GOP don’t want to step on the toes of Jim Jordan as they ask McCarthy to start Church-style committee investigating Fauci + weaponization of DOJ & FBI

I've noticed that, while the Leftists claim that those 87,000 new agents will dramatically increase tax revenues, none of OMB's projections show any increase in expected tax revenues.

Why is that?
I've noticed that, while the Leftists claim that those 87,000 new agents will dramatically increase tax revenues, none of OMB's projections show any increase in expected tax revenues.

Why is that?

EVERY ONE OF CBO's projections show increased tax collections. The proposal, even without any other changes being proposed to the tax code, would increase revenues over the 10 year period by $200 billion while costing $80 billion. That's without increasing taxes for anyone.

Last month, the Congressional Budget Office published An Analysis of Certain Proposals in the President’s 2022 Budget. Since then, CBO has completed its analysis of another proposal in the President’s budget, an increase in spending for the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS’s) enforcement activities. CBO estimates that portions of the Administration’s proposal to increase funding for the IRS by $80 billion over the 2022–2031 period would increase revenues by approximately $200 billion over those 10 years. That estimate does not include changes in revenues resulting from portions of the proposal that involve new information-reporting requirements and other changes to the tax code; those changes are estimated by the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT).

One of the worst outcomes we've seen from the Obama and Biden administrations has been the deep politicization and weaponization of the DOJ and FBI. DOJ is content to remain political and partisan!

The politicization of the FBI and the CIA started in the 1950s. Nothing has changed. In the 1950s and 60s, the CIA was busy overthrowing leftist governments around the world and keeping right wing dictators in power. “Better dead than red” was not just a bumper sticker.

At home, the FBI took part in the house, un-American activities, committee investigations on communist activities in the United States, as well as union leaders, and in the 60s Martin Luther King was a target along with other civil rights leaders

In the 1970s, under Richard Nixon, the CIA was running covert, ops, wrote Southeast Asia, and the FBI was going after anti-war protesters at home.

But it was only after during and after Watergate that the FBI started investigation the White House and federal government corruption.

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