God vs Athiesm: Which Is More Rationale?

Google it. It's called the mathematics of probabilities. It is a course taught in college.
There is absolutely no proof of a god. Only faith. There is plenty of scientific theory. And there are plenty of facts that support those positions. Don't believe me? There's this thing called gravity. It has been scientifically proven. Don't believe me? Get in a plane. Go to about 12,000 feet. Jump out without a parachute. See what happens. As you are falling to your certain death, ask your god to save you. See what happens.
Only the uneducated attempt to segregate science and God, the creator of science.
You are the one who is uneducated about science & modern philosophy, and who believes your imagination of "God" has anything to do with science.
My God invented science.
A science that says explosions do not evolve into order on their own.
So who invented your god? :dunno:
Interestingly, everything we "know" about God comes "from" God himself. In the Bible, he is said to be omnipotent, yet nothing in the Bible, either historically or scientifically, was unknown to the people who wrote it down. God says he is the only God. Is he lying or just assumes that because he doesn't know of any others he must be alone. Maybe he was created by another God but just doesn't know it? How would we know?
Google it. It's called the mathematics of probabilities. It is a course taught in college.
There is absolutely no proof of a god. Only faith. There is plenty of scientific theory. And there are plenty of facts that support those positions. Don't believe me? There's this thing called gravity. It has been scientifically proven. Don't believe me? Get in a plane. Go to about 12,000 feet. Jump out without a parachute. See what happens. As you are falling to your certain death, ask your god to save you. See what happens.
Only the uneducated attempt to segregate science and God, the creator of science.
You are the one who is uneducated about science & modern philosophy, and who believes your imagination of "God" has anything to do with science.
My God invented science.
A science that says explosions do not evolve into order on their own.
On the contrary, chaos converts to order on their own all the time with no God intervention required. Think of salt crystals forming from the random arrangement of Na and Cl atoms dissolved in water as the water evaporates.
Where did you get your atoms from?
If the weight of an electron were a trillionth of a percent different the universe would not exist.

Like I said, it is irrational to think explosions evolve into spacecraft. And that's exactly what you're saying, so yes, you have more faith than I.
There is absolutely no proof of a god. Only faith. There is plenty of scientific theory. And there are plenty of facts that support those positions. Don't believe me? There's this thing called gravity. It has been scientifically proven. Don't believe me? Get in a plane. Go to about 12,000 feet. Jump out without a parachute. See what happens. As you are falling to your certain death, ask your god to save you. See what happens.
Only the uneducated attempt to segregate science and God, the creator of science.
You are the one who is uneducated about science & modern philosophy, and who believes your imagination of "God" has anything to do with science.
My God invented science.
A science that says explosions do not evolve into order on their own.
So who invented your god? :dunno:
Interestingly, everything we "know" about God comes "from" God himself. In the Bible, he is said to be omnipotent, yet nothing in the Bible, either historically or scientifically, was unknown to the people who wrote it down. God says he is the only God. Is he lying or just assumes that because he doesn't know of any others he must be alone. Maybe he was created by another God but just doesn't know it? How would we know?
You make no sense. Where your words randomly generated in some effort to prove chaos evolves into order?
Google it. It's called the mathematics of probabilities. It is a course taught in college.
There is absolutely no proof of a god. Only faith. There is plenty of scientific theory. And there are plenty of facts that support those positions. Don't believe me? There's this thing called gravity. It has been scientifically proven. Don't believe me? Get in a plane. Go to about 12,000 feet. Jump out without a parachute. See what happens. As you are falling to your certain death, ask your god to save you. See what happens.
Only the uneducated attempt to segregate science and God, the creator of science.
You are the one who is uneducated about science & modern philosophy, and who believes your imagination of "God" has anything to do with science.
My God invented science.
A science that says explosions do not evolve into order on their own.
So who invented your god? :dunno:
Your question validates the limited thinking of atheists.
Where did you get your atoms from?
If the weight of an electron were a trillionth of a percent different the universe would not exist.

