GOP are not about "freedom": Move to Kill Net Neutrality Legislation

They wouldn't be hungry in the first place if you hadn't supported it being taken from them.

Look how much energy has been spent by the proponents of "net neutrality" and all the advances they have made.

If that energy was instead being turned toward solving the REAL problem, the problem would be getting solved.

So start turning it toward the real problem. Don't double down on your foolishness!

So once again your solution is to get in a way back machine and undue the present. Since there is no way back machine your answer doesnt exist.

Bullshit. "We've been doing it this way for too long to change now" is one of the weakest arguments for continuing bad policy there is.

It is the same excuse used by bigots. "We have always oppressed blacks/fags/etc. and therefore should not change tradition".

To then add MORE bad policy on top of the existing bad policy is doubling down on the insanity.

Reversing bad policy is not unprecedented. In fact, rolling back bad ideas is what our country excels at. It is one of the things which makes our country great.

But what is the solution?
They wouldn't be hungry in the first place if you hadn't supported it being taken from them.

Look how much energy has been spent by the proponents of "net neutrality" and all the advances they have made.

If that energy was instead being turned toward solving the REAL problem, the problem would be getting solved.

So start turning it toward the real problem. Don't double down on your foolishness!

So once again your solution is to get in a way back machine and undue the present. Since there is no way back machine your answer doesnt exist.

Bullshit. "We've been doing it this way for too long to change now" is one of the weakest arguments for continuing bad policy there is.

It is the same excuse used by bigots. "We have always oppressed blacks/fags/etc. and therefore should not change tradition".

To be fair "Because cable does it" is running 1st place as far as weak arguments go

To then add MORE bad policy on top of the existing bad policy is doubling down on the insanity.

Reversing bad policy is not unprecedented. In fact, rolling back bad ideas is what our country excels at. It is one of the things which makes our country great.

Its not bad policy. Dont discriminate is a good policy. No restrictions is how your internet is now. You are arguing against the internet you enjoy today. Its akin to saying someone should change your delicious burger and the reason being is because someone else changed theirs one time.
So once again your solution is to get in a way back machine and undue the present. Since there is no way back machine your answer doesnt exist.

Bullshit. "We've been doing it this way for too long to change now" is one of the weakest arguments for continuing bad policy there is.

It is the same excuse used by bigots. "We have always oppressed blacks/fags/etc. and therefore should not change tradition".

To then add MORE bad policy on top of the existing bad policy is doubling down on the insanity.

Reversing bad policy is not unprecedented. In fact, rolling back bad ideas is what our country excels at. It is one of the things which makes our country great.

But what is the solution?

Put KY on your anus and put a belt in your mouth and bite down
Dude live in the now...the reality is there isnt competition out there. Competition is the answer but the problem is there isnt any.

Do you understand how foolish it is to just say go get something that isnt there? Go to a hungry person and say "get food".

What in the world are you talking about?
We have plenty of ISP Competition.
If the Feds start regulating we won't have any competition. Most of these would go out of business and then we would maybe have only the top 10 of the top 20.

Here are just the top twenty let alone all of the others that are out there.
20 Top Internet Service Providers » Practical Ecommerce

Here are 123
Category:Internet service providers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They don't even have ours under the T's which is TransWorldNetwork

You are all assuming that only bandwidth will be for the internet.
Future technology will get us even farther and faster than just bandwidth, but if the Government starts to regulate it, it will be only bandwidth and nothing else.

You are assuming these ISP's are available everywhere.

You are the one assuming that.
All I did was list the number of companies.
There are plenty of ISP Companies, perhaps your City or State is the one that is discouraging them from coming in. Especially if your State and City have high taxes.
What in the world are you talking about?
We have plenty of ISP Competition.
If the Feds start regulating we won't have any competition. Most of these would go out of business and then we would maybe have only the top 10 of the top 20.

Here are just the top twenty let alone all of the others that are out there.
20 Top Internet Service Providers » Practical Ecommerce

Here are 123
Category:Internet service providers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They don't even have ours under the T's which is TransWorldNetwork

You are all assuming that only bandwidth will be for the internet.
Future technology will get us even farther and faster than just bandwidth, but if the Government starts to regulate it, it will be only bandwidth and nothing else.

You are assuming these ISP's are available everywhere.

