Good for her

I think she's being rude. So are all those other folks who refuse to go. I hear the WH is beautiful--a friend told me once that the chandelier when you walk in is drop dead gorgeous, for one thing. The couple times I've been there, I didn't have all day to wait in line for a tour. Nowadays, I think you have to sign up in advance and get vetted, anyway. Not that I couldn't get vetted, but who wants to do sightseeing by appointment? You probably still have to stand in line for hours.

Women's soccer in America is full of LGBT players, Not even sure they're all women are we! "Lappinghole" is trying to make a Political statement "her problem is she's irrelevant to everyone except the MSM" She's a footnote and will be very soon forgotten. Like Obama!
I don't even like Trump, but if I were invited to the White House I would go, shamelessly kiss his ass for however long I had to, then shamelessly talk shit on him the second I left.

"Did you see that tie? Who wears a tie that long?"

She could always hit on Melania while she's there. She could accuse her of sexual misconduct in20 yrs. When she becomes less relevant than she is now. Lickalottapuss! LMAO who cares. :gay:
I have an idea let’s just end this inviting championship teams to the Whitehouse it serves no real purpose the President had nothing to do with them winning and there are always some on the team now who want to use an invite to make political statement by saying they won’t go.
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