Good night Irene!


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Bloomberg is starting to evacuate New York - freakin - City? If this thing craps out around the Carolinas there's gonna be some serious backlash.
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First direct landfall on New york possible since 1893. The long island express hit the eastern part of the island.



The northeastern quad is the side with the strongest winds within a hurricane...Also where the surge is as the water piles up on that side as the winds move counter-clock wise around the center of the cyclone...So a landfall to the east of new york=winds going out, but to the west=inwards...When the winds are moving inland=the ocean surges inland....

The surge is winds over a large area blowing and piling up the water more or less....Sure some of it is the low pressure forcing less pressure on the surface of the ocean=a mound of water, but that is small next to the area of wind forcing the water to pile on its self.

I'm expecting it to hit New york as a cat1....
man oh man. if NYC is knocked out for a month Old Rocks will be insufferable.
man oh man. if NYC is knocked out for a month Old Rocks will be insufferable.

Well, since global warming should decrease the frequency of hurricanes, that will be a difficult argument to make.


The latest understanding of hurricanes is that almost the opposite is true: storms may actually decline in frequency as the planet warms, even as they grow in strength.

A finding like this highlights the complexity of understanding how hurricanes form and behave over warm waters. In fact, Gabriel Vecchi of NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory told Discovery News that correlating hurricanes to ocean temperature has been tried several times in the past, and does NOT explain why the storms form the way they do.

He writes:
[SIZE=-1]Hurricane (tropical cyclone) frequency is controlled by more than just local sea surface temperature, and theoretical, statistical and high-resolution dynamical modeling studies indicate that the simplistic statistical framework developed here is not applicable to future climates.[/SIZE]​
Bloomberg is starting to evacuate New York - freakin - City? If this thing craps out around the Carolinas there's gonna be some serious backlash.

Would you rather see a repeat of Nagin's total failure of responsibility he committed in New Orleans? Nagin belongs in prison for what he did. When there is a very specific written procedure and a mayor just ups and decides he is going to ignore it and people die -then he belongs in prison, sorry. Instead that guy got re-elected, only underscoring just how corrupt the Louisiana political system really is.

Don't get me wrong -I can't stand Bloomberg and he is no Republican and should just switch parties. But the fact this guy isn't taking chances of seeing nursing homes filled with floating corpses as happened in New Orleans after Nagin failed to follow their own emergency procedure - should not count against him. Not when there are so many legitimate reasons to oppose this guy. But THIS one isn't one of them. I don't care what party someone is - if they decide they will not gamble with real lives and they err in favor of life, I refuse to criticize or second guess them.
Bloomberg is starting to evacuate New York - freakin - City? If this thing craps out around the Carolinas there's gonna be some serious backlash.

Would you rather see a repeat of Nagin's total failure of responsibility he committed in New Orleans? Nagin belongs in prison for what he did. When there is a very specific written procedure and a mayor just ups and decides he is going to ignore it and people die -then he belongs in prison, sorry. Instead that guy got re-elected, only underscoring just how corrupt the Louisiana political system really is.

Don't get me wrong -I can't stand Bloomberg and he is no Republican and should just switch parties. But the fact this guy isn't taking chances of seeing nursing homes filled with floating corpses as happened in New Orleans after Nagin failed to follow their own emergency procedure - should not count against him. Not when there are so many legitimate reasons to oppose this guy. But THIS one isn't one of them. I don't care what party someone is - if they decide they will not gamble with real lives and they err in favor of life, I refuse to criticize or second guess them.
Yeah, I can't fault him on this.......Better safe than sorry.......When you look at Long Island, and many other areas around there, they sit at or near sea level. The ramifications could be huge.

