God... Is Time.

passage of time.
From what to what?

Past to more distant past.

Again... Because of physics having to happen, we cannot observe the moment of present time. I don't give a damn how long you want to obfuscate and dance around playing semantics games, that isn't going to change. All humans can have is a perception of is time which has already passed. The perception we assume is the present is already in the past forever. We require faith to believe our perception of the present is an accurate representation.
Of course we can observe the moment of present time. In spite of your whining to the contrary due to your religious fundamentalism, nothing in your false portrayal of physics refutes the above.

Speaking of false portrayals, still nothing to support your silly gawds=time™, meme?

I'm in a state of delusion for making an irrefutable physics argument?
You are in a state of delusion for thinking your pontification is an argument of any kind!

Well the argument stands until it is refuted. You've not refuted the argument.
You have yet to make an argument to refute, you simply pontificate and name drop "physics." Your pontifications have been thoroughly refuted by physics, but you are too delusional to see it in the present.

No, the OP makes an argument that human beings, being bound by physics, are unable to observe the moment known as "present time" and we rely on our faith in the perception we have of it after the fact. That's the argument you have not refuted. I predict you can't refute it and you'll continue to try and turn the argument into something you can win or simply LIE LIE LIE LIE about what has been said thus far.

So far, I have seen the hilarious "Hollie's Theory of Instantaneous Perception"™ in which we must suspend physics and assume that light doesn't need to travel and electric impulses don't need to transmit to our brain and our brain doesn't need to process the impulses into thought.... Seems a bit "magical" to me, and she never submitted anything of physics or science to support her faith. Then we have your argument that physics and science CAN measure and test something it can't observe. I've yet to see any credible support for your opinion. In fact, this is the 'go-to' argument for Atheist Science religious disciples in their Anti-God pontification. If Physics can actually measure and test that which cannot be observed, then it should be able to measure and test God. ....I like it.... G>U ...simple but elegant formula! ;)

And for all boss's pontificating, "Hollie's Theory of Instantaneous Perception"™ remains unaddressed.

Sorry bossy, but your pontificating in attempted support of your silly Gawds=time™ nonsense which you are unable to defend leaves you as just as another fundie zealot with baseless claims

Hollie's Theory of Instantaneous Perceptionhas been addressed. It fails the test of known physical principles. Nothing we can possibly perceive in a physical universe can happen instantly. Light has to travel, principles of physics have to function. When you touch things or hear things, nerves have to be stimulated and signals have to be sent to the brain, the brain has to transform the signals and interpret them as thoughts... then you realize a perception. So that's lots of physics we have to completely dismiss in order to have faith in your theory.

And let's be careful with the trademark symbols, it's a violation of federal law to misuse them. I never said "Gawds=time" so I want to make it clear that I am not the one violating copyright on that one. The thread title is "God... is Time" and in the OP it is fully explained what is meant by the title. What you have done is shown how a dishonest creep will take anything they can out of context to try and distort a message they don't want others to hear.
Boss is derp c

And GT is the type of Derp who abandons intellectual discourse to be a juvenile and hurl ad homs when he can't make any further coherent argument. This is the saddest of all Derps.. kind of a 'Me Gusta' sort of Derp often making a Fap Fap sound from his brain trying to formulate thoughts. Poor Me Gusta Derp...
I first considered writing the one-millionth thread on the philosophical discussion of a Creator, then I paused and thought deeper. Is there some way to break through the typical mundane chore of battling our way through various debates on religion and religious dogma to arrive at some point of mutual understanding or consideration? I am not sure if there is, but it's worth thinking about if you are able to hang your preconceptions at the door and be open minded.

The primary weapon of those who disbelieve concepts of God is science. There is no physical evidence to support the idea of God, therefore God is rejected as a possibility. We are all familiar with the argument, so what is the point in yet another thread to debate this? It's really pointless, right? But the thing is, science doesn't draw conclusions of certainty on the matter of God, or anything else, really. Science merely explores probability and possibility. Man creates conclusions of certainty, and at that moment, he also abandons science for faith. Science continues to explore possibility, and if possibility has been determined to not exist, science can do no more.

I am often asked what is my "proof" that God exists. My proof is Time. Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?

Science does accept things as fact without proof of existence. How else can you explain the fallacy of Man made global warming? LOL

As far as time and perception, We live in the present and input all our surroundings and events shaping our past as memory to learn from to go into the future.

God is the creator of everything...How God created it, why God created it, I dont have a clue, I expect some day Science will be able to tell us.
- bossy's stupidity OP continues ...

... but the Almighty is not bound by physiology nor the Spirit, it is the contrivance of Creation and the venomous to exalt fallacious and burdenous barriers against the willingness to Accomplish Remission to the Everlasting.

... faith be damned.

As far as time and perception, We live in the present and input all our surroundings and events shaping our past as memory to learn from to go into the future.

