God... Is Time.

physics proves this. You can't "unprove" physics
Repeating your lie as coming from "physics" does not make it any less of a lie. Please link to a physics text book that clearly states your lie.

there is no physio-neurological perception of time for over 99% of the species on Earth both fauna and flora, once again the neo-psudo religiosity exhibits its profound detachment from the true nature and understanding of sustainable life in our universe.

physics proves this. You can't "unprove" physics
Repeating your lie as coming from "physics" does not make it any less of a lie. Please link to a physics text book that clearly states your lie.

You can look in any physics textbook and find the speed of light. We can't observe things immediately in the present. Light has to travel to our eyes. Unless you can show me a physics book that denies this, it stands as valid physics and I don't need to link you to it. If you want to play stupid, that's fine with me... you do it very well.
Okay, let's slide back to my Super Bowl example above... everyone gets this... you know that watching it on television is not the same perception of present as watching it live in the stadium. Our perception of 'present' can be many seconds delayed due to technology... but not just technology, physics as well.

You are in the stadium watching the game from the nosebleed section. Is your perception of "the present time" the same as someone standing on the sideline? Light has to travel further to you than the person on the sideline, so their perception of "the present" is not happening at the same time as yours. Physics has 'delayed the broadcast' of present reality. In fact, even the person on the sideline is not seeing "the present" because no one can, it's physically not possible.
I first considered writing the one-millionth thread on the philosophical discussion of a Creator, then I paused and thought deeper. Is there some way to break through the typical mundane chore of battling our way through various debates on religion and religious dogma to arrive at some point of mutual understanding or consideration? I am not sure if there is, but it's worth thinking about if you are able to hang your preconceptions at the door and be open minded.

The primary weapon of those who disbelieve concepts of God is science. There is no physical evidence to support the idea of God, therefore God is rejected as a possibility. We are all familiar with the argument, so what is the point in yet another thread to debate this? It's really pointless, right? But the thing is, science doesn't draw conclusions of certainty on the matter of God, or anything else, really. Science merely explores probability and possibility. Man creates conclusions of certainty, and at that moment, he also abandons science for faith. Science continues to explore possibility, and if possibility has been determined to not exist, science can do no more.

I am often asked what is my "proof" that God exists. My proof is Time. Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?

Does time exist
I first considered writing the one-millionth thread on the philosophical discussion of a Creator, then I paused and thought deeper. Is there some way to break through the typical mundane chore of battling our way through various debates on religion and religious dogma to arrive at some point of mutual understanding or consideration? I am not sure if there is, but it's worth thinking about if you are able to hang your preconceptions at the door and be open minded.

The primary weapon of those who disbelieve concepts of God is science. There is no physical evidence to support the idea of God, therefore God is rejected as a possibility. We are all familiar with the argument, so what is the point in yet another thread to debate this? It's really pointless, right? But the thing is, science doesn't draw conclusions of certainty on the matter of God, or anything else, really. Science merely explores probability and possibility. Man creates conclusions of certainty, and at that moment, he also abandons science for faith. Science continues to explore possibility, and if possibility has been determined to not exist, science can do no more.

I am often asked what is my "proof" that God exists. My proof is Time. Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?

Time is something only perceived by an observer if he is aware of it as being time. A good example of this is when you're in a hurry to be somewhere at a planned time in the future. As you're rushing to your appointment while walking on a sidewalk, you come to an intersection with traffic lights. You miss the green light and have to wait until the light turns green again. You look at your watch to see how slowly the second hand is moving. It appears that the light will never turn green again but eventually it does. When you finally get across to the other side of the street, you run into an old friend who gets you involved in a conversation. After an hour goes by, you get a thought in your mind to look at your watch to see what time it is. You learn that it's been an hour but it seems like only a few minutes have gone by. Now you realize you're way late for your appointment and have to make a call to explain why you're late. With this analogy, it's easy to see how time is only an illusion that's perceived to be real by an observe but only when he thinks of time passing by.

Time is something only perceived by an observer if he is aware of it as being time.

If this is true, then in your analogy, you should be able to perceive that you are on time even though you're not. Of course we know this is not so. Regardless of your observations, awareness and perception, time still passes by.

Time is not an illusion. Our perception of time is an illusion, specifically our perception of the present. We only have perception of time after it has passed. We can't perceive the present because of physics. What we perceive as present is already in the past.

Here's a little different analogy... You can say you watched the Super Bowl live when it happened on your TV. But you actually didn't see it live. What you saw on television was several seconds delayed and was no longer "live" as in the present. If you were in the stadium, you can also say you saw the game live as it happened, but again... you didn't. You saw the reflection of light frequency bouncing off objects and traveling to your eyes where the image is transmitted to your brain and registered as something you saw. By the time this all takes place, what you see is already in the past. The point of this analogy is, we can have different perception of the same thing and both perceptions can be inaccurate.

There are no objects out there to be seen. Everything we observe is an illusion such as time, space, and matter. Scientists will remain confused by what they think they observe before this first age ends.

When you body dies, you will instantly wake up in two new bodies in the next age, ready to start experiencing life but in the next age, we won't understand what time means. That's because we won't be seeing any darkness or build watches. We won't have any memories of the first age because all the information of the first age will have been deleted from the virtual program we're in. Since time won't exist in our new high frequency spoken language that we will all learn in Paradise, we won't be talking about it.
Okay, let's slide back to my Super Bowl example above... everyone gets this... you know that watching it on television is not the same perception of present as watching it live in the stadium. Our perception of 'present' can be many seconds delayed due to technology... but not just technology, physics as well.

