Good luck Chuck


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
It's about damn time Charlie was investigated. Rangel is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. If his colleagues in the Democrat party had any sense, they'd force him out of his chairmanship of Ways and Means, reinstate him if he is cleared of all charges.

Ethics Committee to Expand Investigation Into Rangel Allegations

The House Ethics Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to expand its probe of Rep. Charlie Rangel, D.-N.Y., chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee who is at the center of an investigation into a long and stinging list of alleged wrongdoing.

The Committee said Thursday that it has reviewed more than 12,000 pages in documents, conducted 34 interviews and held 30 hearings into Rangel's alleged misdeeds, which include failure to pay taxes and disclose income -- as much as 1.3 million -- he earned from multiple properties.

A day after Democrats shot down a measure to remove Rangel from his powerful post as chairman of tax-writing committee, the Congressional Black Caucus sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi condemning what it called "partisan attempts to ignore the well-established, bipartisan congressional ethics process."

Republicans in the House failed, by a 243-156 vote, to pass a resolution on Wednesday to oust Rangel from his chairmanship pending an Ethics Committee investigation into alleged tax evasion.

On Thursday, the CBC wrote a letter to Pelosi blasting the Republican-backed resolution as politically motivated, and said Rangel, a founding member of the CBC who represents New York's Harlem district, has been "subjected to repeated attacks based on allegations that he committed errors in complex financial disclosure and tax filings..."


The CBC noted that it was Rangel himself who asked the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct to launch a full investigation into "any possible errors."

"He has demonstrated his cooperation with such an investigation by hiring on his own initiative an accountant to thoroughly review all his records and file corrections when necessary," the CBC said...


In a July 2000 interview with FOX News, Rangel dismissed the allegations, saying he is as "clean as the driven snow."

But Republicans, including House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, have steadfastly called for Rangel to step down pending the results of the investigation. The measure's defeat is "the latest example of Speaker Pelosi breaking her promise to have the most 'open and ethical' Congress in history," Boehner said in a statement.

"Instead of holding Chairman Rangel accountable for his actions, House Democrats are once again circling the wagons and demonstrating their loyalty to a leader who faces serious questions about his official conduct," Boehner said.

Wednesday's vote came as reports emerged that Rangel funneled a $3 million earmark -- included in the massive Defense Appropriations Bill -- to City College of New York to fund research on materials used to protect Army vehicles from attack.

Ethics Committee to Expand Investigation Into Rangel Allegations - Political News -

I wonder if, now that they've decided to expand this investigation, Charlie wishes he could take back his request that they "launch a full investigation..."
Dems again blocked his removeal from the ways & means comittee.

So much for Queen Nan's 'most honest and ethical congress ever.'
Anyone with the power can feel free to merge this thread with Annie's.
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Dems again blocked his removeal from the ways & means comittee.

So much for Queen Nan's 'most honest and ethical congress ever.'

The Chuckster is an embarrasment to the Democrat Party above any other at this point in time. I can only imagine what they would be saying if he was a Republican. They would probably be burning him in effigy DAILY on the White House lawn and calling for his immediate resignation let alone striiping him of his committee chairmanship.

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