Good thing this maniac didn't make SCOTUS


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Does anyone have any doubts left that this guy is a mini Stalin?



FBI Whistleblower Reveals Biden DOJ Activated Counterterrorism Division Against Protesting Parents​

TUESDAY, NOV 16, 2021 - 03:57 PM
House Republicans in the Judiciary Committee have sent a Tuesday letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland after an FBI whistleblower provided 'a protected disclosure' revealing that "the FBI's Counterterrorism Division is compiling and categorizing threat assessments related to parents, including a document directing FBI personnel to use a specific "threat tag" to track potential investigations."
The evidence - an email sent the day before Garland testified on October 21 - "referenced your October 4 directive to the FBI to address school board threats and notified FBI personnel about a new "threat tag" created by the Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions."
"This disclosure provides specific evidence that federal law enforcement operationalized counterterrorism tools at the behest of a left-wing special interest group against concerned parents," the letter continues.

It looks like the Infinitely Corrupt Democrat Party is trying to create a far left extremist police state one party banana republic dictatorship.
Democrats are undermining the fundamental elements of our constitutional representative democracy.
They are attacking freedom of speech, our free press, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, freedom of association, civil rights in employment and education, the right to vote, equal protection....
They are abusing their power by using the IRS, DOJ and FBI as their political weapons.
Perhaps this is what the racist and corrupt Barry the Magnificent meant by "fundamental change"

How is any of that a federal matter?

If they are anti mask and anti CRT its about time. A two way street in violence is something you are not used to. We all are not used to it. Any of the Prog nuts killed and they are innocent in a court of law with me. this is what it is coming to. And this is easy to do for Deplorables and others who have had it if the movement lasts.


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