GOP kills it's own bill - again

I prefer a House of Representatives that can actually get something done for somebody, anybody, preferably the whole United States, but since trump came in 2016, that has been out the window and not on the table. Maybe it will be better after the next election, when Joe gets re-elected for 4 more years. If you approve of these mental midget self aggrandizing, troublemakers for trouble making sake, in our House of Representatives, I only have one thing to say.
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Goddamn these people are so disingenuous its disgusting.

Why do lefties think an open discussion of issues and opinions is "disingenuous"? That's what politics should be about. Are they so used to following orders from a confused old man who can't offer an opinion without a pocket full of cheat sheets?
Why do lefties think an open discussion of issues and opinions is "disingenuous"? That's what politics should be about. Are they so used to following orders from a confused old man who can't offer an opinion without a pocket full of cheat sheets?
I was referring to leftists.
They are always screaming about "muh constitution" and "muh democracy" and then bitch and whine about warrantless searches.
Do you understand now? I can explain it again if i need to. You arent exactly known around here for picking up on things..
or representation per the constitution. They really hate america, really!!!!!

I only know of one, you heard that right, ONE commiecrat rep that has pushed back against xiden lawlessly allowing the illegal alien invasion. Yeah, they hate the country.

Imagine a liberoidal being in favor of warrantless searches of Americans.....I don't have to imagine it, here one is.

You fascist fucking poseur punks never ever really believed a word of that crap you spewed for decades, about civil liberties and the overbearing police state...Not for a moment.
What? You don't like the police state that republicans have brought about? Republicans have given us the FBI, DEA, ICE, EPA, DHS, TSA, Patriot Act, warrantless searches, war on drugs, no-knock raids, mandatory minimum sentences, extraordinary rendition, torture prisons, and military tribunals. Fuck you for trying to pass all this off on democrats when it has been the authoritarian right wing repugs all along. You're just mad because the machinery is finally catching crooks on the right for a change.
What? You don't like the police state that republicans have brought about? Republicans have given us the FBI, DEA, ICE, EPA, DHS, TSA, Patriot Act, warrantless searches, war on drugs, no-knock raids, mandatory minimum sentences, extraordinary rendition, torture prisons, and military tribunals. Fuck you for trying to pass all this off on democrats when it has been the authoritarian right wing repugs all along. You're just mad because the machinery is finally catching crooks on the right for a change.
I loathe the republicans in general, and neocon goons like the Bushes in particular.

Having now cleared that air, what have the authoritarian poseur goons on your team done to pare back the Gestapo one little bit?.....Fucking NOTHING, that's what.

In fact, they've not only reauthorized abominations like the Patriot Act, but have abused the living fuck out of it.

My civil liberties have not been violated. What did you do to get in trouble?
Fake news...

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I was referring to leftists.
They are always screaming about "muh constitution" and "muh democracy" and then bitch and whine about warrantless searches.
Do you understand now? I can explain it again if i need to. You arent exactly known around here for picking up on things..
It seems rational to cite democracy and the Constitution and whine about warrantless searches. What are we talking about again?
Divisions within the House Republican Conference continue to widen as 19 conservatives clashed with party leadership Wednesday, killing Speaker Mike Johnson's proposal to advance reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in a 119-228 vote.

Had today's procedural vote to advance FISA reform passed, Congress would have moved closer toward retooling Section 702 of FISA, a provision allowing U.S. intelligence authorities to conduct warrantless surveillance on foreigners abroad. Johnson's bill would have introduced new safeguards to Section 702 data and criminalized the use of backdoor loopholes to collect such data. But - - It didn't happen as Republicans couldn't even agree with each other on what they want.

Do we really want these clowns running the country again? 🤔

Well, the cucky reps are actually good, since they can't ever pass anything and destroy America.
Dems are excellent at passing bills...but all their bills destroy America.

Trump don't like.jpg
I prefer a House of Representatives that can actually get something done for somebody, anybody, preferably the whole United States, but since trump came in 2016, that has been out the window and not on the table. Maybe it will be better after the next election, when Joe gets re-elected for 4 more years. If you approve of these mental midget self aggrandizing, troublemakers for trouble making sake, in our House of Representatives, I only have one thing to say.
View attachment 930653

Who dis...IM2?
Is this legislation that allows them to listen to ISIS and white power organisations. Perhaps to prevent terrorist attacks ?

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