GoFundMe Accounts are the DemomRATS Latest Racket

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
If there was a sneaky way to get money into dirty DemonRAT politics, you KNOW these bastards would find it....Luckily it will work both ways!

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A (spineless) man in his element. – If you’re into punishing yourself, tune into tonight’s “60 Minutes” on CBS, where the Amazing Man With No Spine, Jeff Flake, will appear in a joint interview with Democrat Senator Chris Coons. There you will see a man truly in his element, sitting down and sharing talking points with a Democrat politician and a Democrat activist fake journalist from CBS.

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60 Minutes ✔ 60minutes How did the Senate Judiciary Committee arrive at its last-minute compromise to continue the Supreme Court confirmation process of Judge Brett Kavanaugh? Senators Jeff Flake and Chris Coons tell the inside story tomorrow on 60 Minutes.

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Hey, who knows? Maybe this is a job interview for Flake. After all, the ratings for the CBS Evening News have been in the toilet for years now, and Flake couldn’t do any worse than the current anchor guy is doing.

As if to prove my point about where he is truly in his element, Flake also made a joint appearance with the slimy Coons on stage at something called the Global Citizen Festival, a music event organized and televised by the newsfakers at far-leftwing MSNBC. There, in front of this mob of social justice warriors, snowflakes and disciples of George Soros, Coons of course hailed Flake as a “hero,” which is exactly what he is to these people.

What would you do for a cool $1 million? – #MeToo movement activists and their fake news media shills have spent the week castigating anyone who dares to question Christina Ford’s serial lying about Judge Kavanaugh by claiming “there’s nothing in it for her to come forward!”

Uh, well, it turns out there a ton of money “in it” for her to tell her tale, as two GoFundMe accounts set up in her name have now already raised more than $700,000 and will certainly top $1 million and much more before this coming week is out. Now, these funds were ostensibly set up to pay for Ms. Ford’s legal costs, but her own lawyers testified under penalty of perjury to the Senate Judiciary Committee that they were in fact working “pro bono” for Ms. Ford, so this money is actually most likely going right into the witness’s pocket.

So, let’s say you’re a college professor knocking down no more than $150,000 per year, and someone comes to and tells you that hey, you can make a million bucks by spending the next couple of months being prepped for testimony by some of the world’s greatest experts in training people how to lie on the witness stand, and then spending half a day in front of a congressional committee. All of your expenses will be paid, and you’ll be set for life. Would you do it?

If you hadn’t figured this out yet, the use of these GoFundMe accounts is the new Democrat racket – the new way they have landed on to bribe people for doing their bidding while avoiding the scrutiny of the IRS, the FBI and the Federal Election Commission. Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and several others have now profited handsomely from this racket, and it will continue unless and until these federal agencies get their acts together and start auditing where the money is coming from and for what purpose.

“Wait, me? I didn’t do that. Er, uh, we didn’t do that. I don’t think…did we do that? What? Er, um, my staff tells me we didn’t do that.” – President Donald Trump (I still never tire of typing those three beautiful, gorgeous words) was in West Virginia campaigning for GOP senatorial candidate Patrick Morrisy and against Democrat snake Joe Manchin last night. During his stemwinder (they’re always stemwinders at these events) he did a hilarious riff on evil Dianne Feinstein’s stammering non-denial denial when Chuck Grassley asked whether she or her staff had leaded Ms. Ford’s letter to the fake news media.

Here’s the link. Trust me – you have got to watch this. Too funny for words, and dead on.
No worries, we can beat them in their game.

More proof that Democrats are irresponsible with their own money. How can they possibly be responsible with yours?
Maybe I'm naive, but why would anyone visit the GoFundMe site anyways? Why would someone spend their Internet time & energy going to a website where panhandlers essentially beg them for money? I can think of hundreds of more enjoyable, interesting things to do on the Internet than listen to strangers' money-mooching, contrived sob stories.

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