Good Puppets

Look at the Clinton decrease.

If republicans would quit trying to sabatoge this country and let the Dems do what the people hired them to do then MAYBE we ciould fix this
This article comes to so many poorly thought out conclusions laying so much at the feet of the president. A president who Republicans want to "fail" and have worked against him every step of the way. They even got 98% of everything they wanted?

For instance, when Eisenhower was president, he enjoyed a 90% tax rate on the wealthiest Americans. Today, you can have someone like Mitt Romney making 22 million in one year and only paying 14% for that one year because he jacked up his tax payment so it wouldn't look as awful as it is while running for office.

60 years ago, a CEO of a large company made 30 times the average salary of that company. Now it's 300 or 400 times or more and they aren't creating jobs because these people care about money and not the country. So logic says we must cut benefits of old people who have worked a lifetime?

A recent study says the Iraq war will eventually cost over 6 trillion when you factor in the tens of thousands maimed for life. Republicans are working on it. They want to leave these people under the bus. 900,000 waiting for claims? And government cut by over 700,000?

You can go through that article and refute it point by point. And anyone with Google knows I haven't made a single "wild" claim. A charge Republicans throw when they've been exposed.
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Look at the Clinton decrease.

If republicans would quit trying to sabatoge this country and let the Dems do what the people hired them to do then MAYBE we ciould fix this

People view "redistribution of wealth" as socialism when in fact, it's been going on all through history. Thing is, the 1% finally figured out how to channel that money to THEM as opposed to having a vibrant middle class. No forum can lay all this out - check out this relatively new book:

[ame=]Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else: Chrystia Freeland: 9781594204098: Books[/ame]
Economics is the redistribtution of wealth.

Every government ever devised is about the business of both protecting AND redistributing wealth.

Anyone who imagines that this is not the case is missing the obvious.

No wealth can truly be created without SOME order.

That means that to some extent GOVERNMENT has to be about the business of picking winners and losers.

WE ALL WISH it didn't have to be this way.
Economics is the redistribtution of wealth.

Every government ever devised is about the business of both protecting AND redistributing wealth.

Anyone who imagines that this is not the case is missing the obvious.

No wealth can truly be created without SOME order.

That means that to some extent GOVERNMENT has to be about the business of picking winners and losers.

WE ALL WISH it didn't have to be this way.

Distribution of resources has been a troublesome thing throughout history. Had our people had a good education, they might have known Obama didn't mean anything other than bringing it back to balance to the levels that this country once knew. I think he was just bullshiting because he's a 1% er puppet but it's historically accurate.
the best way to 'redistribute' wealth is to allow an open free market...with equal rules for all....

BO is doing his very best to destroy our free he's a corporatist pig just like the others seeking their own special interests through government subsidies and favors...
Ha, ha, ha...some of us have more money than others. Neener...neener...NEEEE-NER!!!

Oh, and the more some of us have the less there is to go around for everyone else. Not true of course, but the low info bozos will believe anything.
Equality of outcomes for all !!!

Equal outcomes for all never existed and attempts at it failed. No one is even looking for that, that is if they're in their right minds (and some who wish for it are not in their right minds). The 1%ers? You gotta hand it to them. It took awhile but they figured out how to get more and more to keep moving toward their end game - a two class system. Not sure that's even possible either, but they're sure as fuck trying.

Question - any of you people ever read books? Just curious.
Its almost as if the one percent owe you something....

Fuck the 1%. Yea, they owe us to NOT keep buying political favor and keep getting the game rigged their way. Too goddamned bad you people don't read - there's some great books out there to get your dumb asses off the internet and TV and see what the fuck is really happening. You think it's some kind of goddamned accident that only the wealthy can buy a politician? That millionaires are not even considered high rollers in a lot of circles because of the new era BILLIONAIRES? I could really give two shits about the rich, their many houses, cars, whores, drugs, whatever they piss their money away on. However, corrupt, yea, immoral is the system that they play to now get it. And thanks to our sell-out Supreme Court, multi-nationals get to get in on the fun and buy our politicians.

Where there's just them and the rest of us at the same level, we'll see how much you like that. You must like that idea of working for nothing and owning nothing, because you keep voting for the same criminal species.
Look at the Clinton decrease.

If republicans would quit trying to sabatoge this country and let the Dems do what the people hired them to do then MAYBE we ciould fix this

People view "redistribution of wealth" as socialism when in fact, it's been going on all through history. Thing is, the 1% finally figured out how to channel that money to THEM as opposed to having a vibrant middle class. No forum can lay all this out - check out this relatively new book:

[ame=]Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else: Chrystia Freeland: 9781594204098: Books[/ame]

The Federal Reserve banks are the true 1% and people need to understand that until our government takes back control of printing our money, nothing will get fixed.

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