GOP Have No New Message for 2014 or 2016--Only Repeal Again?

If something is necrotic - it needs to be cut off. obamacare is dead on arrival and is poisoning the whole body - USA

The problem with that is that the only people buying into that are those on the extreme right. Good luck selling that to everyone else.
Christie will give Hillary a run for her money -- for the Demo nomination

You nutters better start praying that you can convince Thune to run, because any of the others you guys are in love with won't have any chance at all. Christie gives Republicans a chance, but I don't see him beating Hillary. If he would win, most of you will hate him anyway.
Dems if you like your Senate Majority you can keep it. Period*

* Nah only fucking with you, you're getting shellacked again like 2010 only worse

You would think that could happen with all the crap that's gone wrong with the ACA, but I still don't see it happening. I still think Dems hold the Senate and pick up a few seats in the House. In 2016, Dems take everything. While only time will prove or disprove this out, I think what you guys on the right are missing is that the country has taken a step to the left and away from the right. The tea party and other ultra conservatives, along with rabid social conservatives have scared moderates away. Those moderates are moving left. The only thing left for the Republicans is the extreme right, but this is what they have wanted for years. Now we will see how well it works for them.


And the GOP can’t win elections simply being opposed to everything.
Dems if you like your Senate Majority you can keep it. Period*

* Nah only fucking with you, you're getting shellacked again like 2010 only worse

You would think that could happen with all the crap that's gone wrong with the ACA, but I still don't see it happening. I still think Dems hold the Senate and pick up a few seats in the House. In 2016, Dems take everything. While only time will prove or disprove this out, I think what you guys on the right are missing is that the country has taken a step to the left and away from the right. The tea party and other ultra conservatives, along with rabid social conservatives have scared moderates away. Those moderates are moving left. The only thing left for the Republicans is the extreme right, but this is what they have wanted for years. Now we will see how well it works for them.

Dems lose the Senate in 14


See ya!
Remember when Clinton's plan to add a drug benefit to Medicare was killed by the GOP back in the late 1990s? Conservative writers in NR and the WSJ were elated.

How did that work for the GOP, the party of free markets and small government? :lol:

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