You are in the stadium watching the game from the nosebleed section. Is your perception of "the present time" the same as someone standing on the sideline? Light has to travel further to you than the person on the sideline, so their perception of "the present" is not happening at the same time as yours. Physics has 'delayed the broadcast' of present reality. In fact, even the person on the sideline is not seeing "the present" because no one can, it's physically not possible.

What makes you believe physicists are correct in their theories about light?
One's perception of God can only be personal. It doesn't have to, and may not be possible to, be the same for anyone else. Insisting that it be the same for others is an insult to them and to God. It also qualifies as mentally ill, since the delusion that one is supremely right is a sure sign.

Let me be clear, I am not insisting anyone believe in the same God or that anyone has to believe in a God at all. I am simply arguing, as God requires our faith, so does the presence of the present. I've demonstrated that what we perceive as present is actually in the past. Based on our perception of the past, we trust there was a present, we just can't observe it.

All we will ever observe is one picture at a time being processed at a rate that makes objects appear to move. This means we can never observe the future or the past at the same moment we're observing the present picture. This doesn't mean that God can't give us pictures of the future or the past but while He's having us observe pictures of the future or past, we cannot observe the present.
physics proves this. You can't "unprove" physics
Repeating your lie as coming from "physics" does not make it any less of a lie. Please link to a physics text book that clearly states your lie.

You can look in any physics textbook and find the speed of light. We can't observe things immediately in the present. Light has to travel to our eyes. Unless you can show me a physics book that denies this, it stands as valid physics and I don't need to link you to it. If you want to play stupid, that's fine with me... you do it very well.
So you have no physics textbook reference to back your contention that there is no present time because light, WHICH EXISTS IN THE PRESENT, takes an interval of time to reach our eye.
Thank you.
This begs the question, does time exist in the dark? If it does than the speed of light striking our eye is as meaningless to the present as everything you post.
What makes you believe physicists are correct in their theories about light?

I am someone who understands science is the study and examination of possibilities. It doesn't draw conclusions. That is something done by man. The greatest scientists we know were people who challenged what physics and science collectively assumed to be correct. Science marches on, it doesn't satisfy a need to 'prove' something. Again, man does that.

Science has measured the speed of light. This isn't a theory, it's a physical fact that light travels at 186,282 miles per second. It's a biological fact that our eyes perceive the reflection of light which has traveled there. These are unquestionable facts that haven't been challenged. The thing about light is... do we mean a particle, photon, wave, frequency, energy? What exactly IS light?

You could say God is Light as well as Time. Light, Time and Matter (96% of the dark variety we can't comprehend) are what comprise our entire reality. What IS the present? We cannot observe it... we cannot test or evaluate it. Our senses rely on time passing for us to perceive anything. We rely on faith that the present happened because the past seems to indicate this.
All we will ever observe is one picture at a time being processed at a rate that makes objects appear to move. This means we can never observe the future or the past at the same moment we're observing the present picture. This doesn't mean that God can't give us pictures of the future or the past but while He's having us observe pictures of the future or past, we cannot observe the present.

You are still missing the point. We're not observing the present picture... ever. We can't. It's not physically possible for us to observe what happens in the present. All our perceptions are reliant upon our senses which rely upon time passing. Everything you perceive has already happened and is in the past. We have all kinds of memories of the past, and we can even speculate about the future... we can't see the future and we can't see the present. Only the past.
When you body dies, you will instantly wake up in two new bodies

What do you mean by "you" and what is "wake up" to the subject of your 'youness'? Your physical body is dead, it doesn't live on. Why would this "you" need another body...OR TWO? Kinda creepy sounding to me.

We can get into all kinds of wild speculations about afterlife, but this thread isn't really about opinions on what you think happens after you die. I don't know the answer and no one does. Even those who believe in God and think they are going to heaven, don't know... they're not going to know until they die. They have faith and it's okay for humans to have faith, we rely on faith in order to perceive reality.
physics proves this. You can't "unprove" physics
Repeating your lie as coming from "physics" does not make it any less of a lie. Please link to a physics text book that clearly states your lie.

You can look in any physics textbook and find the speed of light. We can't observe things immediately in the present. Light has to travel to our eyes. Unless you can show me a physics book that denies this, it stands as valid physics and I don't need to link you to it. If you want to play stupid, that's fine with me... you do it very well.
So you have no physics textbook reference to back your contention that there is no present time because light, WHICH EXISTS IN THE PRESENT, takes an interval of time to reach our eye.
Thank you.
This begs the question, does time exist in the dark? If it does than the speed of light striking our eye is as meaningless to the present as everything you post.

I don't need any physics books to understand what our Creator has directly taught me.

Everything man perceives with his senses is an illusion that isn't real at all. Think of created man as information ( processor ) that is used to process other information into information he can understand. Similar in the way a computer works.

Computer binary code is a way to take thoughts ( invisible information in the form of waves, or vibrations ) from the mind and process them into other information through a computer processor such as sound, visible objects on a computer screen, visible movements of robots, printed language, artwork, etc.

Our Creator created each being as information ( waves ), much like a computer processor. Think of each created being as a computer linked to all of God's stored thoughts as invisible waves, which is His computing language. Each created being experiences batches of processed waves at a rate that gives the being the sense of being alive in a body. An analogy of this would be like playing a simulated computer game where you're looking out from a body. Think of the body as your body that you wake up in this world with. All you can do is experience your body moving about according to God's program called Eternal Life. The thoughts you're getting in your mind might not have anything do with what your body is doing because it's not always connected with what you're thinking about.

If you were birthed into this world with a dysfunctional body that can't move on it's own, you could still think of moving about in this world in a different body as long as you can observe other bodies moving about and picture that motion in your mind. This proves that your spirit ( thoughts, or information ) has nothing to do with the illusion called a body.

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