Nagin and the Louisiana governors response to Katrina should always be held up as the example of failure. And definitely not what to do.
Bloomberg is starting to evacuate New York - freakin - City? If this thing craps out around the Carolinas there's gonna be some serious backlash.
Gee, even CON$ervative Teabag darling Christie has declared a state of emergency. Damn Right-Wing alarmists! :lol:
In Anticipation of Hurricane Irene, Gov. Christie Declares State of Emergency - Woodbridge, NJ Patch
So, Christie is the "teabag" darling?


When did you liberal fag types start considering Christie your "darling"?
Bloomberg is starting to evacuate New York - freakin - City? If this thing craps out around the Carolinas there's gonna be some serious backlash.
Gee, even CON$ervative Teabag darling Christie has declared a state of emergency. Damn Right-Wing alarmists! :lol:
In Anticipation of Hurricane Irene, Gov. Christie Declares State of Emergency - Woodbridge, NJ Patch
So, Christie is the "teabag" darling?


When did you liberal fag types start considering Christie your "darling"?
So now you "proud" teabag Partiers are Liberal "fag types."
Bloomberg is starting to evacuate New York - freakin - City? If this thing craps out around the Carolinas there's gonna be some serious backlash.

Would you rather see a repeat of Nagin's total failure of responsibility he committed in New Orleans? Nagin belongs in prison for what he did. When there is a very specific written procedure and a mayor just ups and decides he is going to ignore it and people die -then he belongs in prison, sorry. Instead that guy got re-elected, only underscoring just how corrupt the Louisiana political system really is.

Don't get me wrong -I can't stand Bloomberg and he is no Republican and should just switch parties. But the fact this guy isn't taking chances of seeing nursing homes filled with floating corpses as happened in New Orleans after Nagin failed to follow their own emergency procedure - should not count against him. Not when there are so many legitimate reasons to oppose this guy. But THIS one isn't one of them. I don't care what party someone is - if they decide they will not gamble with real lives and they err in favor of life, I refuse to criticize or second guess them.

Nagin didn't fuck up. George "Heck of a job Brownie" Bush did. His administration failed to provide adequate funding to FEMA and appointed someone with no experience in disaster recovery to head it. That and the army core of engineer failed to maintain navigation channels.

Many in the area have argued that Katrina, which struck the region Aug. 29, 2005, was a man-made disaster caused by the Army Corps' failure to maintain the levee system protecting the city.

While still evaluating the 156-page opinion, the MRGO Litigation Group issued the following statement: "We are pleased with Judge Duval's ruling in this historic case. This decision is one step on the long road to recovery for the people of New Orleans. It has been proven in a court of law that the drowning of New Orleans was not a natural disaster, but a preventable man-made travesty. The government has always had a moral obligation to rebuild New Orleans. This decision makes that obligation a matter of legal responsibility."

Read more: Judge Holds Army Corps Responsible For Katrina Damage - New Orleans News Story - WDSU New Orleans

In any case...even if your debunked theory had merit...the Bush administration allowed New Orleans to languish in flood waters for close to a week. That's when most of the deaths occurred. Close to 2,000 Americans died in that catastrophe.
Nagin didn't fuck up. .





Skipped over the entire post did ya?

Have a gander.

List of United States disasters by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two of the highest death tolls by disasters in US history happened under the Bush administration.

Which in itself was a disaster.

Right now Republicans are doing the damndest to gut our weather and geological predicting services.

All to make sure that the weath extractors keep fleecing the United States unabated.

Good job boys. :clap2:
Why do we pay for the National Hurricane Center if you want mayors to ignore their warnings like mayor Nagin did in New Orleans? Democrats stick their fingers in their ears & close their eyes. They even re-elected Mayor Ray Nagin after he killed 1,836 citizens by being incompetent.

The National Hurricane Center says the hurricane will hit the city & it is the Mayors JOB to protect the citizens & the city.

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Why do we pay for the National Hurricane Center if you want mayors to ignore their warnings like mayor Nagin did in New Orleans? Democrats stick their fingers in their ears & close their eyes. They even re-elected Mayor Ray Nagin after he killed 1,836 citizens by being incompetent.

