Goodnight non-truthers.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Maybe you'll wake up someday.
Opps, democrats wouldn't take this same vaccine under the same conditions for political reasons a year ago. Nope They didn't give a shit who it hurt, elderly or anything else. So Suddenly, out of nowhere and out of the blue, the Democrats SUDDENLY grew a conscience . When did this happen?
Conspiracy theories are quite appealing.

It gives people who know absolutely nothing the ability to pretend they know more than everyone else.

They are intellectual breast implants.
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Opps, democrats wouldn't take this same vaccine under the same conditions for political reasons a year ago. Nope They didn't give a shit who it hurt, elderly or anything else. So Suddenly, out of nowhere and out of the blue, the Democrats SUDDENLY grew a conscience . When did this happen?
When you question anything about the official bullshit narrative of what happened before , during and since 9/11, you're labeled a conspiracy theorist and more specifically a 'truther'.

I won't need to spell it out for everyone hopefully.
Democrats grew CONCIENCE?
When you question anything about the official bullshit narrative of what happened before , during and since 9/11, you're labeled a conspiracy theorist and more specifically a 'truther'.

I won't need to spell it out for everyone hopefully.
As long as these censorious dweebs don't burn us at the stake...wink wink
"Red Pill Moment"

A fictitious event involving a fictitious drug, in a fictional movie, that some people believe represents "their" truth.
This has nothing to do with (D) or(R) or any party.
I am made fun of for seeking the truth, so now it's my turn to make fun of the liars.
Truth, that's antithetical to the democratic party. It's all but banned unless it supports the (drum roll please) the NARRATIVE. Truth?
When you question anything about the official bullshit narrative of what happened before , during and since 9/11, you're labeled a conspiracy theorist and more specifically a 'truther'.

O Angelo, the one thing that history teaches us is that the government never tells the whole truth about anything, if they tell you any truth at all, and no less so for 9/11. There is no doubt about it that there is a lot more about what happened on 9/11 than we have been told, and we may never know the whole story about how the USA got caught with its pants around its ankles and no toilet paper. How this great country got outwitted by a few college kids led by some towel wearers hiding in a cave.
Lionel puts it into words more effectively than I can.....

From 2017

. . except, he wasn't very skeptical of the whole "Q" thing now, was he? He got pulled into that pretty hard if I remember right.

He should have known that was all probably a spook operation.
Truth...say Nick Sandman demonized for his headwear. And then opps, that fiasco over the death of a black fentanyl addict that died from an overdose was RAILROADED because a white cop touched him, Not to mention Jessie Smollett. At this point, truth is the last thing democrats want.
Conspiracy theories are quiet appealing.

It gives people who know absolutely nothing the ability to pretend they know more than everyone else.

They are intellectual breast implants.

Tell that to Dr. Peter Dale Scott.

Or Dr. Cynthia McKinney.

Or David Talbot

Or Daniel Ellsberg

Or Edward Snowden

Or Julian Assange


omg, I could just go on. Maybe you should attend University and learn some political science in this regard.
Truth. I like that. Truth is (I looked this up) over 70% of Americans over 70 years of age WITH preexisting (comorbities) are at risk from Covid. Yes. Old people are at risk. Take my elderly at risk sister. SHE got covid (said it was like the flu) and got vaccinated. Truth? She got covid YET again. I don't know what the moral of the story is here, do you?
Truth. I like that. Truth is (I looked this up) over 70% of Americans over 70 years of age WITH preexisting (comorbities) are at risk from Covid. Yes. Old people are at risk. Take my elderly at risk sister. SHE got covid (said it was like the flu) and got vaccinated. Truth? She got covid YET again. I don't know what the moral of the story is here, do you?
She didn't get nano-thermite cancer from 9/11 dust.

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