Google helps validate Jews’ ancient history in Israel.


Gold Member
May 19, 2020
Google brings to life the Dead Sea Scrolls, written by Jews in Israel over 2,000 years ago. Can anyone show ancient “Palestinian” writings? No, because ”Palestinians” are a recently invented people with no documented ancient past…

Google = Zionist Fascism

The accuracy of ancient scrolls written by Jews is summed up here.


2000+ years ago

Jesus will float down from the clouds...

lol which has nothing to with Marty or today's Orthodox and Hasidim, of course, since almost none of them come from descendants of that region
lol which has nothing to with Marty or today's Orthodox and Hasidim, of course, since almost none of them come from descendants of that region

The D in your DNA stands for dumbass.

Jews are genetically linked and linked to the Middle East: Published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, the primary journal of the American Society of Human Genetics, the leading society for genetics in the world.

“Abraham’s Children in the Genome Era: Major Jewish Diaspora Populations Comprise Distinct Genetic Clusters with Shared Middle Eastern Ancestry”

“This study demonstrates that the studied Jewish populations represent a series of geographical isolates or clusters with genetic threads that weave them together. Over the past 3000 years, both the flow of genes and the flow of religious and cultural ideas have contributed to Jewishness.”
The D in your DNA stands for dumbass.

Jews are genetically linked and linked to the Middle East: Published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, the primary journal of the American Society of Human Genetics, the leading society for genetics in the world.

“Abraham’s Children in the Genome Era: Major Jewish Diaspora Populations Comprise Distinct Genetic Clusters with Shared Middle Eastern Ancestry”

“This study demonstrates that the studied Jewish populations represent a series of geographical isolates or clusters with genetic threads that weave them together. Over the past 3000 years, both the flow of genes and the flow of religious and cultural ideas have contributed to Jewishness.”

lol a bunch of Jews said so, so it must be true.

And, I probably have a higher percentage of Jewish DNA markers than you do, which is even funnier.
Google brings to life the Dead Sea Scrolls, written by Jews in Israel over 2,000 years ago. Can anyone show ancient “Palestinian” writings? No, because ”Palestinians” are a recently invented people with no documented ancient past…

According to Ben Gurion the Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century. They stayed and tended the Roman terraces and aqueducts.
Google brings to life the Dead Sea Scrolls, written by Jews in Israel over 2,000 years ago. Can anyone show ancient “Palestinian” writings? No, because ”Palestinians” are a recently invented people with no documented ancient past…

I’m pretty sure the Jews of today are nothing like the Jews of 2000 years ago. Real Judaism pointed to a Messiah and that Messiah was Jesus, so real Jews became Christians. Those that didn’t accept him and rejected him had a real problem on their hands. So they had to come up with the Talmud and re-invent their religion to point away from Jesus.

Most “Jews” today are atheists and Marxists that promote homosexuality and many other evils, but they still believe they are special.
lol a bunch of Jews said so, so it must be true.

And, I probably have a higher percentage of Jewish DNA markers than you do, which is even funnier.

Well yeah.. the Jews share genetic markers with Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese.
According to Ben Gurion the Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century. They stayed and tended the Roman terraces and aqueducts.

They also claim Samaritans aren't 'real Jews' as well, along with other sects. The Babylonian cultists are just 'Master Race' morons and aren't even following the real Torah. Joachim Jeremias thoroughly documents their absurd 'racial purity' farce pretty exactly in his book Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, an excellent socio-economic study using Jewish sources almost entirely.

Almost all modern 'Jews' are descended from European converts or North African converts; that 'great Jewish Diaspora' fiction is a load of nonsense. Most of them spread with the Muslim conquests.

More here:

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They also claim Samaritans aren't 'real Jews' as well, along with other sects. The Babylonian cultists are just 'Master Race' morons and aren't even following the real Torah.

I know. Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile. Nationalism is always racist.
lol a bunch of Jews said so, so it must be true.

And, I probably have a higher percentage of Jewish DNA markers than you do, which is even funnier.