Nagin was re-elected because when all the facts were was basically a complete failure on the part of the Federal government that left people languishing in flood waters for almost a week. That's what caused all the death.

Many in the area have argued that Katrina, which struck the region Aug. 29, 2005, was a man-made disaster caused by the Army Corps' failure to maintain the levee system protecting the city.

Since when does a mayor have any say over the army core of engineers? :lol:
Since when does a mayor have any say over the army core of engineers? :lol:

When he decides to evacuate his city because a destructive storm is heading straight towards it. Do all the mental gymnastics you like and after that engage in so much mental masturbation that you go blind if it floats your boat, but at the BOTTOM LINE, nagin failed to evacuate his city and as a result, a lot of people died.

What happened after he FAILED to evacuate in the face of the worst storm to hit his city in a very long time is nothing but the typical liberal fingerpointing and blame game. The fact is that he should have evacuated the city and he didn't.
Nagin didn't fuck up. George "Heck of a job Brownie" Bush did. His administration failed to provide adequate funding to FEMA and appointed someone with no experience in disaster recovery to head it. That and the army core of engineer failed to maintain navigation channels.

You seem to lack even the most basic factual understanding. First of all the Buses run on Diesel and or Propane, CNG, LNG but not Gasoline. Gasoline shortage is what caused traffic jams & slow evacuations. There was not a Diesel shortage during Katrina or any other hurricane evacuation. The HOV lanes were not contra-flowed & designated lanes can be established for busses only & convoy. Fuel depots, roads, stores buses & anything else can be commandeered by police with no government orders.

Nagin stated he knew the buses existed but he did not have insurance to cover them.:lol: The Governor has multi-jurisdictional authority. State & Local Police have the authority to commandeer any vehicles they need in an emergency. See: Blackman v. City of Cincinnati, a 1942 Ohio Supreme Court case. Commandeering isn't limited to cars. After Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flood, police commandeered a pharmacy to help the sick. In NYC police on foot & horseback routinely commandeer taxi cabs to transport suspects to police stations.

Every bus can take the place of 50 cars & trucks evacuating citizens from a city. The City of New Orleans officials had 550 municipal buses and 300+ additional buses available for evacuation. These 850 buses would have taken 42,500 cars off the highway & out of gas stations per trip & evacuated 80,000 per trip. Less traffic & gas lines means way faster evacuations. There were 1,472 police officers available to load, drive & escort these buses out of New Orleans. Nagin & Blanco screwed up & 200 cops deserted them. This still left 1,272 cops to drive 850 buses!

It does not take a presidential order to evacuate. Any cop can commandeer anything & force citizens to vacate. Their 1,472 police could have commandeered the 850 buses & pulled one to the center of every street & forced everyone on & drove them out of danger. Nagin & Blanco screwed up because they were pussies after catching hell from the Ivan evacuation. But it is all Bush's fault.

Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina & Texas were also hit with hurricanes during Bush's presidency & none of them had serious evacuation issues or high death tolls. Yet it 100% Bush's fault! You prove yourself to be a bigger idiot with every post.

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Nagin didn't fuck up. George "Heck of a job Brownie" Bush did. His administration failed to provide adequate funding to FEMA and appointed someone with no experience in disaster recovery to head it. That and the army core of engineer failed to maintain navigation channels.

You seem to lack even the most basic factual understanding. First of all the Buses run on Diesel and or Propane, CNG, LNG but not Gasoline. Gasoline shortage is what caused traffic jams & slow evacuations. There was not a Diesel shortage during Katrina or any other hurricane evacuation. The HOV lanes were not contra-flowed & designated lanes can be established for busses only & convoy. Fuel depots, roads, stores buses & anything else can be commandeered by police with no government orders.

