GOP Extremism Poses Existential Threat To America; Democrats Must Not Let Voters Forget In 2022

It’s funny how scared you guys are of people voting.
It's not really fear, more like shame after that disaster Obama and now Biden. If nobody was watching or expecting anything we'd laugh. Advertising the abject stupidity of the left for all the world to see is just embarrassing.
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.

Name one "extremist" gop position, or stfu.
That said, the Democrats still have to present a better alternative. There are things they do that don't help them.
And that hurts Mac1958 ’s partisan democrat heart

poor thing

thanks to the threat of Tea Party and Trump voters poor mac1958 may never be able to vote for some 3rd party loser again
Anyone who opposes Voter ID supports people voting illegally. Period. End of story.
It doesn’t make a piss fucking difference because voter fraud is too rare for it to matter in an election. You idiots didn’t even care about voter fraud until the GOP conveniently started whining about it while Obama was president. You’re incapable of thinking for yourselves.
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It doesn’t make a piss fucking difference because voter fraud is too rare for it to matter in an election. You idiots didn’t even care about voter fraud until the GOP conveniently started whining about it while Obama was president. You’re incapable of thinking for yourselves.
I have no obligation to validate your warped perceptions.

But can we go ahead and put you down as supporting voter fraud?
I have no obligation to validate your warped perceptions.

But can we go ahead and put you down as supporting voter fraud?
Are you aware of the amount of republicans who have committed voter fraud? No of course not. Your mind is saturated with bullshit rightwing propaganda.
Are you aware of the amount of republicans who have committed voter fraud? No of course not. Your mind is saturated with bullshit rightwing propaganda.
There's an important distinction between the two of us.

I can say I oppose voter fraud no matter who does it.

You can't.
There's an important distinction between the two of us.

I can say I oppose voter fraud no matter who does it.

You can't.
I don’t understand why you have this delusion I support voter fraud lol. Obviously I never said I did. I just don’t whine like a little bitch like you do about it. I just don’t pretend it is some national crisis.
I don’t understand why you have this delusion I support voter fraud lol. Obviously I never said I did. I just don’t whine like a little bitch like you do about it. I just don’t pretend it is some national crisis.
Oh, then you'll have no problem with instituting Voter ID! Awesome!
Oh, then you'll have no problem with instituting Voter ID! Awesome!
I don’t at all care if that happened. Here’s a fun fact for you, though. Most cases of voter fraud would not be prevented with ID laws. Voting twice in an election, for example, would not at all be deterred with such a thing because the first vote was perfectly legal. I’m glad I could educate you on this Christmas Day.
We have to do three things to ensure the liberals don’t steal the next election:

1. No midnight “halts” to the count with lame excuses (our counting people are tired; a toilet is leaking on the other side of the building, etc.), and CERTAINLY no halts involving five swing states, all simultaneously.

2. No massive mail-in ballot schemes, allowing for ballot harvesting by the millions.

3. The mail-in ballots that ARE allowed must be in by the end of Election Day, and counted BEFORE the in-person vote. None of this scheme where liberals know the count of in-person votes, and then spend the next days “collecting” ballots, 100% of which were mysteriously marked for the Democrat.
I don’t at all care if that happened. Here’s a fun fact for you, though. Most cases of voter fraud would not be prevented with ID laws. Voting twice in an election, for example, would not at all be deterred with such a thing because the first vote was perfectly legal. I’m glad I could educate you on this Christmas Day.
Yelling NUH UH is not a devastating rebuttal, but I understand it's all you've got.
What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
It was Trump who launched Operation Warp Speed which got us 3 different vaccines in record time. Joe Biden can’t even get us test kits.


In a coronavirus response that was otherwise halting and oftentimes lacking coordination, Operation Warp Speed, which the Biden administration announced it will retire and rename, was a rare bright spot, serving as a key receptacle for investment and coordination between the pharmaceutical companies racing to produce the vaccine and the federal government aiming to get jabs in the arm. The discussion around what has gone wrong in the U.S. response to the pandemic has been well-worn, but what about what has gone right? Every positive development has come with a chorus of reflexive media skepticism. Prior to the release of high-efficacy results from the vaccines, National Geographic confidently declared that a coronavirus vaccine “could take way longer than a year”; the Atlantic provided readers with a “Vaccine Reality Check,” which explained that “a COVID-19 vaccine is unlikely to meet all of [the] high expectations” that had been set; and CNBC cautioned readers that “a coronavirus vaccine cannot be reasonably expected until the end of 2021” — this last sentiment according to a professor who is also the chairman of the World Health Organization’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network. Luckily for America and the rest of the world, these dire predictions were wrong.

Watching the execution of Operation Warp Speed sometimes felt akin to watching a newsreel from a distant world where government can act quickly and work efficiently. From inception to execution, the triumvirate of Dr. Moncef Slaoui (who resigned at the request of the Biden transition team), Gen. Gustave Perna, and former Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar put on a masterclass for an all-hands-on-deck approach to beating back the pandemic. The operation could be broken down into three areas, each of which was essential to delivering on its goal: First, taxpayer investment in manufacturing and clinical trials. Second, choosing vaccine candidates that had the ability to deliver on efficacy results by the first half of 2021. And third, a military-grade logistics operation to distribute the vaccine.

WASHINGTON: U.S. President Joe Biden's steps to backstop hospitals and distribute coronavirus test kits, however welcome, are too little too late to stem a surge of Omicron-related coronavirus cases over Christmas and New Year's, health experts said.

A day after Biden outlined plans to distribute 500 million at-home coronavirus test kits, Anne Rimoin, a UCLA professor of epidemiology, praised his focus on testing, a "critical tool" that the United States was "woefully" behind on.

"Unfortunately, it's late in coming and will be a small drop in the bucket compared to the tsunami of cases on the horizon."

The tests promised by the White House starting in January equate to just 1 or 2 per U.S. resident. Households need far more to make daily decisions about exposure, Rimoin said.

"We need those tests now," she said. U.S. testing is behind the curve because of a lack of skilled workers, a shortage of at-home tests and under-investment in recent months, according to interviews with more than a dozen officials, health providers and testmakers.
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.

What do Democrats run on?
Darky needs more welfare.
And you wonder why the Oval Office never stays Democrat for more than 2 terms.

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