Godless Americans

ywn can you make your buddy stop with the large font and the blue shit?

witches were tortured in such interesting ways...pressing...drowning....very few were actually burned at the stake...most were pressed to death...


one has to love the sexual overtons taken on by the "christians"


remember they nailed joan of arc as a witch....
The nation is turning away from Christ?

Gee, what makes you say that? Couldn't be the total breakdown in morality of our society could it?

One thing I've learned is that everyone worships something or someone. Everyone.

We are spiritual beings. You know this is true whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, etc. You either fell we are that way by design or by evolution. But the fact is that we are spiritual beings.

We are aware of our own mortality, and have an imagination that can think beyond the here and now.

We comprehend that eternity exists, with our without us. Time will go on forever. The universe has no boundaries, and if there is an edge, there isn't a wall at it, but more space. Eternity of space and time is real.

With that said, we ALL worship something. Some people worship a team, and others a weekly contestant on a singing show.

Some worship art.



Their kids.

Their spouse.



I choose Christ.

You can say you're not religious, but that is a lie. There is something you worship and you know it.
By the way, you can blame all kinds of things on Christians.

You can say that Christians are horrible, cruel people.

And you're right. They are.

So is everyone else.

The difference is that Christians know they are weak and flawed and unworthy of God's love and grace.

All that torture during the dark ages and the Puritans, and the Crusades, etc. were not conducted by Christ but by his followers.

His followers were human.

And before you atheists come down from your high horse, keep in mind that your morality came from the Ten Commandments.

Or did you simply create your own?
As many atheists say: Read the bible ... please ... cover to cover, they could always use more atheists.
I saw that and found it very sad. When we need to turn to God the most it seems our country is turning away. I'm curious as to what you atheists believe in. You believe we are born and die and that is it? Or do some of you feel there is something else and you just don't prescribe to any organized religion?

why is it you as a christian have the gall to assume that because one does not believe in your god..they are atheists. i do not believe in your god but i am not an athesit. yes i feel there is something else...the gods and goddess that came long before your god..if they do not exist, then why does your god feel the need to say...have no other gods before me..

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.
- Frank Lloyd Wright

"My religion is kindness . . . ."
- Fourteenth Dali Lama of Tibet
Why does the stoning issue always come up with non-Christians. I guess it carries more shock value and feeds into the "crazy Christian zealot" idealogy. Stoning was practiced in the old testament before the teachings of Christ and only by the Jews. Christ did much to change some of the old traditions such as only Jews could be saved, stoning and etc so as far a modern Christianity, it is a non issue though it always seems to be the Athiest's top argument against Christianity.

As for why follow, it does seem to be a good question. That is something non-Christians can't understand as they are not of the faith. Also, why would anyone put up with the abuse the non-Christians spout almost daily on all message boards when the subject comes up.

One reason I think people aren't Christian is that it takes discipline, work, study that most people just don't have the desire to do anything to that extreme. It also takes faith which some just do not understand. That's why Christians are usually dismissed as crazy zealots because of this lack of understanding.

I often ask this question: Why do non-Christians care to spend their time and energy slamming Christians. Don't give me the fallacy that all Christians want to cram their belief system down non-believers throats...couldn't be farther from the truth. True Christians turn the other cheek as is taught in the Bible.

Mostly Christians pray which is not something the rest should be afraid of or worried about. As much as is written on these boards about tolerance for others, I find Christianity to be the least tolerated

I don't think stoning in the old testament should ever be a top argument for an atheist, but reading your response raises some interesting questions.

Is the stoning in the old testament cruel or immoral? If so, then is it not the same god according to trinitarian doctrine that is in the new testament?

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Is 13: 15 Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.
16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.
Never said you nor anyone else is an atheist because you don't believe in Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church teaches that all faiths can make it into heaven.

Since when ... the Catholics are the worst of the bunch. Most other christians are at least willing to accept the possibility of being wrong. Catholics were also the first to start killing and torturing others in other religions ... especially the witches (which is just another religion). Today they continue to work to expel all other religions from areas they are the majority.

Yes Catholics have been guilty of many crimes over the past 2,000 years. So has ever religion including those that are not religious at all. The Vatican has admitted a multitude of mistakes. Today's church is different but it is made up of men and women thus not perfect. My son goes to a Catholic school where Protestants and even at least one Hindu student attends. There religions are respected. If you ask a Catholic priest that if a person practices another religion faithfully and has not been exposed to Christianity if they will be saved the answer should be yes.

Hiding priests who rape children is a "mistake?" How any person can write that and seriously believe it is NOT something that should be condemned in the court of public opinion is beyond me.

Of course, that's just ONE of the many evils the rcc (roman catholic church) is guilty of, its refusal to allow its members to practice whatever method of birth control they choose is another of the big evils, as far as I'm concerned.