Every bus can take the place of 50 cars & trucks evacuating citizens from a city. The City of New Orleans officials had 550 municipal buses and 300+ additional buses available for evacuation. These 850 buses would have taken 42,500 cars off the highway & out of gas stations per trip & evacuated 80,000 per trip. Less traffic & gas lines means way faster evacuations. There were 1,472 police officers available to load, drive & escort these buses out of New Orleans. Nagin & Blanco screwed up & 200 cops deserted them. This still left 1,272 cops to drive 850 buses! Yet it 100% Bush's fault! You prove yourself to be a bigger idiot with every post.

I don't lack any understanding. I dealt with problem resolution on the job all the time. The success of disaster resolution is having a proper plan in place. It's not done by giving up once one of your procedures fail. The city was overwhelmed by flood waters. That should have immediately kicked in a federal response. It's easy enough to compare the results of the Bush response to New Orleans to the Clinton response to the San Francisco earthquake. Bush's administration stopped at level 1..the local response. That lead to massive death tolls. Clinton's FEMA under James Witt responded immediately to the earthquake and were able to keep the death toll to a minimum.

Bush was an incompetent boob.

And you're the idiot.
Nagin didn't fuck up. George "Heck of a job Brownie" Bush did. His administration failed to provide adequate funding to FEMA and appointed someone with no experience in disaster recovery to head it. That and the army core of engineer failed to maintain navigation channels.

You seem to lack even the most basic factual understanding. First of all the Buses run on Diesel and or Propane, CNG, LNG but not Gasoline. Gasoline shortage is what caused traffic jams & slow evacuations. There was not a Diesel shortage during Katrina or any other hurricane evacuation. The HOV lanes were not contra-flowed & designated lanes can be established for busses only & convoy. Fuel depots, roads, stores buses & anything else can be commandeered by police with no government orders.

Nagin knew the buses existed. He stated he did not have insurance to cover evacuation with them. The Governor has multi-jurisdictional authority. State & Local Police have the authority to commandeer any vehicles they need in an emergency. See: Blackman v. City of Cincinnati, a 1942 Ohio Supreme Court case. Commandeering isn't limited to cars. After Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flood, police commandeered a pharmacy to help the sick. In NYC police on foot & horseback routinely commandeer taxi cabs to transport suspects to police stations.

It does not take a presidential order to evacuate. Any cop can commandeer anything & force citizens to vacate. Nagin & Blanco screwed up because they were pussies after catching hell from the Ivan evacuation. But it is all Bush's fault.

Every bus can take the place of 50 cars & trucks evacuating citizens from a city. The City of New Orleans officials had 550 municipal buses and 300+ additional buses available for evacuation. These 850 buses would have taken 42,500 cars off the highway & out of gas stations per trip & evacuated 80,000 per trip. Less traffic & gas lines means way faster evacuations. There were 1,472 police officers available to load, drive & escort these buses out of New Orleans. Nagin & Blanco screwed up & 200 cops deserted them. This still left 1,272 cops to drive 850 buses! Yet it 100% Bush's fault! You prove yourself to be a bigger idiot with every post.


One has to ask, if FEMA was at fault in New Orleans then how come EVERY OTHER STATE hit was fine with FEMA?

FEMA was in New Orleans in 3 days, with bridges out, airports out and no easy access. The biggest public screw up was when Nagin failed to inform FEMA of all the evacuation sites and FAILED to provide police protection to them.

ANYONE remember the picture of the hundreds of school buses flooded in their parking facility?
Since when does a mayor have any say over the army core of engineers? :lol:

When he decides to evacuate his city because a destructive storm is heading straight towards it. Do all the mental gymnastics you like and after that engage in so much mental masturbation that you go blind if it floats your boat, but at the BOTTOM LINE, nagin failed to evacuate his city and as a result, a lot of people died.

What happened after he FAILED to evacuate in the face of the worst storm to hit his city in a very long time is nothing but the typical liberal fingerpointing and blame game. The fact is that he should have evacuated the city and he didn't.

The huge death toll was the result of the conservative mindset. I got get yours.

Simple as that.

And that's no way to run a country.

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