Like I said, it is irrational to think explosions evolve into spacecraft. And that's exactly what you're saying, so yes, you have more faith than I.
It a long way from the big bang to spacecraft, but we have natural explanations for each step. What is your rational alternative? And if you say "God did it" please offer a rational explanation as to how he did it.
I am a Christian, I am born again...but. I am still human after all

I don't give a fuck about you, if you want to have abortions fine with me less liberal voters, I could care less if you find Jesus, if you don't, heaven will be less crowded :)

If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)

There is no proof that when you die you don't simply cease to exist as a human being. The only "proof" you even existed is only in the memories of those that have known you, that are still alive. ...that and in your relies to this MB. Eventually they too will be lost in the history files and eventually dropped off for lack of use.

Not to worry though. When your brain ceases to get blood and oxygen you won't "feel" anything. There will no longer be a you at all. Your computer cord will be cut and the battery removed. No mo workie. Get it?

There is no proof

I see the proof everyday, I am the proof that god and Jesus is real.

Why do I say that?

Because at 51 years old god is not done with me yet...

I have raised more hell, drank more beer did more cocaine then the my friends, my 1st wife, my cousin...

Who all died in their late 30s and early 40s.

My life has been one hell of a journey, from chicago to South carolina to living in Arizona and back to South carolina.

Every mother fucking time I ask god are you done with me yet?

He answers nope...

I have another mission for you ..

God loves my attitude, he knows I will raise a little hell, but when he wants me to get serious and talk to someone, help someone , he can count on me.

For me to teach them something, for them to teach me something..

Or just give them a push...to set everything in motion.

Yes I know God, Jesus , the holy ghost and mother Mary is real and they do exist in spirit.

No other reasonable, logical explanation ..because I should have been dead or locked up for along time...years ago.

Your existence is only proof that society protects even the willfully ignorant.


Lmao I was raised in a age of:

No seat belts

No mandatory bicycle elements

and all the rest...

Good Lord how did I survive with out the government?
If there is a heaven, I highly doubt you would be there. Lol.

Read the bible dear, you only need to do one thing.

Again I am still human after fucking all.

I am covered... :)

There is no proof that when you die you don't simply cease to exist as a human being. The only "proof" you even existed is only in the memories of those that have known you, that are still alive. ...that and in your relies to this MB. Eventually they too will be lost in the history files and eventually dropped off for lack of use.

Not to worry though. When your brain ceases to get blood and oxygen you won't "feel" anything. There will no longer be a you at all. Your computer cord will be cut and the battery removed. No mo workie. Get it?

There is no proof

I see the proof everyday, I am the proof that god and Jesus is real.

Why do I say that?

Because at 51 years old god is not done with me yet...

I have raised more hell, drank more beer did more cocaine then the my friends, my 1st wife, my cousin...

Who all died in their late 30s and early 40s.

My life has been one hell of a journey, from chicago to South carolina to living in Arizona and back to South carolina.

Every mother fucking time I ask god are you done with me yet?

He answers nope...

I have another mission for you ..

God loves my attitude, he knows I will raise a little hell, but when he wants me to get serious and talk to someone, help someone , he can count on me.

For me to teach them something, for them to teach me something..

Or just give them a push...to set everything in motion.

Yes I know God, Jesus , the holy ghost and mother Mary is real and they do exist in spirit.

No other reasonable, logical explanation ..because I should have been dead or locked up for along time...years ago.

Your existence is only proof that society protects even the willfully ignorant.


Lmao I was raised in a age of:

No seat belts

No mandatory bicycle elements

and all the rest...

Good Lord how did I survive with out the government?

A hell of a lot of people, including my first girlfriend Linda McKean, died in car crashes because they didn't wear a seat belt. You were fortunate.

I was a hell raiser when younger also and could have been killed MANY times. That is no proof of a god.

"Society" doesn't necessarily mean big government. Advanced modern civilizations with the ability to protect it's members, do so as much as they can without being too intrusive. Seat belts save lives and MONEY. I don't like the restrictive nature of them but some of us easily forget that an auto or in my case also a pick up is a very dangerous weapon. We don't have any inherent right to endanger others or ourselves, in public, by being loose and out of control with our personal careless handling of these fast and heavy weapons. 99.9999% of the time there is no need for the seat belt. Then in the blink of an eye that .0001% jumps up and absolute control is the difference between life and death or serious injury. When the shit hits the fan having a seat belt on gives you and I a much better chance to avoid a bad accident by keeping you or I firmly planted behind the wheel and in a position to control the vehicle.