Well of course we "live in the present" where else could we live? The past? The future? No one is arguing that we don't live in the present or have perception of the present. The OP is about human faith. We cannot observe the present, whether we are living in it or not. This is because the laws of physics must happen before we have perception, which means time has to pass, which means our perceptions are no longer in the present but are in the past. So the present exists and is there but by the time we perceive it, the present has passed. We rely on our faith in the perceptions we have of the present as being accurate depiction of the actual present. There is no way to prove that it is.

This means the actual moment of present time is as much a matter of human faith as God.
passage of time.
From what to what?
Past to more distant past.
No one is arguing that we don't live in the present or have perception of the present.
Actually, you deny the very existence of the present as you let it slip out when I pressed you on your statement of the "passage of time." You pontificated that time passes from the past to the more distant past, not from the present to the past.

Of course, liar that you are you will deny your denial.
Boss is derp c

And GT is the type of Derp who abandons intellectual discourse to be a juvenile and hurl ad homs when he can't make any further coherent argument. This is the saddest of all Derps.. kind of a 'Me Gusta' sort of Derp often making a Fap Fap sound from his brain trying to formulate thoughts. Poor Me Gusta Derp...
You get what you deserve. Your theory is dopey. I treat you like a dope.

Youre no more than my bitch, on the internet. Calling yourself boss is negligible.
Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?
A perfect example of your self contradiction.
You admit that in physics time is a dimension that is divided into past, present and future. Those are definitions that in no way require perception or faith to exist.

You admit that evidence of the present exists in the past, and then in the very next breath you deny the existence of the very evidence you just acknowledged in order to claim that according to your pontificated modification of time requiring perception the awareness that a present has to exist requires faith and therefore equates to God.

Basically you are "arguing" that anything that involves faith equates to God. So by your own "logic" I have faith that your God is powerless and impotent to stop you from lying, therefore God is impotence and impotence is God.
Actually, you deny the very existence of the present as you let it slip out when I pressed you on your statement of the "passage of time." You pontificated that time passes from the past to the more distant past, not from the present to the past.

Of course, liar that you are you will deny your denial.

What the hell are you talking about? You've now gotten yourself so confused by trying to confound my argument that you're not even making any sense anymore. I don't know what you mean by "let it slip" ...like I'm somehow keeping a secret from you or something? Time passes, we have evidence time passes and I've never claimed that time didn't pass. Our perception of time passing is forever in the past because we can't fucking defy physics! Whatever we perceive as the present has already happened and is now in the past. It will get further in the past, it will never be in the future or present again. It wasn't in the present when we had perception of it because our physical perception depends on the laws of physics to happen before we can perceive. Are you too fucking retarded to grasp this or something? I've now wasted several days trying all kinds of ways to explain this to you, and you seem as if you just don't fucking want to accept basic physics.

Do you believe in Hollie's Theory of Instantaneous Perception™ where nothing requires time to happen?
Boss is derp c

And GT is the type of Derp who abandons intellectual discourse to be a juvenile and hurl ad homs when he can't make any further coherent argument. This is the saddest of all Derps.. kind of a 'Me Gusta' sort of Derp often making a Fap Fap sound from his brain trying to formulate thoughts. Poor Me Gusta Derp...
You get what you deserve. Your theory is dopey. I treat you like a dope.

Youre no more than my bitch, on the internet. Calling yourself boss is negligible.

Well first of all it's not a theory. It's physics which are very much provable with experimentation. You've come nowhere close to refuting that and you can't because it's physics and can't be refuted... Light takes time to travel, electric impulses take time to travel, the brain has to process impulses into thoughts and perception... this all takes TIME happening, it doesn't happen magically without physics applying... that's fantasy. So no matter how long you try and keep this balloon of disagreement in the air, the fact remains you don't have a physical leg to stand on here. You're all floundering around trying to reject physics and looking like a bunch of morons.
passage of time.
From what to what?
Past to more distant past.
No one is arguing that we don't live in the present or have perception of the present.
Actually, you deny the very existence of the present as you let it slip out when I pressed you on your statement of the "passage of time." You pontificated that time passes from the past to the more distant past, not from the present to the past.

Of course, liar that you are you will deny your denial.
Actually, you deny the very existence of the present as you let it slip out when I pressed you on your statement of the "passage of time." You pontificated that time passes from the past to the more distant past, not from the present to the past.

Of course, liar that you are you will deny your denial.

What the hell are you talking about? You've now gotten yourself so confused by trying to confound my argument that you're not even making any sense anymore. I don't know what you mean by "let it slip" ...like I'm somehow keeping a secret from you or something? Time passes, we have evidence time passes and I've never claimed that time didn't pass. Our perception of time passing is forever in the past because we can't fucking defy physics! Whatever we perceive as the present has already happened and is now in the past. It will get further in the past, it will never be in the future or present again. It wasn't in the present when we had perception of it because our physical perception depends on the laws of physics to happen before we can perceive. Are you too fucking retarded to grasp this or something? I've now wasted several days trying all kinds of ways to explain this to you, and you seem as if you just don't fucking want to accept basic physics.
And there you go again, playing dumb so you can create a Straw Man to free you to lie.

