God Speaks ...


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2019
State of Jefferson
HEAVEN—A spokesperson for the Most High God confirmed that God will be ending humanity before any remake of The Princess Bride can be released.

Humanity was forced to acknowledge that the God of the Bible is good, merciful, and gracious after His spokesangels confirmed he would rather destroy all of humanity than force anyone to live in a universe where The Princess Bride was remade.

"Before The Princess Bride remake can see the light of day, The Lord will flatten all of humanity with fire and brimstone from on high, in His mercy," said a heavenly spokesperson. "Humanity will experience the sweet release of death rather than have to see someone try to remake the only perfect movie ever made."

"Seriously, trying to remake The Princess Bride? What's wrong with you people!"

After the announcement, even atheists were forced to admit that God is truly good to us. "I have finally seen the light," said Richard Dawkins as he repented in tears. "God is not a moral monster -- He is the very standard of goodness, truth, and justice."

Theologians further confirmed that since the invention of acts of mercy, there have only been five that were rated the most gracious, the most merciful. This one left them all behind.

The Babylon Bee -- June 29th, 2020

Even the four horsemen have turned away in shame ...
I agree the movie is perfect, but would not be made today since it shows men and women behaving in traditional ways.
I've always thought Cary Elwes was hideous looking ... funny and quick, just butt-ass ugly ... so that could be improved on ... the Robin Wrights of the world are a dime a dozen ...

It's the supporting cast that work so well ... only Billy Crystal can properly play the part of Billy Crystal, but those jokes ain't going to fly twice ... Andre the Giand has passed I believe, maybe put the Governator in that roll ... still ruinous ...

No ... the first has the most suspenseful and exciting chase scene ever recorded on film ... the greatest and most magnificent sword fight in all of human history ... Greco-Roman wrestling at a god-like standard ... a battle of wits that philosophers and rhetoricians still fiercely debate ...


Cast Aubrey Plaza as Wesley and I'd buy season tickets ...

ETA: My apologies to Steve McQueen ...

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