So you'll understand if I don't consider the rcc to be any kind of "moral authority" on religion or anything else for that matter.
Looks like Anguille is winning the culture war.
America becoming less Christian, survey finds - CNN.com

As many atheists say: Read the bible ... please ... cover to cover, they could always use more atheists.
I saw that and found it very sad. When we need to turn to God the most it seems our country is turning away. I'm curious as to what you atheists believe in. You believe we are born and die and that is it? Or do some of you feel there is something else and you just don't prescribe to any organized religion?

Not an athiest, I am an agnostic. I do not know if there is a Diety or not. And if there is a Diety, I cannot believe that any human has the intellectual capacity to understand that Dieties mind.

While religion can be a comfort, the criminal acts committed in the name of Religion are a sad chapter in the history of mankind.
The nation is turning away from Christ?

Gee, what makes you say that? Couldn't be the total breakdown in morality of our society could it?

One thing I've learned is that everyone worships something or someone. Everyone.

We are spiritual beings. You know this is true whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, etc. You either fell we are that way by design or by evolution. But the fact is that we are spiritual beings.

We are aware of our own mortality, and have an imagination that can think beyond the here and now.

We comprehend that eternity exists, with our without us. Time will go on forever. The universe has no boundaries, and if there is an edge, there isn't a wall at it, but more space. Eternity of space and time is real.

With that said, we ALL worship something. Some people worship a team, and others a weekly contestant on a singing show.

Some worship art.



Their kids.

Their spouse.



I choose Christ.

You can say you're not religious, but that is a lie. There is something you worship and you know it.

I would not claim to know your mind. Don't claim to know mine.
The nation is turning away from Christ?

Gee, what makes you say that? Couldn't be the total breakdown in morality of our society could it?

One thing I've learned is that everyone worships something or someone. Everyone.

We are spiritual beings. You know this is true whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, etc. You either fell we are that way by design or by evolution. But the fact is that we are spiritual beings.

We are aware of our own mortality, and have an imagination that can think beyond the here and now.

We comprehend that eternity exists, with our without us. Time will go on forever. The universe has no boundaries, and if there is an edge, there isn't a wall at it, but more space. Eternity of space and time is real.

With that said, we ALL worship something. Some people worship a team, and others a weekly contestant on a singing show.

Some worship art.



Their kids.

Their spouse.



I choose Christ.

You can say you're not religious, but that is a lie. There is something you worship and you know it.

Those things are not religious worship and you know it.
I saw that and found it very sad. When we need to turn to God the most it seems our country is turning away. I'm curious as to what you atheists believe in. You believe we are born and die and that is it? Or do some of you feel there is something else and you just don't prescribe to any organized religion?

I love how just because I repeat an atheist proverb that often turns more true you assume I am, I follow the teaching of Bast and Anpu, thank you. No, they are not turning away from anything, they are in fact choosing to believe in things more tangible and things that have actually helped society. You forget that all we have in this world is because of science ... to embrace it is the only way to advance, religion is just to make you feel better and give you some interesting myths.

Why is it that so many can't see why people don't like chrisitian teachings as much in the US as they once use to? Really ... a teaching that tells people to stone someone for almost any reason ... a teaching that says that anyone who doesn't follow it is evil ... really ... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that people would rather live and let live than be told they are damned from birth and that everything they do is evil. The true evil is brainwashing of children many religious zealots still do.

Oh, and they are not turning away from any god, they are just changing how they worship.

I often ask this question: Why do non-Christians care to spend their time and energy slamming Christians. Don't give me the fallacy that all Christians want to cram their belief system down non-believers throats...couldn't be farther from the truth. True Christians turn the other cheek as is taught in the Bible.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm here to challenge the many examples of "christian" idiocy and insanity that you and others would impose on everyone by FORCE if they and you could get away with it. And while not ALL christians want to "cram your belief system down non-believers' throats," the fact is that many of them (the worst) DO. Don't like that opinion? Too bad, not my problem.
The nation is turning away from Christ?

Gee, what makes you say that? Couldn't be the total breakdown in morality of our society could it?

One thing I've learned is that everyone worships something or someone. Everyone.

We are spiritual beings. You know this is true whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, etc. You either fell we are that way by design or by evolution. But the fact is that we are spiritual beings.

We are aware of our own mortality, and have an imagination that can think beyond the here and now. We comprehend that eternity exists, with our without us. Time will go on forever. The universe has no boundaries, and if there is an edge, there isn't a wall at it, but more space. Eternity of space and time is real.

With that said, we ALL worship something. Some people worship a team, and others a weekly contestant on a singing show. Some worship art.

