Good news for the LGBTQ community


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Is this an attempt to state that whom one has sex with is a choice?
This quote seems to apply to everyone who is Christian, and not specifically to LGBTs.

It's bizarre to have a quote from Maria Goretti. It seems very sophisticated, and she died at the age of 12. having been stabbed 14 times by a would-be rapist. Did she say this before the rape attempt and somebody heard it and wrote it down?

She seems to have been a very nice girl, but making her a saint was a big mistake. It sends the wrong message to girls and women that somehow it is better to die than to be raped and survive the crime. The crime of rape centers around one sexual partner not consenting to the act and being the victim of an act of aggression by another, so a rape victim can never be considered as having committed a sin. According to Catholic Online, she is the patron of youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape, and I question the "purity" part. What happens to a physical body during a physical assault has no bearing on the state of a person's soul and carries no moral implication.

The connection of the notion of "purity" and the physical state of specifically a female body does nothing but carry on the ridiculous superstition that a female body must be maintained as some sort of holy object, which denigrates the humanity of women. Men are not judged by the condition of their bodies and whether or not they have had sex, consensual or non-consensual. Rape is not worth dying over. All potential victims should be taught to try to survive.
I didn't know about the stabbing and rape part and don't know why she was made a Saint and whether the rape part is only about sexual purity or also about psychical and physical violence and trauma and horror it seems like you just want to discredit my post by a bit far fetched off topic and the quote is not all which is to it and of course it applies to all Christians but I used it for my comments
I didn't know about the stabbing and rape part and don't know why she was made a Saint and whether the rape part is only about sexual purity or also about psychical and physical violence and trauma and horror it seems like you just want to discredit my post by a bit far fetched off topic and the quote is not all which is to it and of course it applies to all Christians but I used it for my comments

Just ignore the sick deviants , Mortimer.
Is this an attempt to state that whom one has sex with is a choice?


Of course it's a choice!

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation. "
Is this an attempt to state that whom one has sex with is a choice?


Of course it's a choice!

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation. "

The claim it's genetic has been dismissed as utter bullshit along time ago.

The book is free if you download the chapters individually.
Is this an attempt to state that whom one has sex with is a choice?


Of course it's a choice!

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation. "

The claim it's genetic has been dismissed as utter bullshit along time ago.

The book is free if you download the chapters individually.

The barnyardism is unnecessary.

I made the point about homosexuality already.
Is this an attempt to state that whom one has sex with is a choice?


Of course it's a choice!

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation. "

The claim it's genetic has been dismissed as utter bullshit along time ago.

The book is free if you download the chapters individually.

The barnyardism is unnecessary.

I made the point about homosexuality already.

What 'Barnyardism'? The book I posted has been around a lot longer than your magazine article, and has far more detailed; I didn't post it just for you.
Is this an attempt to state that whom one has sex with is a choice?


Of course it's a choice!

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation. "

The claim it's genetic has been dismissed as utter bullshit along time ago.

The book is free if you download the chapters individually.

The barnyardism is unnecessary.

I made the point about homosexuality already.

What 'Barnyardism'? The book I posted has been around a lot longer than your magazine article, and has far more detailed; I didn't post it just for you.

I refer to the juvenile vulgarity.

Your post would have been just fine without it.
It is always fun to see people who know nothing arguing facts of which they are completely ignorant.

St. Maria was not canonized because she would rather die than be raped. Her being honored has absolutely nothing to do with female purity. Nothing. At 11 years old she performed an act of forgiveness to her rapist and killer. During his incarceration the killer claimed a miracle. Maria came to him in a dream and gave him flowers. She told him she forgave him. As a result of that dream he thereafter led the life of a good man. A pious man.

Testimony at the petition for canonization more than 160 miraculous acts were attributed to St. Maria. True or not, these are the reasons she was canonized NOT nonsense blather over female purity.

We are surrounded by liars and fabricators.
Is this an attempt to state that whom one has sex with is a choice?


Of course it's a choice!

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation. "

The claim it's genetic has been dismissed as utter bullshit along time ago.

The book is free if you download the chapters individually.

The barnyardism is unnecessary.

I made the point about homosexuality already.