Many people drive as if the PUBLIC highway is their own private road. It is not. We all share the highways and have to agree on rules to live by as we use them. If you feel the need to drive like the public roads are your own private race track buy one and do all your driving there.
Google it. It's called the mathematics of probabilities. It is a course taught in college.
You were completely unresponsive to my post.
Why don't you use math to prove "God"?
I don't have to. Someone else has already done the math. Google it if you are really interested. I'm satisfied. You're the one with the problem.
Another deflection. If you make a claim, you support it, or you're full of shit.
Actually, I have the intelligence to research both sides of the issue for myself. I've already done it. I'm not interested in your beliefs or lack of beliefs. Why would you presume you matter in the least to me? You are one of the walking dead.
Go ahead, keep deflecting, and continue demonstrating your ignorance and inability to debate.
Just like all religion dogma eaters who can't think for themselves ... rationally.

I will bet you that for nearly forty years before I finally retired, I used far more science and mathematics in my job than you have ever dreamed of. I didn't simply read about it, I made it work in practical applications.
Google it. It's called the mathematics of probabilities. It is a course taught in college.
There is absolutely no proof of a god. Only faith. There is plenty of scientific theory. And there are plenty of facts that support those positions. Don't believe me? There's this thing called gravity. It has been scientifically proven. Don't believe me? Get in a plane. Go to about 12,000 feet. Jump out without a parachute. See what happens. As you are falling to your certain death, ask your god to save you. See what happens.
Only the uneducated attempt to segregate science and God, the creator of science.
You are the one who is uneducated about science & modern philosophy, and who believes your imagination of "God" has anything to do with science.
My God invented science.
A science that says explosions do not evolve into order on their own.
On the contrary, chaos converts to order on their own all the time with no God intervention required. Think of salt crystals forming from the random arrangement of Na and Cl atoms dissolved in water as the water evaporates.
Also known as self-organization.

Unfortunately, like most science, that's too complicated for lazy thinkers who prefer a religion "Easy button".
You were completely unresponsive to my post.
Why don't you use math to prove "God"?
I don't have to. Someone else has already done the math. Google it if you are really interested. I'm satisfied. You're the one with the problem.
Another deflection. If you make a claim, you support it, or you're full of shit.
Actually, I have the intelligence to research both sides of the issue for myself. I've already done it. I'm not interested in your beliefs or lack of beliefs. Why would you presume you matter in the least to me? You are one of the walking dead.
Go ahead, keep deflecting, and continue demonstrating your ignorance and inability to debate.
Just like all religion dogma eaters who can't think for themselves ... rationally.
I will bet you that for nearly forty years before I finally retired, I used far more science and mathematics in my job than you have ever dreamed of. I didn't simply read about it, I made it work in practical applications.
I'll take your bet ... about understanding (NOT!) science. You seem to be ignorant about scientific methods and knowledge. Obviously, your job did not involve science, other than following an engineer/technician "cookbook" derived from scientific research.
I don't have to. Someone else has already done the math. Google it if you are really interested. I'm satisfied. You're the one with the problem.
Another deflection. If you make a claim, you support it, or you're full of shit.
Actually, I have the intelligence to research both sides of the issue for myself. I've already done it. I'm not interested in your beliefs or lack of beliefs. Why would you presume you matter in the least to me? You are one of the walking dead.
Go ahead, keep deflecting, and continue demonstrating your ignorance and inability to debate.
Just like all religion dogma eaters who can't think for themselves ... rationally.
I will bet you that for nearly forty years before I finally retired, I used far more science and mathematics in my job than you have ever dreamed of. I didn't simply read about it, I made it work in practical applications.
I'll take your bet ... about understanding (NOT!) science. You seem to be ignorant about scientific methods and knowledge. Obviously, your job did not involve science, other than following an engineer/technician "cookbook" derived from scientific research.

