GOP & Democrat Congressmen in the House unanimously rush & pass bill that helps Fortune500 corporations outsource US white-collar jobs to visa workers

Cities burning and politicians taking payoffs like nothing is wrong; and the cities continue to burn as more people get fed up. What a shitty cycle they have created.
It's like I've said 1000 times.....

It's Washington DC vs We The People

The Establishment ALWAYS protects and benefits the Establishment.
People waiting for the Establishment to bring Justice for the people via the Establishment, are in for a looooooooong wait.

There is nothing that will restore America to it's intended greatness other than We The People rising up and fighting for it.
And since Americans have already decided to do nothing......the Establisment wins.
Here is an example of the two party system being the same. The rich, writing laws to benefit the rich. nothing new.
eddiew this is why I say they are the same.

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