DOJ Refuses To Comply With House Judiciary Committee Request - 'Willing To Negotiate'

'Dick Picks'?

WTF is wrong with you? Maybe they dostracted YOU...

Among Hunter's crimes for which he is being investigated is acting as a foreign agent for several countries without legally being registeted as one. This involved his influence peddling, laundering Russian Oligarch money, arranging / coordinating meetings and deals that benefitted our enemies and the Biden Family crime syndicate.

Snowflakes like you are some of the biggest treasonous / criminal Democrat sac lickers despite the people you constantly defend repeatedly proving they don't give a damn about you.

You aren't one of them - you never will be.
Investigated by whom, the IBI?

Imaginary Biden Investigations



Sort of explains the MAGAT fascination with drag queens doesn't it?
Oversight does not mean that you can interfere in investigations. The term for that is obstruction of justice which is a criminal offense.
How is informing the oversight committee going to interfere in the investigation? How would it obstruct justice?
In theory, yes . With democrats, it's corrupt.
Republicans control The House of Representatives.
There is a conservative majority on the SCOTUS and the federal judiciary is heavily stacked with Trump appointed judges.
So....where exactly do you imagine this "Democrat corruption" exists?
Republicans control The House of Representatives.
There is a conservative majority on the SCOTUS and the federal judiciary is heavily stacked with Trump appointed judges.
So....where exactly do you imagine this "Democrat corruption" exists?
In the White House, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Education, the IRS, the Bureau of Land Management, etc.
The DOJ is an Executive agency.

Didn't you have any civics/U.S. Government classes in school?
I thought it was a requirement.

Here is what you've missed.
Three branches of government.
All separate but EQUAL
They serve to check and balance one another

In theory each branch is accountable to the others.

You're welcome.
The executive agency is run by a democrat, who has many democrats working under him. Are you trying to say that anything under the executive branch should not have oversight and that they should be above the law?
Garland refuses to releae information on on-going investigations to the House Judiciary Committee / Oversight Committee.

Instead, the DOT sent the House a letter outlining their defined process in which they would be willing to release only information they chose to.

'The Justice Department on Friday told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, it would not provide certain information related to its ongoing investigations .'

The DOJ stated there is long-standing (DOJ) policy that allows them to withhold on-going investigation info as well as withhold confirmation of the existence of on-going investigations.

'The Justice Department on Friday told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, it would not provide certain information related to its ongoing investigations'

Umm, I would not care about proven partisan, weaponized internal policy that says rge DOJ can HIDE information about investigatio s or even HIDE complete investigations from Congress.

That shit needs to end NOW, and Garland and his DOJ,it seems, needs to be educated on tbe definition of 'Oversight', as in COMPLETE OVERSIGHT of the DOJ.

Just like the proven criminal, weaponized FBI, the DOJ is pushing back against any external oversight.

Exactly what the DOJ and FBI need, however, is oversight from an outside entity, not from anyone who was raised, groomed, and elevated from within these proven partisan, weaponized agencies!

Awwwe, poor Gymmy Jordan just had his ass handed back to him by DOJ. Tough shit. He's been in Congress for a number of years & he's well aware of DOJ's policy regarding his demands. It's nothing but Gymmy theater so he can run his yap a mile a minute to Hannity whining how unfair it is.

The stink of Trump's ass on his face has fogged up Gym Shorts' brain.

And right on cue, dopes fall for the charade every single time.
Awwwe, poor Gymmy Jordan just had his ass handed back to him by DOJ. Tough shit. He's been in Congress for a number of years & he's well aware of DOJ's policy regarding his demands. It's nothing but Gymmy theater so he can run his yap a mile a minute to Hannity whining how unfair it is.

The stink of Trump's ass on his face has fogged up Gym Shorts' brain.

And right on cue, dopes fall for the charade every single time.
You're a classic example of the problem in this country. The old corrupt double standard.
Garland refuses to releae information on on-going investigations to the House Judiciary Committee / Oversight Committee.

Instead, the DOT sent the House a letter outlining their defined process in which they would be willing to release only information they chose to.

'The Justice Department on Friday told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, it would not provide certain information related to its ongoing investigations .'

The DOJ stated there is long-standing (DOJ) policy that allows them to withhold on-going investigation info as well as withhold confirmation of the existence of on-going investigations.

'The Justice Department on Friday told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, it would not provide certain information related to its ongoing investigations'

Umm, I would not care about proven partisan, weaponized internal policy that says rge DOJ can HIDE information about investigatio s or even HIDE complete investigations from Congress.

That shit needs to end NOW, and Garland and his DOJ,it seems, needs to be educated on tbe definition of 'Oversight', as in COMPLETE OVERSIGHT of the DOJ.

Just like the proven criminal, weaponized FBI, the DOJ is pushing back against any external oversight.

Exactly what the DOJ and FBI need, however, is oversight from an outside entity, not from anyone who was raised, groomed, and elevated from within these proven partisan, weaponized agencies!

Dude gymie jordon is a on a phishing expedition.
Garland refuses to releae information on on-going investigations to the House Judiciary Committee / Oversight Committee.

'The Justice Department on Friday told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, it would not provide certain information related to its ongoing investigations .'

The DOJ stated there is long-standing (DOJ) policy that allows them to withhold on-going investigation info as well as withhold confirmation of the existence of on-going investigations.
What's so hard to understand.

The police, the DA, the US Attorneys, anybody in the criminal justice system knows that the release of certain information can sabotage an investigation.

That's why search warrants, and other investigative steps are filed "under seal" so that nobody is prewarned about what is going to happen. Giving them a chance to destroy evidence, tamper with witnesses, or otherwise undermine the investigation.
The executive agency is run by a democrat, who has many democrats working under him. Are you trying to say that anything under the executive branch should not have oversight and that they should be above the law?
Do you want DOJ to brief the white house on the investigation into classified documents held by Biden?

To tell the white house where they plan to look, who they plan to question, and disclose what documents they found.

Think about it.
Apparently you
That's fine, we'll have the Trump SCOTUS smack them around.
Apparently you missed the entire point.
Separate but EQUAL branches of government.

"Smacking around" is not a function of ANY of the branches.
Apparently you

Apparently you missed the entire point.
Separate but EQUAL branches of government.

"Smacking around" is not a function of ANY of the branches.
I think you need to read the definition of checks and balances dumb ass. :talk2hand:
THOSE are the investigations MTG, McCarthy, Hawley and the rest of the traitors care about.

"But Hunter's Dick Pics" is only a distraction.
I see it worked.
Dick Pics?

Why is that all you noticed with the Hunter Biden thing. Heck, I didnt even know there were dick pics.

But thats all you saw?


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