GOP Establishment will have Melt Down if Newt wins Florida!

This reminds me of the Hilary/Obama race in 2008. I thought Hilary had it locked up. I was actually hoping the Obama would get the nod, he seemed to be the weaker could any American vote for an inexperience man who consorts with known terrorists and felons, attends a racist church for 20 years, and refuses to release his college transcripts and records?? He had so many credibility issues.....He seemed to be a far easier candidate to beat than Hilary......
This reminds me of the Hilary/Obama race in 2008. I thought Hilary had it locked up. I was actually hoping the Obama would get the nod, he seemed to be the weaker could any American vote for an inexperience man who consorts with known terrorists and felons, attends a racist church for 20 years, and refuses to release his college transcripts and records?? He had so many credibility issues.....He seemed to be a far easier candidate to beat than Hilary......

^ This.

I learned a valuable lesson in 2008.
This reminds me of the Hilary/Obama race in 2008. I thought Hilary had it locked up. I was actually hoping the Obama would get the nod, he seemed to be the weaker could any American vote for an inexperience man who consorts with known terrorists and felons, attends a racist church for 20 years, and refuses to release his college transcripts and records?? He had so many credibility issues.....He seemed to be a far easier candidate to beat than Hilary......

^ This.

I learned a valuable lesson in 2008.
This and the fact that the Media and the RNC Blue-Bloods steered McCain because it was his turn.
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They've already had the meltdown. They have been trying to drag down the rest of the country with them for the last 30 years.

In fact, Republicans have been way more effective than al Qaeda.
I expected a republican party civil war but I never thought it would be over two neo-cons. The weirdness factor in the republican primary is incredible in the fact that the tea party has been made a non-entity and no one seems to care.

Turds like you have called every Republican who was ever elected a "neocon."

The term is meaningless.
I expected a republican party civil war but I never thought it would be over two neo-cons. The weirdness factor in the republican primary is incredible in the fact that the tea party has been made a non-entity and no one seems to care.

Turds like you have called every Republican who was ever elected a "neocon."

The term is meaningless.
Actually? It means Jew.
You laugh all you want. Newt Gingrich as the GOP nominee would be a dream come true for the White House. I know a dozen devoted Republicans that have vowed to stay at home in November if Newt the Nympho becomes the nominee.

The claim that you know a dozen "devoted" Republicans doesn't pass the laugh test. You just destroyed whatever pathetic level of credibility you may have enjoyed in this forum.
After watching the rabid way the teabaggers were acting when they started I knew the GOP would eat itself.

I just didn't think they'd be this fast at it.

Change is never welcome, even when its needed.

When will you idiots figure it out? Or do you still believe Obama is different?

Hope and change baby! Lmao

Then Newt is your man! He is Big on Change, expecially when it comes to wives. He likes to Change those as the old one gets fat or sick.

The real losers will be the school children he wants to make scrub the toilets.

Reeeeeeeeeeeal Presidential.

Forget about college, work on scrubbing the toilet.
After watching the rabid way the teabaggers were acting when they started I knew the GOP would eat itself.

I just didn't think they'd be this fast at it.
Just as we witness the rabid Gimme Generation of OWS petulants that Obama and the Statists have laid claim to?

After watching the rabid way the teabaggers were acting when they started I knew the GOP would eat itself.

I just didn't think they'd be this fast at it.
Just as we witness the rabid Gimme Generation of OWS petulants that Obama and the Statists have laid claim to?


OWS hasn't turned on the Dems, just the 1 percent.

BTW The "T"ard, how's your presidential campaign going? Did you place higher than Cain in SC?
Having lived Florida from my childhood rock and roller to now, thank you great state.

This state is not stupid. Watch it rock. We know have Santorum a win, Romney a give in NH, Now Newt in SC.

Hells bells we are gonna rock. And I love it.
For my information can someone tell me;
Are delegates compelled to vote the way of their state's selection when they get to the national convention?

The short answer is yes. The more complex answer is that the delegates are apportioned by a percentage of the vote (in 08 it was winner take all). The idea of a "faithless" delegate is a non-starter n the GOP.

The upshot is (if I understand it correctly), if there is no winner in the primaries as to delegate count, when the RNC takes place, and they nominate their candidates and allocate the delegates officiall, if there is no one candidate that has enough to clinch the nomination, the delegates are "freed" to vote as they wish.

At this point, what will more than likely happen is a borkered convention where by (not televised) the smoky back room takes hold and the RNC board appoints the nominee.

I could envision Newt threatening to strangle anyone who doesn't vote for him at that point.
After watching the rabid way the teabaggers were acting when they started I knew the GOP would eat itself.

I just didn't think they'd be this fast at it.
Just as we witness the rabid Gimme Generation of OWS petulants that Obama and the Statists have laid claim to?


OWS hasn't turned on the Dems, just the 1 percent.

BTW The "T"ard, how's your presidential campaign going? Did you place higher than Cain in SC?

What part of Trumka don't you get big boy? Don't you know how pissed off they are you moron?
This reminds me of the Hilary/Obama race in 2008. I thought Hilary had it locked up. I was actually hoping the Obama would get the nod, he seemed to be the weaker could any American vote for an inexperience man who consorts with known terrorists and felons, attends a racist church for 20 years, and refuses to release his college transcripts and records?? He had so many credibility issues.....He seemed to be a far easier candidate to beat than Hilary......

Again, the GOP forgets that the mechanisms by which most persons vote is much less of a calculus equation than a gut feeling.

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