GOODBYE! Your'e ALL going to die now!

Death panels were instituted here 50 minutes ago! I'm typing this from an underground bunker that I had to kill 7 people to break into!!!
Death panels take effect in 11 minutes. None of you are worthy of Obama. You'd better say your prayers!!!

10 minutes now....

We know little obie doesn't think we're worthy. He exempted himself and the rest of the government from being part of obiecare. Happy to see you're cheering him on though.

How stupid do you have to be to cheer for a program your own government refuses to participate in but deems good enough for you?
Death panels take effect in 11 minutes. None of you are worthy of Obama. You'd better say your prayers!!!

10 minutes now....

2 hours later, nobody is bowing in fear of Obama, and nobody gives a flying fuck.

i thought he was a tyrant? who forces things down peoples throats and such...
now tough talk?

Yeah tough talk. He did force Obamacare down people's throats. Name one Republican who voted for it. Name one.
So...with the govt shutting down and only military personnel getting paid...what happens if you're a govt employee and you're living from payday to payday, like most people...and your pay won't be arriving?

How do you eat?

Guess you could walk the streets of the cities and towns begging for food.
"Anyone got an leftovers"?
"Any spare slices of bread for my family"?

Guess some people will be eating the pet food from the pantry.

The govt simply cannot be allowed to shut down, it's an outrage!

Bunkers sound like a great idea to me.
Although not living in the USA, think I'll get me one just in case.
Tinned food, camping stove, fuel, gas BBQ, non-perishable food etc etc etc.

The West is sliding down the big black hole.
[ame=]Krystal Ball Excoriate Republicans For Non-Conservative Obamacare Attacks - YouTube[/ame]
Pay the fine and opt to pay the fine as late as one possibly can.....Obamacare needs the money. It has to rely on the youth of this country. Which is predominately out of work and or working low paying jobs. They wont have the money to pay and they will seek to pay the fine. Then wont have the money for the fine. Most will end moving 4 or 5 times in their lives.

Since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate, then the Republicans need to stand together and need to remain united in all going forward. Take the Senate in 2014, and then take apart Obamacare piece by piece.

Since it is a tax, attack it there. Since he himself delayed provisions of a law that was passed, attack it there. Doctors and businesses will continue to drop full time employees. They have to do something with the Medical Device Tax that the Democrats voted on as well. Since it affects research and development. Leave Obama his legacy to fight for, as it fails in several of its parts.

[ame=]Linkin Park - "New Divide" (live in Red Square) - YouTube[/ame]

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Pay the fine and opt to pay the fine as late as one possibly can.....Obamacare needs the money. It has to rely on the youth of this country. Which is predominately out of work and or working low paying jobs. They wont have the money to pay and they will seek to pay the fine. Then wont have the money for the fine. Most will end moving 4 or 5 times in their lives.

Since the Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate, then the Republicans need to stand together and need to remain united in all going forward. Take the Senate in 2014, and then take apart Obamacare piece by piece.

Since it is a tax, attack it there. Since he himself delayed provisions of a law that was passed, attack it there. Doctors and businesses will continue to drop full time employees. They have to do something with the Medical Device Tax that the Democrats voted on as well. Since it affects research and development. Leave Obama his legacy to fight for, as it fails in several of its parts.

Linkin Park - "New Divide" (live in Red Square) - YouTube


Well if I somehow survive this and NOT get chucked out of a helicopter and receive an Obama Care fine ......... I will do the following:
Since Obama so far has failed to remove gun and the wretched legal system .............. I will just fight every Obama Care fine I get .... in court.
Won't need an attorney and opt for a trial by jury, and since everyone hates Obama care, I will be found NOT GUILTY.
Show them how WRETCHED their legal system truly is.

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