You claimed that time, NOT the "perception" of time, passes from the past to the more distant past in the part of my post that quoted you which you edited out to create your Straw Man.

Again you have shown no Law of Physics that requires the any perceptions in the defined division of the physical dimension of time into past present and future.
It's physics which are very much provable with experimentation.
Hold on just a minute there Slick, Since you can't observe any experiment in the present, all experimentation takes faith and therefore proves nothing except that God is experimentation and experimentation is God. :cuckoo:
Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?
A perfect example of your self contradiction.
You admit that in physics time is a dimension that is divided into past, present and future. Those are definitions that in no way require perception or faith to exist.

You admit that evidence of the present exists in the past, and then in the very next breath you deny the existence of the very evidence you just acknowledged in order to claim that according to your pontificated modification of time requiring perception the awareness that a present has to exist requires faith and therefore equates to God.

Basically you are "arguing" that anything that involves faith equates to God. So by your own "logic" I have faith that your God is powerless and impotent to stop you from lying, therefore God is impotence and impotence is God.

There is nothing contradicting about my argument. Definitions don't require faith, I never claimed they did. I've not modified anything, don't have any idea what you're talking about and I don't think you know either. You're just flailing blindly because you don't want to give up.

The present doesn't exist in the past, I never claimed it did. We have a perception of the present and that perception is happening after the present is gone forever. We can't observe the present because we have to wait for physics to happen. The only thing we can have is faith that our perception arriving in the past, presumably of the present, is an accurate representation of the actual present. You can bash on God all the hell you like, it doesn't change that you must have faith to believe the present is as we perceive it in the past because that's the truth.... physics must happen first.
This means the actual moment of present time is as much a matter of human faith as God.

"As much"



Every moment that passes furthers the probability that the present is continuing to occur.

This is increasing the probability of the present each time, to the tune of - as close to 100% probable as it can possibly get.

That you think the present requires AS MUCH faith as an unmeasured, non repeatable in terms of experimentation, entity called GOD, just shows the level of delusion and brainwash you suffered as a gullible little baby boy.

Fact, not fiction.
It's physics which are very much provable with experimentation.
Hold on just a minute there Slick, Since you can't observe any experiment in the present, all experimentation takes faith and therefore proves nothing except that God is experimentation and experimentation is God. :cuckoo:

We can observe that light travels at the speed of light and electrical impulses travel to the brain and that the brain process the impulses into thoughts and perceptions. We obviously don't need to observe the present to know these things because we know them and we can't observe the present.

I'm sorry you want to keep pretending that you don't understand this, I know that you understand my argument and you simply don't want to admit it. WHY? Who the hell knows? Maybe so you can continue bashing God and being a social degenerate? For whatever reason, you've decided along with a few others here, that you're just going to keep rejecting what was presented without any basis and do everything you can to convince others that my argument has failed. Well, you haven't presented a damn thing to refute my argument and you can't. It's basic physics and you know it is.
Time is God and God is Time. Before you jump to the conclusion this is not possible because Time is a physical dimension we can measure with science, consider the following: Our perception of Time is false. We assume Time exists, we can't perceive the present. We can divide Time into past, present and future. We have no perception of the future or if the future will happen at all. We only have evidence of the past, which includes our perceptions of the present. You see-- Every physical sense we have depends on the passing of time to happen. Something may happen in present time but by the time you perceive it, time has passed and it's in the past. The moment of the present is undetectable to mortal human beings. We assume the present time happened because evidence exists in the past that seems to confirm this. If we cannot observe it, does it really exist?
A perfect example of your self contradiction.
You admit that in physics time is a dimension that is divided into past, present and future. Those are definitions that in no way require perception or faith to exist.

You admit that evidence of the present exists in the past, and then in the very next breath you deny the existence of the very evidence you just acknowledged in order to claim that according to your pontificated modification of time requiring perception the awareness that a present has to exist requires faith and therefore equates to God.

Basically you are "arguing" that anything that involves faith equates to God. So by your own "logic" I have faith that your God is powerless and impotent to stop you from lying, therefore God is impotence and impotence is God.

There is nothing contradicting about my argument. Definitions don't require faith, I never claimed they did. I've not modified anything, don't have any idea what you're talking about and I don't think you know either. You're just flailing blindly because you don't want to give up.

The present doesn't exist in the past, I never claimed it did. We have a perception of the present and that perception is happening after the present is gone forever. We can't observe the present because we have to wait for physics to happen. The only thing we can have is faith that our perception arriving in the past, presumably of the present, is an accurate representation of the actual present. You can bash on God all the hell you like, it doesn't change that you must have faith to believe the present is as we perceive it in the past because that's the truth.... physics must happen first.
There you go again, creating a Straw Man to free you to lie and deny!

Dishonest lying scum that you are, made in the Image of God, you deliberately left out the word "EVIDENCE" to create your Straw Man, again proving God is impotence and impotence is God.
Thank you.

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