God... Is Time.

Blind people have other senses to experience life with so of course they know what the "present" means. We can only observe the present picture. Each picture we observe comes to us at a rate so fast that it's impossible to know we're only observing once picture at a time. Camera's are able to stop that present picture for us but we will never be able to see that one picture again unless our Creator has given you a picture of the future to observe. As you're observing that future picture that our Creator is having you observe, you cannot observe the present picture or past pictures.

Blind people can't observe anything, they are blind.

I never said we don't have an "experience" ...that's kinda stupid.

I fully understand your explanation of time as "slices" or "pictures" but you're still not understanding the point... you can't observe the "present picture" because it's not physically possible. Even if you say it over and over again like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz, you can never observe present time. The "frame" you are perceiving as "current" is already in the past, before your brain can even register that you've observed something. We cannot observe the present because of physics.

Now... If we cannot observe something, we can't evaluate or test it scientifically. It's the same with God. We can have FAITH, but that's not scientific. We literally rely on faith to perceive a present which is actually the past. Humans can only actually observe things which have already happened. It's basic Physics 101.
I know what you're trying to say but if you can't observe the present picture, than it's impossible to see anything. Motion and time only exists as we observe the present picture but at a fast enough rate to make objects look like there in motion.

You clearly don't know what I am saying because you keep trying to contradict it without any basis of understanding. You can't observe the present because it's not physically possible. It is physically impossible to "see" the present. Doesn't matter about motion and time or rates and frequency, you cannot see light until it travels to your eye. We do not observe "the present" because it's not possible. Everything we observe is in the past.
We cannot observe the present because of physics.
You do not have to observe the present to be aware of the present, and awareness is not faith.
Like everything you post, you pontificate without proof and then you play word games claiming absolute authority over the meaning of everything.
We cannot observe the present because of physics.
You do not have to observe the present to be aware of the present, and awareness is not faith.
Like everything you post, you pontificate without proof and then you play word games claiming absolute authority over the meaning of everything.

This is incorrect. Everything you are aware of but can't observe, test and evaluate, cannot be supported by physical science and must rely on faith. I am keenly aware of God... I can't observe, test or evaluate God physically, it requires faith.
Except the present can be tested and evaluated, and also measured by science.

Time is linear, the past proves the present proves the future.
you cannot see light until it travels to your eye
The present does not require light to exist, so your rationalization is meaningless as well as stupid.

Somehow you brain is still stuck on something I did not say. I've not claimed that "present time" doesn't exist. I've correctly stated that we cannot observe present time because it's not physically possible. And you've not refuted this.
Except the present can be tested and evaluated, and also measured by science.

Time is linear, the past proves the present proves the future.

Except.. No it can't. It's physically impossible. Whatever you are evaluating, testing or measuring, has already become part of the past and is no longer in the present.
Time is linear, the past proves the present proves the future.

Time is NOT linear, Time is relative. The past proves the past, that is all it can prove. "A proves B proves C" is quite simply an example of circular reasoning.
Except the present can be tested and evaluated, and also measured by science.

Time is linear, the past proves the present proves the future.

Except.. No it can't. It's physically impossible. Whatever you are evaluating, testing or measuring, has already become part of the past and is no longer in the present.
Actually, it can and is. You simply dont understand.

Past present and future are all proven concepts. Not a single one of them requires faith.
Time is linear, the past proves the present proves the future.

Time is NOT linear, Time is relative. The past proves the past, that is all it can prove. "A proves B proves C" is quite simply an example of circular reasoning.
Youre naming points on the line admitting theres a line but not admitting the points.

What youre doing is being retarded or daft on purpose.

Either way, past present and future - no faith required.
Once the concept of time was proven, past present and future were all proven.

Boss little ramblings of faith not required. Science. Thats it.
I've not claimed that "present time" doesn't exist. I've correctly stated that we cannot observe present time because it's not physically possible.
No, you said that since you can't observe the present with your eyeball, the existence of the present requires faith. That is pure bullshit, as you well know. LOGIC, not faith and not your eyeball, dictates that the present exists.
Of course, since you are NOT logical YOU can never be aware of the present.
Time is linear, the past proves the present proves the future.

Time is NOT linear, Time is relative. The past proves the past, that is all it can prove. "A proves B proves C" is quite simply an example of circular reasoning.
In the past I proved the future when I said you would post after my post, and you did. Therefore the very past record of this very thread proves the existence of the future.
Not to mwntion we can observe the present by touching a nerve end of the brain. Takes zero time for the signal to travel because the signal and the source occupy the same space.
Except the present can be tested and evaluated, and also measured by science.

Time is linear, the past proves the present proves the future.

Except.. No it can't. It's physically impossible. Whatever you are evaluating, testing or measuring, has already become part of the past and is no longer in the present.
Actually, it can and is. You simply dont understand.

Past present and future are all proven concepts. Not a single one of them requires faith.

Concepts are concepts. God is also a proven concept.

The only thing you have any physically observable 'proof' of is time passed.

No one can observe the present, therefore it cannot be scientifically evaluated. The instant which is the present, is not observable to us because physics prohibits it. We have a perception of 'present' which is already in the past. We "experience" the 'present' in the past.

Our faith in the 'present' is supported by sensory perceptions of time passing. We have to assume that what we experience as 'present reality' is accurate. But can we prove this? The answer is no, we must rely on faith. The faith that our perception of present reality is actual.
I've not claimed that "present time" doesn't exist. I've correctly stated that we cannot observe present time because it's not physically possible.
No, you said that since you can't observe the present with your eyeball, the existence of the present requires faith. That is pure bullshit, as you well know. LOGIC, not faith and not your eyeball, dictates that the present exists.
Of course, since you are NOT logical YOU can never be aware of the present.

I didn't say anything about your eyeball. All of your senses depend upon passage of time. Every perception you have is of something that has already happened and is forever in the past. Logic doesn't mean a damn thing to Science. The things man has thought to be "Logical" have been disproved by Science through all the ages. If you cannot observe, test or verify something... it is not supportable by science, it requires faith. This is true for Present Time and for God.

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