Good for Judical watch

more registered voters than residents in Montgomery county Maryland it turns out. EVERY county in the country should be checked like this.

In July 2003 Judicial Watch joined the environmental organization Sierra Club in suing the George W. Bush administration for access to minutes of Vice President Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force.[5] Judicial Watch was involved in a similar legal dispute with Vice President Dick Cheney in 2002 when the group filed a shareholder lawsuit against Halliburton. The lawsuit, which accused Halliburton of accounting fraud, alleged that "when Mr. Cheney was chief executive of Halliburton, he and other directors inflated revenue reports, boosting Halliburton's share price."[6] As reported by the Wall Street Journal the court filing claims the oil-field-services concern overstated revenue by a total of $445 million from 1999 through the end .

Just in case left wing loons think JW only picks on dems.
You might think officials would be anxious to find out why that is and would be eager to clean up their voter rolls.

Why? It's obvious. It's no conspiracy. People die and move away. There is nothing here that suggests "fraud".

But for reasons only they can explain, Maryland officials fought in federal court to prevent Judicial Watch from obtaining voter data lists.

Maybe for reasons like this? Trying to imply there was fraud where there is absolutely NO indication there was?

Cleaning up voter rolls is fine, it's all in how you do it. A lot of places simply want to remove people who have not voted in X number of years. That is cheap and lazy. Do the work. Local officials can cross check this.

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