GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."

RUSH: The impeachment saga in the House. This is terrific. Everything that I have thought about this and much of what I have told you about this is coming true. They don’t want any part of it. Pelosi doesn’t want any part of it. There are moderate, quote, unquote, in the Drive-By Media, moderate Democrats claiming that they are privately going — from Trump districts – they’re going to Nadler, “Please stop this. Don’t do this. This is not something anybody wants.”

But Nadler is ignoring them even though he knows he should pay attention. And they’re trying to do it and not do it at the same time. And there’s also a trick. One of the things Nadler’s trying to do with this impeachment hearing is actually find a judge, they’re looking for a judge anywhere that will rule that Trump has to turn over his tax returns and anything else that Nadler and his committee want. So we’re gonna be tracking that down

Keep reading: Jerry Nadler’s Impeachment Dilemma
There have already been multiple "investigations", and they found nothing. So when did the legislative branch become the judicial branch?

House Dem's are launching an investigation into whether they should investigate...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What they're doing is hoping that the media will fool enough sheeple into thinking impeachment would be a good idea. As it stands, 61% of the people in this country are opposed to it.

The House Democrats erroneously believe that all their talk about impeachment plus that being parroted on CNN and MSNBC, will change the poll numbers, thereby giving them a valid reason.
Pelosi is losing her shit, the NC Dem candidate "won the campaign, he didn't win the election but he won the campaign" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Best Dem mockery threader ever :auiqs.jpg:

Not a shock. Because in left-wing world, the real danger is having a different ideology, not if you broke a law. Disagreeing is grounds for impeachment.

Why do you think in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, that political prisoners were held in higher security prisons, than murderers and rapists?

Same is true of Cuba and Venezuela today. If you steal... that's bad.... but don't speak against Maduro... now you are in trouble.
There have already been multiple "investigations", and they found nothing. So when did the legislative branch become the judicial branch?

House Dem's are launching an investigation into whether they should investigate...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What they're doing is hoping that the media will fool enough sheeple into thinking impeachment would be a good idea. As it stands, 61% of the people in this country are opposed to it.

The House Democrats erroneously believe that all their talk about impeachment plus that being parroted on CNN and MSNBC, will change the poll numbers, thereby giving them a valid reason.

Its called a trial balloon, standard Dem scheming.
He didn't lie, WMDs were found and Sadam admitted his new WMD program was a bluff against Iraq.

Oh please.....

Old dental Exray machines are not WMDs

I've heard that before and truthfully, you are an idiot for regurgitating that hoax.

A simple Google search can't even find a record of that one:

WMD Iraq +"X-ray machines" - Bing
Jeez. And you guys say Alex Jones is a knee-jerk conspiracy theory idiot.
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
I've been begging the left to impeach him. Please do it.

I agree first we have a lot to investigate.

There have already been multiple "investigations", and they found nothing. So when did the legislative branch become the judicial branch?

No he obstructing everything. Even Mueller.
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
I've been begging the left to impeach him. Please do it.

I agree first we have a lot to investigate.

There have already been multiple "investigations", and they found nothing. So when did the legislative branch become the judicial branch?

No he obstructing everything. Even Mueller.

When did Mueller say that?
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
I've been begging the left to impeach him. Please do it.

I agree first we have a lot to investigate.

There have already been multiple "investigations", and they found nothing. So when did the legislative branch become the judicial branch?

No he obstructing everything. Even Mueller.

You must live in a cave full of nothing but shit and mushrooms. Stop eating the mushrooms for a minute and consider this:

In spite of the "obstruct everything" House of Representatives and completely without their help, President Tump has accomplished more in almost three years, than you even have the mental capacity to fathom.

The proof of his accomplishments is evident by the wailing, moaning, howling, and autistic screeching from you cave-dwelling, mushroom-eating troglodytes. I'd probably worry more that he wasn't getting anything done if you inbred incels weren't making any noise but then, I'd have a moment's peace.
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
What is wrong with an investigation?

Republicans impeached over a blow job....Dems just want some accountability
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
What is wrong with an investigation?

Republicans impeached over a blow job....Dems just want some accountability

First part true, second part very funny.
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
Eventually the sheer number of crimes and all the lawlessness will make it inevitable. Bill Clinton lied about getting a blowjob. So we know Republicans are on board with impeachment.
Watters, AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Nadler, O'Roarke, Harris, Cummings and Schiff are some of the dumbest Democrats in office today and they're also (coincidentally?) the biggest pushers of impeachment. These are the buffoons that are leading Pelosi's party and sure as shit their ignorance will run the that party into the dirt. The sad thing is that they have no alternative since they have no sane positions to champion.
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
Bring it you blithering fucking idiots! :beer: This is like catching fish in a barrel. Too easy. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

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