You are the one assuming that.
All I did was list the number of companies.
There are plenty of ISP Companies, perhaps your City or State is the one that is discouraging them from coming in. Especially if your State and City have high taxes.

I know, thats all you did and pretended it showed a healthy amount of competition. But if those ISP's arent in all areas then why list them at all? If I say there are no Bar-B-Q competition where I live are you going to proceed to list all Bar-b-q places that exist in the US?
You are assuming these ISP's are available everywhere.

You are the one assuming that.
All I did was list the number of companies.
There are plenty of ISP Companies, perhaps your City or State is the one that is discouraging them from coming in. Especially if your State and City have high taxes.

I know, thats all you did and pretended it showed a healthy amount of competition. But if those ISP's arent in all areas then why list them at all? If I say there are no Bar-B-Q competition where I live are you going to proceed to list all Bar-b-q places that exist in the US?

I did not pretend anything. We have many IPS Companies.

I'm guessing that where you live you have high taxes.
I bet that any of you that do not have many Companies to choose from have high State and City taxes.
States that have low taxes have plenty of IPS Companies to choose from.
We here in Cochise County have many to choose from, because we have low City, State and property taxes.
List of our Internet Service Providers
Century Link
Hughes Net
TV Service Now
Net Zero
TransWorld Network
US Satellite
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You are assuming these ISP's are available everywhere.

You are the one assuming that.
All I did was list the number of companies.
There are plenty of ISP Companies, perhaps your City or State is the one that is discouraging them from coming in. Especially if your State and City have high taxes.

I know, thats all you did and pretended it showed a healthy amount of competition. But if those ISP's arent in all areas then why list them at all? If I say there are no Bar-B-Q competition where I live are you going to proceed to list all Bar-b-q places that exist in the US?
Live in the sticks and you have fewer choices for grocery stores, gas stations, barbecue places (if there any at all), and a slew of other choices you have in the big cities.

So what?
You are the one assuming that.
All I did was list the number of companies.
There are plenty of ISP Companies, perhaps your City or State is the one that is discouraging them from coming in. Especially if your State and City have high taxes.

I know, thats all you did and pretended it showed a healthy amount of competition. But if those ISP's arent in all areas then why list them at all? If I say there are no Bar-B-Q competition where I live are you going to proceed to list all Bar-b-q places that exist in the US?
Live in the sticks and you have fewer choices for grocery stores, gas stations, barbecue places (if there any at all), and a slew of other choices you have in the big cities.

So what?

So dont agree with me then pretend you disagree with me
Where do you live, North Korea?

I live in Indianapolis, and my only choice is AT&T. Comcast came out and told me I'd have to cut down a lot of big trees to get a cable line. Dish also said all the trees would have to go if I wanted to get a signal. So, I have one choice. If I wanted to massacre the trees, I'd have the choice of 3 colluding near-monopolies, all charging nearly the same price for the same stuff. Big whoop. And if I wanted to switch, it would cost me hundreds of dollars in fees. High barriers to switching mean that there effectively isn't a free market.

Civilized nations now offer internet from governments, at high speed and low cost. The USA is not among them, going the opposite way by often banning the government from saving everyone money and providing better service without censorship. That's why the USA is nearly at 3rd world nation status when it comes to internet speed. Conservatives refer to that as "liberty". No, nobody can figure it out.
Then cut down your trees. Nobody owes you a signal.

I wonder if any of the progressives here would be this lit up, if the government were trying to force DirecTV to carry The Blaze?

That question doesn't even seem connected to the issue, being that TV shows and internet access are completely different things. People, having paid for internet access, are entitled to get any free part of the internet for free, without any middleman monopoly demanding a cut.
Sorry you are too dense to grasp the very easy and appropriate analogy. Can't dumb it down any more for you.

In the real world, as opposed to the libertarian fantasy world, many of the threats to our liberty come from the private sector, with the government being the defender of our liberties. If someone denies that, they need to take their juicebox back to the kiddie table and leave the grownups in peace.
In the real world, as opposed to the self-centered world of entitlement you live in, we make choice tradeoffs with our values, to try and come up with the best solution for the individual. We don't pretend that everyone else has an obligation to make us happy.

P.S. Take your haughty condescending attitude and stuff it where the sun don't shine.
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Where do you live, North Korea?