What 'Barnyardism'? The book I posted has been around a lot longer than your magazine article, and has far more detailed; I didn't post it just for you.

I refer to the juvenile vulgarity.

Your post would have been just fine without it.

Says the conspiracy nutjob who posts infantile rubbish re FDR. lol yeah right, you're so 'adult' n stuff.
It is always fun to see people who know nothing arguing facts of which they are completely ignorant.

St. Maria was not canonized because she would rather die than be raped. Her being honored has absolutely nothing to do with female purity. Nothing. At 11 years old she performed an act of forgiveness to her rapist and killer. During his incarceration the killer claimed a miracle. Maria came to him in a dream and gave him flowers. She told him she forgave him. As a result of that dream he thereafter led the life of a good man. A pious man.

Testimony at the petition for canonization more than 160 miraculous acts were attributed to St. Maria. True or not, these are the reasons she was canonized NOT nonsense blather over female purity.

We are surrounded by liars and fabricators.

It is always fun to see people who know nothing arguing facts of which they are completely ignorant.

St. Maria was not canonized because she would rather die than be raped. Her being honored has absolutely nothing to do with female purity. Nothing. At 11 years old she performed an act of forgiveness to her rapist and killer. During his incarceration the killer claimed a miracle. Maria came to him in a dream and gave him flowers. She told him she forgave him. As a result of that dream he thereafter led the life of a good man. A pious man.

Testimony at the petition for canonization more than 160 miraculous acts were attributed to St. Maria. True or not, these are the reasons she was canonized NOT nonsense blather over female purity.

We are surrounded by liars and fabricators..

As I said, I got my information from Catholic Online. St. Maria Goretti She is not listed as the patron of forgiveness, but of "youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape." The Church erred. I didn't make it up. It was the Church that chose to connect her to "young women" and "purity," which made a false connection between the two and sent the wrong message. I had nothing to do with it.
Is this an attempt to state that whom one has sex with is a choice?


Of course it's a choice!

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation. "

The claim it's genetic has been dismissed as utter bullshit along time ago.

The book is free if you download the chapters individually.

The barnyardism is unnecessary.

I made the point about homosexuality already.

What 'Barnyardism'? The book I posted has been around a lot longer than your magazine article, and has far more detailed; I didn't post it just for you.

I refer to the juvenile vulgarity.

Your post would have been just fine without it.

Says the conspiracy nutjob who posts infantile rubbish re FDR. lol yeah right, you're so 'adult' n stuff.

Find anything I've posted that isn't 100% true, accurate and correct.
It is always fun to see people who know nothing arguing facts of which they are completely ignorant.

St. Maria was not canonized because she would rather die than be raped. Her being honored has absolutely nothing to do with female purity. Nothing. At 11 years old she performed an act of forgiveness to her rapist and killer. During his incarceration the killer claimed a miracle. Maria came to him in a dream and gave him flowers. She told him she forgave him. As a result of that dream he thereafter led the life of a good man. A pious man.

Testimony at the petition for canonization more than 160 miraculous acts were attributed to St. Maria. True or not, these are the reasons she was canonized NOT nonsense blather over female purity.

We are surrounded by liars and fabricators.

It is always fun to see people who know nothing arguing facts of which they are completely ignorant.

St. Maria was not canonized because she would rather die than be raped. Her being honored has absolutely nothing to do with female purity. Nothing. At 11 years old she performed an act of forgiveness to her rapist and killer. During his incarceration the killer claimed a miracle. Maria came to him in a dream and gave him flowers. She told him she forgave him. As a result of that dream he thereafter led the life of a good man. A pious man.

Testimony at the petition for canonization more than 160 miraculous acts were attributed to St. Maria. True or not, these are the reasons she was canonized NOT nonsense blather over female purity.

We are surrounded by liars and fabricators..

As I said, I got my information from Catholic Online. St. Maria Goretti She is not listed as the patron of forgiveness, but of "youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape." The Church erred. I didn't make it up. It was the Church that chose to connect her to "young women" and "purity," which made a false connection between the two and sent the wrong message. I had nothing to do with it.
You are so stupid and so concretely ignorant I simply cannot bear it.

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