, did he give them fish or did he tell them to get off their lazy asses and go catch some fish?

This is somewhat a double entendre. Jesus took a few fish and fed thousands. He told the apostles to follow him and he would make them fishers of men.

The rubes can talk themselves into anything.
How many copies has that book sold? Y'all keep using it as an example of something, but name one person who's actually read it.

You can't.
The multitude wanted to make Jesus their earthly king after the free meal, but Jesus evaded them and disappeared.

Giving them the fish was to gain their attention only. He had no intention of being a meal ticket for them so that he could attain earthly power.

His disciples were bewildered, just like you are.

I guess you own a different Bible than I.

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