GOP are not about "freedom": Move to Kill Net Neutrality Legislation

One turning point for American broadband came last decade when the Federal Communications Commission rolled back the old common carrier rules that forced incumbent telecom companies such as Verizon and AT&T to allow ISPs such as Earthlink to buy space on their DSL broadband networks at discount prices. The incumbent telecom carriers successfully lobbied the FCC to revoke these rules in 2005 by arguing that rival cable companies weren’t required to let other ISPs use their networks and thus had an unfair competitive advantage over the telcos.

The result is that competition for last-mile services among small startups is all but dead and America is now lagging behind other countries in terms of broadband subscribers per capita. According to statistics compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, America has slipped from No. 10 in the world in broadband connections per 100 people to No. 16 over the past 10 years, which Greeley says is a sign that our approach to spreading broadband adoption has failed.
so maybe Peach might fucking get a clue.

Comcast Time Warner Cable merger criticism: no evidence it will help | BGR

So that you might actually learn to think.

The Comcast merger with Time Warner sucks. It will make thing worse, and probably force some smaller companies out of business. But that is only because idiots, like you, support the government interfering in the market. If we simply eliminated the power of the government to tell companies what they can, and cannot, do, the merger that scares you would result in a plethora of new competition, lower prices, and better customer service for everyone.

Of course, that would force you to change your mind, which we all know is impossible.

No it wouldnt...hence what I posted

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