GOP downplaying assault on abortion rights as voters turn away

They dont seem to be promoting the "Life at Conception Act" which I understand would take awayy the states rights to decide. This seems to be a pragmatic yet cynical move on their part. If you believe in it you should argue your case and try to convince educated young women that it is in their interests to bear a dead foetus to birth.
Yeah real cute thar Pops.You don't even have enough Interest
in yer heart to properly spell the word FETUS.
Which is the Legal term for an Unborn Baby.Or living
Human being in the womb of a nutter human being.
Yeah real cute thar Pops.You don't even have enough Interest
in yer heart to properly spell the word FETUS.
Which is the Legal term for an Unborn Baby.Or living
Human being in the womb of a nutter human being.
Im not an ignorant colonial.
The foetus is about to fuck the GOP over.
Is there a more divisive issue than abortion? Probably not.

The SC‘s number one job is protecting the oligarchy and continuing the status quo. Could it be this decision was made to further divide Americans, to protect the oligarchy?
Absolutely, as you have an entire group of people supporting murder and another condemning it. One that values life, and one that sees it as in inconvenience (if it isn't them).
The only people who support Democrats are America's enemies and the trolls they pay to push their policies on America.

80% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction and the other 20% are kid grooming scum.
Before long Real Americans have a chance to abort the Democrat
party as a viable political party.
At the polls.Not while loitering in some Urban Big city Metropolis at some
Protest that displays Violence.And Looting.And tossin' Malatov cocktails
or frozen water bottles.Especially at Police.Not one Republican
killed a Cop at some Protest.There were NO *firearms used on January 6th.
Nor Malatov Cocktails.There was a Bomb planted in front of some
D.C. Democrat Headquarter.There partial video of the person who
planted it.No way to unravel via face recognition technology who it
was.The perp had covered their face and body.
The January 6th Stasi hearing never bothered to look into that
stashed Bomb threat.It was secretly placed next to a park bench
amongst some Bushes.It would have been kinda easy to find BTW.

* Except the one used by the Capitol Cop who shot Ashli Babbett in the
neck w/o as much a warning.Then for months his name was kept from
the public.That is Unheard of in Police or Cop files.To refuse to release
the name of a Cop who shot and killed someone while on duty.
But that's How Scumbaggers of the Democrat persuation roll.
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Hmmm slave mean like the Dimmers who started slavery in the US and also formed the KKK? Those slave owners and policies?
At the 1924 DNC { Democrat National Convention } the Ku Klux Klan
was given a seat.It may have been the Longest Political Convention in
History known as the " Klanbake "
Republicans have become “the dog that caught the car”

They achieved their goal of over turning Roe and now they realize how unpopular that is.

They have backed off SOME of their rhetoric in very recent days but ONLY because the mid terms are nearing

Once that’s over… they’ll come on full force.

The goal of these radical right wingers is to outlaw abortion in every state and in every case

Make no mistake
Republicans have become “the dog that caught the car”

They achieved their goal of over turning Roe and now they realize how unpopular that is.

They have backed off SOME of their rhetoric in very recent days but ONLY because the mid terms are nearing

Once that’s over… they’ll come on full force.

The goal of these radical right wingers is to outlaw abortion in every state and in every case

Make no mistake
The truth is out of over a million abortions a year there will not be many more than a tenth of them affected by this Supreme Court ruling. And there are many ways to avoid getting pregnant along with ways to transport to other states to get one.
Absolutely, as you have an entire group of people supporting murder and another condemning it. One that values life, and one that sees it as in inconvenience (if it isn't them).
That’s not my point. I’m suggesting the SC decision to overturn Roe may have been done in part, to further divide Americans so the elite can continue to enrich and empower themselves.

This is a graphic depiction of what I’m referring to.
The truth is out of over a million abortions a year there will not be many more than a tenth of them affected by this Supreme Court ruling. And there are many ways to avoid getting pregnant along with ways to transport to other states to get one.
Whatever! Explain how in a little over 50 years time Abortion
went from being a national scourge { very very unpopular and
rarely talked about } to Today.Where it' treated as if a visit to the
sweet shop { Soda fountain for a double dipper Milkshake }.
The Democrats is the explanation.Just like it was Them Democrats
who owned and abided Slavery.Authored Jim Crow and used enforcers
like Bull Connor.How many Segregationist did Biden consider his personal
Instead the words " slave estates " replace with Democrat Party
" Let us draw a cordon ... around the slave estates,and that hateful
institution,like a reptile poisoining itself,will perish of it's own infamy."
Abe Lincoln { speech,May19,1856 }
That’s not my point. I’m suggesting the SC decision to overturn Roe may have been done in part, to further divide Americans so the elite can continue to enrich and empower themselves.

This is a graphic depiction of what I’m referring to.
View attachment 689227
How about a dirty little secret.Like how Black Females have 5 times
the number of Abortions than White Females.I guess that kinda
screws the entire narrative behind BlackLivesMatter.
As we can see… Republicans blame women for getting pregnant… as if they did it alone and on purpose.

They may be a little quieter with an election coming but make no mistake…

They want abortion ended. Period

Everywhere and in all circumstances

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