GOP candidate who says she was kidnapped by "Jesus-like aliens" endorsed by major newspaper!

Mods - think I dupe posted. Please delete one .. board all slow-n-funky this morning. Thanks!
Ha ha

Haven't the media and our entire country been abducted and hijacked by "Jesus-like aliens."

Also known as "socialist liberals."
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Norman embraces any candidate who supports Trump, even those who have alien kin.
It's a pretty harmless belief. Maybe if she admitted to this AFTER she decided to run for office, that shows questionable judgment, but in the long run it doesn't hurt anyone to have some weird memory from when you were 7.
It speaks volumes that she is considered better than Bruno Barreiro the democratic candidate " Who did such a remarkably poor job and was so universally reviled, and was so routinely ridiculed for being a dunce ".
Who can we get to run for political office any more, what has any crazy person with a few dollars got to lose, should there be a time limit on how far back we go in judging them? has she still been saying she thinks she has alien contact in the last ten years? does she have a history that shows the ability to do the job & do it well. is it enough that the person running is a member of your own party? should we hold people to a higher standard than just what party there from? because the people we elect can effect all our life's with winning on a few popular desires & yet messing up a thousand every day things that effect our life's.
Maybe they were trying to rescue her from Guam before it tipped over?

Or perhaps took her to see the flags the astronauts planted on mars?
Bumper crop of Republican candidates this year - We have Nazis, White Supremacists and now, THIS loony-binner has actually been ENDORSED by the Miami Herald! :D

*I don't make this stuff up kids - honest, I don't

Major Newspaper Endorses Self-Proclaimed Alien Abductee for Congress in Florida

She seems to believe in almost as crazy things as Ocasio.

The difference is of course that you embrace that idiot fully.

NOPE DOPE - I endorse her views for The BRONX where Ds outnumber Rs 5-1.
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