I live in Indianapolis, and my only choice is AT&T. Comcast came out and told me I'd have to cut down a lot of big trees to get a cable line. Dish also said all the trees would have to go if I wanted to get a signal. So, I have one choice. If I wanted to massacre the trees, I'd have the choice of 3 colluding near-monopolies, all charging nearly the same price for the same stuff. Big whoop. And if I wanted to switch, it would cost me hundreds of dollars in fees. High barriers to switching mean that there effectively isn't a free market.

Civilized nations now offer internet from governments, at high speed and low cost. The USA is not among them, going the opposite way by often banning the government from saving everyone money and providing better service without censorship. That's why the USA is nearly at 3rd world nation status when it comes to internet speed. Conservatives refer to that as "liberty". No, nobody can figure it out.
Then cut down your trees. Nobody owes you a signal.

That question doesn't even seem connected to the issue, being that TV shows and internet access are completely different things. People, having paid for internet access, are entitled to get any free part of the internet for free, without any middleman monopoly demanding a cut.
Sorry you are too dense to grasp the very easy and appropriate analogy. Can't dumb it down any more for you.

In the real world, as opposed to the libertarian fantasy world, many of the threats to our liberty come from the private sector, with the government being the defender of our liberties. If someone denies that, they need to take their juicebox back to the kiddie table and leave the grownups in peace.
In the real world, as opposed to the self-centered world of entitlement you live in, we make choice tradeoffs with our values, to try and come up with the best solution for the individual. We don't pretend that everyone else has an obligation to make us happy.

P.S. Take your haughty condescending attitude and stuff it where the sun don't shine.

If idiots like you ruled the day back when Telephone lines were going up, this would be one fucking shitty country... still running mail carriers and pony express to communicate long distances across the country.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

if you are for it you are a socialist who wants government to control every aspect of your life. move to Russia or china, they already have that crap in place
I live in Indianapolis, and my only choice is AT&T. Comcast came out and told me I'd have to cut down a lot of big trees to get a cable line. Dish also said all the trees would have to go if I wanted to get a signal. So, I have one choice. If I wanted to massacre the trees, I'd have the choice of 3 colluding near-monopolies, all charging nearly the same price for the same stuff. Big whoop. And if I wanted to switch, it would cost me hundreds of dollars in fees. High barriers to switching mean that there effectively isn't a free market.

Civilized nations now offer internet from governments, at high speed and low cost. The USA is not among them, going the opposite way by often banning the government from saving everyone money and providing better service without censorship. That's why the USA is nearly at 3rd world nation status when it comes to internet speed. Conservatives refer to that as "liberty". No, nobody can figure it out.
Then cut down your trees. Nobody owes you a signal.

Sorry you are too dense to grasp the very easy and appropriate analogy. Can't dumb it down any more for you.

In the real world, as opposed to the libertarian fantasy world, many of the threats to our liberty come from the private sector, with the government being the defender of our liberties. If someone denies that, they need to take their juicebox back to the kiddie table and leave the grownups in peace.
In the real world, as opposed to the self-centered world of entitlement you live in, we make choice tradeoffs with our values, to try and come up with the best solution for the individual. We don't pretend that everyone else has an obligation to make us happy.

P.S. Take your haughty condescending attitude and stuff it where the sun don't shine.

If idiots like you ruled the day back when Telephone lines were going up, this would be one fucking shitty country... still running mail carriers and pony express to communicate long distances across the country.
If boors like you engaged in conversation without the invective, people might take you seriously.
Helena where do you think you can just cut down trees willy nilly? Do you know of such a place? If not, do you now realize how silly of a suggestion that is?
If they're on your property, you can cut down all the trees you want.

That was presumed with the presented "tree massacre" scenario.
Helena where do you think you can just cut down trees willy nilly? Do you know of such a place? If not, do you now realize how silly of a suggestion that is?

Life is full of choices. Do you want the tree or a different internet service? Make a choice. Do you want to start your own tree friendly internet connection? Have at it. That's your problem and not something we need the government to regulate. Deal with it.
Where do you live, North Korea?

