Google stripping people of their personal files. Censorship run amuck

I just watched Part 1 and have to say its a pretty damning Indictment of Dr, Faucci and the organizations that he is affiliated with. The conflict for me is her claim that this Originated at FT Detrick which according to sources I have been researching is that it originated on the academic level in cooperation between China, Canada and the US. However that being said, if one considers who stands to profit from all of this, then it pretty much validates almost everything that she is saying as being true, except the FT Detrick involvement. Also with recent developments of gun confiscation in Texas, and the actions that other states have taken to suppress people’s civil liberties, I see thngs spiraling out of control rather quickly and soon, that is if this is not addressed in a major way. Why Trump continues to employ Dr Faucci is rather confounding to say n the least, and I am at the point that what is now being called into question as being highly suspicious needs to be called out. We are fked if ths is allowed to continue. I really hope Doctors stand up and do the right thing! I feel bad for this woman and what she had to endure, and she is a pretty courageous individual to be able to speak up and inform the public about this corruption.

(Please Note: Youtube removed the documentary "PLANdemic" from their site. So, I am unable to post the video. Maybe, if someone can find it elsewhere, please post it. It needs to be spread around! Thank you!)
Google has a bad case of TDS. I guarantee you that if the Commander in Chief of the US military never mentioned hydroxychloroquine, Google would not be censoring all of these doctors who are experts on the subject. They are censoring legitimate medical lectures.

It's time for Google to be treated as a hostile foreign agent in a time of war and have all of it's assets confiscated by the US military, IMO.
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Why, after we were subjected to all manner of post-911 moonbat conspiracies , was Judy Mikovits censored is my Q

If she was truly off the wall, letting her twist in the court of public opinion would have been the best way to discredit her

To censor her is to elevate her cause to whistle blower martyrdom


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