You’re a moron. I get it.

The leading genetics journal in the world, published by the leading genetics organization in the world…

You’re a moron. I get it.

The leading genetics journal in the world…

View attachment 791022

lol too bad all the PC Nazis have corrupted real science, isn't it? And, Jewish racists can inbreed for centuries inside their own cult, so no surprise some of the cultists will have related DNA; too bad almost none of it traces back to the ME, eh? Closest European Jews get is over 1,000 miles away in Iran, if they're lucky.

An analysis of 393 Ashkenazic, Iranian, and mountain Jews and over 600 non-Jewish genomes demonstrated that Greeks, Romans, Iranians, and Turks exhibit the highest genetic similarity with AJs. The Geographic Population Structure analysis localized most AJs along major primeval trade routes in northeastern Turkey adjacent to primeval villages with names that may be derived from “Ashkenaz.” Iranian and mountain Jews were localized along trade routes on the Turkey’s eastern border. Loss of maternal haplogroups was evident in non-Yiddish speaking AJs. Our results suggest that AJs originated from a Slavo-Iranian confederation, which the Jews call “Ashkenazic” (i.e., “Scythian”), though these Jews probably spoke Persian and/or Ossete. This is compatible with linguistic evidence suggesting that Yiddish is a Slavic language created by Irano-Turko-Slavic Jewish merchants along the Silk Roads as a cryptic trade language, spoken only by its originators to gain an advantage in trade.

The vast majority of Spanish Sephardi are descended from Arab converts; they went into Spain with their Muslim buddies, as garrison soldiers and administrators, which was why so many were there. They so endeared the local populations with their humanitarian Wonderfulness in the 10th Century riots the locals went after them first, trying to eradicate them to the last man, woman, and child, not the Muslims. lol

More here.

You can also find many scholars at Tel Aviv University who have a lot more to say on the subject.
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You just made this up.

No, I didn't make it up. Further, I don't care. If you say you're a Jew, IMO you're a Jew. Have you read about the Jewish warrior queen Kahina?

I misspelled her name. She was a Berber convert to Judaism.
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No, I didn't make it up. Further, I don't care. If you say you're a Jew, IMO you're a Jew. Have you read about the Jewish warrior queen Kadima?
No, I didn't make it up. Further, I don't care. If you say you're a Jew, IMO you're a Jew. Have you read about the Jewish warrior queen Kadima?

Arabs did not exist as an ethnic community until Islam in the Middle Ages, not in ancient history.

Eminent scholar of Arab history Professor Peter Webb…

“Finding the first Arabs”

“To begin reconstructing the history of people who called themselves 'Arabs', we must cross into the Islamic period.

During the century after Muhammad (d. 632), poetry is recorded in which individuals make novel expressions of being Arab. The first Islamic century is also when Arabic-language inscriptions proliferated across Arabia and the Middle East (Figure 2). And the first two centuries of Islam witnessed both the earliest discernable attempts to write Arab history in Arabic, and the genesis of genealogies and myths of origins that tie pan-Arabian populations together into one ethnic community. The evidence indicates that people became conscious of being Arab and took the first tangible steps to define Arab identity after their conversion to Islam.

The stark proliferation of 'Arabs' following Islam's rise invites the correcting of old stereotypes and paves new avenues to understand Arabness. The first people who called themselves Arabs were the elite of the early Caliphate. They inhabited new towns founded by Muslims across the Middle East (e.g. the places we know as Cairo, Basra, Baghdad), and they rigorously distinguished themselves from Bedouin. As far as my research has taken me, being Arab did not signify an antique sense of Arabian nomadic origin, but was instead a novel means for early Muslims to express what it meant to belong to their exclusive group of converts to Islam and to the elite of a new, mostly urban empire. Arabness emerges as an end-product of the remarkable success of early Islam whereby the new religion, conquest and reorganisation of the Middle East created a whole new way in which Middle Eastern peoples understood their communities.”


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