Good sumaritans now criminals


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

so if that is what NYC and other urban area voters want, then let them choke on the crime.

so if that is what NYC and other urban area voters want, then let them choke on the crime.
Maybe Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg should ride the subway to work every day, without any security, and see if prosecuting good Samaritans makes subways safer.

Jurors ride those same subways and may want a good Samaritan to rescue them in the future from a dangerous miscreant. Their verdict will set the new standard for future subway safety. NYC subway rapes and murders are at a 25 year high while DA Bragg is chasing Donald Trump over his employee’s business write offs and prosecuting good Samaritans, fiddling while Rome burns.

Many police officers will take the same approach. Why risk one’s career, pension, and freedom when instead they can look the other way and channel Sergeant Shultz of Hogan’s Heroes, “I see nothing! I know nothing!”

Since actual crime is no longer illegal in many large cities, left-wing DAs and prosecutors have created a new crime, that of being a good Samaritan or defending yourself. God help America when self-defense is criminalized.
Typical that this dubious news source has nothing to say about the point Jesus was actually trying to make in the parable of the Samaritan.
Typical that this dubious news source has nothing to say about the point Jesus was actually trying to make in the parable of the Samaritan.

I remember that parable like it was only yesterday, the bad ass Samaritan chocking out the Levite.

What a great story that was.
I missed the part where the Good Samaritan strangled a man to death for 15 minutes.
If the man who was strangled was a threat to everyone else in the picture, perhaps what happened next is what should've been done. After all, multiplying a negative with another negative can only give you a positive product when the dust has finally settled.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. People are always saying to follow the science these days. My only question is when are they are going to follow the math for once? My first lesson for them is when something negative enough is the first thing to happen, if you want a positive outcome, having the next made move be a positive one may not be the best move to make.
The people who were there praised him.
Some did, some didn't.

One guy in the video is telling him to let him go before he kills him.

If the man who was strangled was a threat to everyone else in the picture, perhaps what happened next is what should've been done. After all, multiplying a negative with another negative can only give you a positive product when the dust has finally settled.

But was he a threat, or was he just scary.

Eek, a scary black homeless person.
Some did, some didn't.

One guy in the video is telling him to let him go before he kills him.

But was he a threat, or was he just scary.

Eek, a scary black homeless person.

If the guy had attacked the naysayers I bet they'd be singing a different tune.
I missed the part where the Good Samaritan strangled a man to death for 15 minutes.

I missed the part where mentally deranged violent assholes are supposed to have carte blanche over fucking with our lives on a daily basis.

if the cops won't do their jobs, we have to do it.

so if that is what NYC and other urban area voters want, then let them choke on the crime.
^ :cuckoo:
I missed the part where mentally deranged violent assholes are supposed to have carte blanche over fucking with our lives on a daily basis.

if the cops won't do their jobs, we have to do it.
It isn't anyone's "job" to put a sick man in a blood Choke Hold.

If a cop had done that, I'd be for throwing him in jail, too.

The real problem we have is we like to pretend the homeless are invisible until they become loud enough to notice. (And I'll admit, I'm guilty of it too, when I see the guy with the cardboard sign begging for money.)
It isn't anyone's "job" to put a sick man in a blood Choke Hold.

If a cop had done that, I'd be for throwing him in jail, too.

The real problem we have is we like to pretend the homeless are invisible until they become loud enough to notice. (And I'll admit, I'm guilty of it too, when I see the guy with the cardboard sign begging for money.)

It's the government's job to make sure he isn't in a subway car threatening people, or attacking them other places.

The problem is we think leaving them on the street is somehow caring.

They should be hospitalized until they can take care of themselves, if not, they stay in. All after a judge approves of it.
It's the government's job to make sure he isn't in a subway car threatening people, or attacking them other places.

The problem is we think leaving them on the street is somehow caring.

Let's review that. The reason why these people aren't in mental hospitals is because the courts have ruled you can't lock someone up unless they are a danger to themselves or others.

We could treat them if we invested in sufficient outpatient programs to make sure they get their meds, but we don't.

And because I'm not a partisan robot, I'll ask, where were Neely's relatives when he was living on the street having a breakdown like this?

They should be hospitalized until they can take care of themselves, if not, they stay in. All after a judge approves of it.

Funny, I remember some guy saying something like, "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."

Do you know what happened to that guy?
Let's review that. The reason why these people aren't in mental hospitals is because the courts have ruled you can't lock someone up unless they are a danger to themselves or others.

We could treat them if we invested in sufficient outpatient programs to make sure they get their meds, but we don't.

And because I'm not a partisan robot, I'll ask, where were Neely's relatives when he was living on the street having a breakdown like this?

Funny, I remember some guy saying something like, "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."

Do you know what happened to that guy?

We throw tons of money at this already, but we removed the force to get these people to submit or else.

And we need to go back to locking some people up because they obviously ARE a threat to others.

That assumes people of normal societal function and able to handle their own responsibilities.

We have decided that letting people do whatever the fuck they want on the street while providing them with the materials to extend their miserable existence is somehow 'caring"
We throw tons of money at this already, but we removed the force to get these people to submit or else.

And we need to go back to locking some people up because they obviously ARE a threat to others.

That assumes people of normal societal function and able to handle their own responsibilities.

We have decided that letting people do whatever the fuck they want on the street while providing them with the materials to extend their miserable existence is somehow 'caring"
So essentially, your whole libertarian schtick goes right out the window if it's people who scare you.

What threshold do we lock people up (depriving them of a constitutional right). Because we have this conversation every time a nut shoots up a school or a theater, that you think "rights" are carved in stone and we can't possibly deny people guns.

I long for the day where it's easy for Crazy people to get mental health treatment and hard for them to get guns.
So essentially, your whole libertarian schtick goes right out the window if it's people who scare you.

What threshold do we lock people up (depriving them of a constitutional right). Because we have this conversation every time a nut shoots up a school or a theater, that you think "rights" are carved in stone and we can't possibly deny people guns.

I long for the day where it's easy for Crazy people to get mental health treatment and hard for them to get guns.

You think big L libertarian, not small l, and my federalist nature overrides that.

The threshold is for a judge to decide with laws enacted by a legislature dedicated to that purpose.

The problem is the people in charge don't want to solve the issue, they just want to create government jobs and retire to a nice pension off the issue.

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