Money. Sex. Their kids. Their spouse. surfing. Something. I choose Christ.

You can say you're not religious, but that is a lie. There is something you worship and you know it.

So you prefer to BELIEVE. Too bad for you and other militant "christians" that beliefs are NOT facts.
And before you atheists come down from your high horse, keep in mind that your morality came from the Ten Commandments.

That is a load of shit. Morality is not an exclusive christian trait.

:lol: That's another worn-out line used by militant "christian" talibangelists, the "morality comes from the Ten Commandments" myth. But I can understand why they insist on spouting it; they've only been hearing it at least once a week from their pastors or ministers from a very early age. :rolleyes:
Muslims on the other hand are a different story. Not all religions are equal.

So, by and large, Muslims do go out and hurt people or kill people? I eagerly await the data that I'm sure you'll provide to substantiate your argument that most Muslims commit acts of violence. Claiming that Christians are less prone to violence than Muslims or any other religious group is silly.

Wherever you have a predominately Islamic nation, you have problems with Islamic extremism. We are talking about dudes that will blow themselves up on a playground full of children. Their targets are always innocent people and usually a crowd of them. This is a unique problem only muslims have.

Not all religions are equal.

Ever hear of the IRA?
None of this matters unless you can demonstrate beyond any doubt that the Islamic religion itself is what motivates these men to do whatever they do. Your suggestion that correlation implies causation is logically fallacious.

I dont care to waste my time demostrating what everyone already knows. Of course its their religion that motivates them, because they scream "Allahu Akbar!" just before the commit each of their beheadings, suicicde bombings or any other murderous activity they happen to be up to that day. You would have to be a complete retard or a Muslim in denial to think they are motivated by anything other than Islam.

Consider the religious rituals in the KKK here in America. Were they any less savage and brutal than the Al Queda?
Yeah, but the christians havent killed any witches for a long time, so i got no beef with them.
Been to Africa lately?

I dont think you can blame what Africans do on Christianity, because they kill each other anyway. I will back that statement up by pointing out that Africa is the only place so called Christians commit atrocities.

If Muslims were only killing people in Saudi Arabia, i wouldnt have criticism for them either, but since they do this everywhere in the world that they are the predominate religion, i have harsh criticism for them. They even bring their murderous nature to other places outside the muslim world. Islam is a poisonous religion that should be despised by all.

Fellow, within my lifetime here in the US of A, in some of our southern states, lynching negroes was considered a weekend sport.

79.02.04: The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950

The United States has a brutal history of domestic violence. It is an ugly episode in our national history that has long been neglected. Of the several varieties of American violence, one type stands out as one of the most inhuman chapters in the history of the world—the violence committed against Negro citizens in America by white people. This unit of post Reconstruction Afro-American history will examine anti-Black violence from the 1880s to the 1950s. The phenomenon of lynching and the major race riots of this period, called the American Dark Ages by historian Rayford W. Logan, will be covered.
Immediately following the end of Reconstruction, the Federal Government of the United States restored white supremacist control to the South and adopted a “laissez-faire” policy in regard to the Negro. The Negro was betrayed by his country. This policy resulted in Negro disfranchisement, social, educational and employment discrimination, and peonage. Deprived of their civil and human rights, Blacks were reduced to a status of quasislavery or “second-class” citizenship. A tense atmosphere of racial hatred, ignorance and fear bred lawless mass violence, murder and lynching.

This unit is divided into three sections: 1) lynchings, 2) the most significant race riots between 1898 and 1943 and 3) the Black response to these acts of violence.
I dont care to waste my time demostrating what everyone already knows. Of course its their religion that motivates them, because they scream "Allahu Akbar!" just before the commit each of their beheadings, suicicde bombings or any other murderous activity they happen to be up to that day. You would have to be a complete retard or a Muslim in denial to think they are motivated by anything other than Islam.[/QUOTE]>>

We don't behead here. we are much more civilized, we put poison in veins or we put jolts of electricity through their bodies till they are dead. Of course all these mass murderers are so much different from car bombers. And read your Bible sometime and tell me how the sadism and smiting is different than any other Bible. None is as blind as he who will not see.
I dont care to waste my time demostrating what everyone already knows. Of course its their religion that motivates them, because they scream "Allahu Akbar!" just before the commit each of their beheadings, suicicde bombings or any other murderous activity they happen to be up to that day. You would have to be a complete retard or a Muslim in denial to think they are motivated by anything other than Islam.

We don't behead here. we are much more civilized, we put poison in veins or we put jolts of electricity through their bodies till they are dead. Of course all these mass murderers are so much different from car bombers. And read your Bible sometime and tell me how the sadism and smiting is different than any other Bible. None is as blind as he who will not see.[/QUOTE]

Nu 25:4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.

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