I live in Indianapolis, and my only choice is AT&T. Comcast came out and told me I'd have to cut down a lot of big trees to get a cable line. Dish also said all the trees would have to go if I wanted to get a signal. So, I have one choice. If I wanted to massacre the trees, I'd have the choice of 3 colluding near-monopolies, all charging nearly the same price for the same stuff. Big whoop. And if I wanted to switch, it would cost me hundreds of dollars in fees. High barriers to switching mean that there effectively isn't a free market.

Civilized nations now offer internet from governments, at high speed and low cost. The USA is not among them, going the opposite way by often banning the government from saving everyone money and providing better service without censorship. That's why the USA is nearly at 3rd world nation status when it comes to internet speed. Conservatives refer to that as "liberty". No, nobody can figure it out.

I wonder if any of the progressives here would be this lit up, if the government were trying to force DirecTV to carry The Blaze?

That question doesn't even seem connected to the issue, being that TV shows and internet access are completely different things. People, having paid for internet access, are entitled to get any free part of the internet for free, without any middleman monopoly demanding a cut.

In the real world, as opposed to the libertarian fantasy world, many of the threats to our liberty come from the private sector, with the government being the defender of our liberties. If someone denies that, they need to take their juicebox back to the kiddie table and leave the grownups in peace.
Ok....What do trees have to do with the installation of an aerial cable service line?
I have another question....How does AT&T get their service to to your home?
Where is the cable main line? Front or rear of your home? Where is the telco main line? Front or rear? In most locales, utility easements are all in the same place.
On your street, either front( street side) or rear easement.
Also, the utility companies technically have an obligation to keep the easement across your property clear of growth which may fall and damage the service lines.
Are your telco and electric aerial or buried?
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

Why would anyone who is not a Corporate Shill oppose net neutrality?

Wait, I know, because corporations are the ones that support it.

Actually, Google has been very vocal about Net neutrality and has been posting public policy blogs on the topic for many years. Verizon has fought the FCC in the Courts as it believes that route to be cheaper than administrative challenges.
Also, organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) have a more fundamental problem with the Net neutrality proposed policy, since the EFF just doesn't trust the FCC at all: "Historically, the FCC has sometimes shown more concern for the demands of corporate lobbyists and 'public decency' advocates than it has for individual civil liberties."

Net Neutrality in a Nutshell | E-Commerce | E-Commerce Times

Google and Verizon both like it, it must be good, right? The fact that they will make more money off of it is just a coincidence, and the FCC has never ever ever come down in favor of big companies over individuals.
Where do you live, North Korea?

I live in Indianapolis, and my only choice is AT&T. Comcast came out and told me I'd have to cut down a lot of big trees to get a cable line. Dish also said all the trees would have to go if I wanted to get a signal. So, I have one choice. If I wanted to massacre the trees, I'd have the choice of 3 colluding near-monopolies, all charging nearly the same price for the same stuff. Big whoop. And if I wanted to switch, it would cost me hundreds of dollars in fees. High barriers to switching mean that there effectively isn't a free market.

Civilized nations now offer internet from governments, at high speed and low cost. The USA is not among them, going the opposite way by often banning the government from saving everyone money and providing better service without censorship. That's why the USA is nearly at 3rd world nation status when it comes to internet speed. Conservatives refer to that as "liberty". No, nobody can figure it out.

I wonder if any of the progressives here would be this lit up, if the government were trying to force DirecTV to carry The Blaze?

That question doesn't even seem connected to the issue, being that TV shows and internet access are completely different things. People, having paid for internet access, are entitled to get any free part of the internet for free, without any middleman monopoly demanding a cut.

In the real world, as opposed to the libertarian fantasy world, many of the threats to our liberty come from the private sector, with the government being the defender of our liberties. If someone denies that, they need to take their juicebox back to the kiddie table and leave the grownups in peace.

Just a minute? SO if you switched providers you claim AT&T has a termination fee?
It makes sense that having trees in the wrong place would preclude one from receiving a satellite signal?
Did you check with Directv?
"Colluding near monopolies"? Stop it?
Now lets clear up something. When you state "government", do not imply this is some sort of lordly entity that magically provides things you want or believe you are entitled. Government is funded by taxpayers. And your idea is one where taxpayers subsidize the cost of internet services to all. It also is under the absolute control of government. Would you be in favor of government controlled media? Would you want to pay for internet whether you wanted it or not? After all, internet service is a choice. Same as a land line telephone.
So please provide an example of a threat from the private sector to your liberty.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

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