Actually, I was an electrical design engineer with a minor in mathematics. My field was instrumentation and process control.
Like I said, it is irrational to think explosions evolve into spacecraft. And that's exactly what you're saying, so yes, you have more faith than I.
Your explanation reflects blind faith, based on complete ignorance.

A century ago, it was "irrational" for uneducated people to believe that materials can "evolve" into spacecraft.
Most people from a century ago would think a TV is God's creation. LOL.
Another deflection. If you make a claim, you support it, or you're full of shit.
Actually, I have the intelligence to research both sides of the issue for myself. I've already done it. I'm not interested in your beliefs or lack of beliefs. Why would you presume you matter in the least to me? You are one of the walking dead.
Go ahead, keep deflecting, and continue demonstrating your ignorance and inability to debate.
Just like all religion dogma eaters who can't think for themselves ... rationally.
I will bet you that for nearly forty years before I finally retired, I used far more science and mathematics in my job than you have ever dreamed of. I didn't simply read about it, I made it work in practical applications.
I'll take your bet ... about understanding (NOT!) science. You seem to be ignorant about scientific methods and knowledge. Obviously, your job did not involve science, other than following an engineer/technician "cookbook" derived from scientific research.
Actually, I was an electrical design engineer with a minor in mathematics. My field was instrumentation and process control.
As i predicted.
I won the bet.
Telling that you link to a religious writer rather than a science writer. I hope his theology is better than his science.

At any rate he writes: "Proteins, DNA and RNA are extremely complex organic molecules that are essential for life. These molecules could not have originated through evolution". So he as started with an unsupported assumption and proceeds from there. Not surprising since he is a religious writer and accepts a lot on faith rather than evidence.

He then makes the same error of assumption: "Natural selection requires living cells that are capable of replication, and living cells could not exist until these molecules were already in existence". Cells are incredibly complex assemblages of simpler life forms that took several billion years of evolution. Natural selection really only requires molecular replication and that can be done by simple molecules.

Once he's gone so terribly off the rails, the remainder of his article is just meaningless math.
I thought you were going to provide a math equation to explain god's existence! :)
All that apologetics piece does is explain correctly that probability is important in scientific research.
"Many evolutionists understand the significance of probability in science and yet go too far in their use of the laws of probability" ...

Yet, the writer does not differentiate evolutionary fact from theory.
Theories do not have sufficient facts, but they have lots of evidence ...
unlike a God hypothesis, which cannot even be researched with a conceptual definition, let alone an operational definition.

I thought you were going to provide a math equation to explain god's existence! :)
All that apologetics piece does is explain correctly that probability is important in scientific research.
"Many evolutionists understand the significance of probability in science and yet go too far in their use of the laws of probability" ...

Yet, the writer does not differentiate evolutionary fact from theory.
Theories do not have sufficient facts, but they have lots of evidence ...
unlike a God hypothesis, which cannot even be researched with a conceptual definition, let alone an operational definition.

Also lame is the young earth thesis. Like evolution, that the earth is billions of years old is accepted as proven by the vast majority of earth scientists.
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There is absolutely no proof of a god. Only faith. There is plenty of scientific theory. And there are plenty of facts that support those positions. Don't believe me? There's this thing called gravity. It has been scientifically proven. Don't believe me? Get in a plane. Go to about 12,000 feet. Jump out without a parachute. See what happens. As you are falling to your certain death, ask your god to save you. See what happens.
Only the uneducated attempt to segregate science and God, the creator of science.
You are the one who is uneducated about science & modern philosophy, and who believes your imagination of "God" has anything to do with science.
My God invented science.
A science that says explosions do not evolve into order on their own.
So who invented your god? :dunno:
Interestingly, everything we "know" about God comes "from" God himself. In the Bible, he is said to be omnipotent, yet nothing in the Bible, either historically or scientifically, was unknown to the people who wrote it down. God says he is the only God. Is he lying or just assumes that because he doesn't know of any others he must be alone. Maybe he was created by another God but just doesn't know it? How would we know?
"God says..."? You mean man says that God says. :D

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