GOP leader in Texas says colleagues are trying to oust him for being Muslim

Single out the one link that says 4.4 trillion, pls. TIA.
I linked it AND quoted it, dumbass. Do you need glasses?

Wow. Talk about willful blindness!

No bitch. You posted 5 links in 1..and the main one leads to this thing with about 100 links.

Which one says 4.4 trillion proposed budget? I'm not playing whack-a-mole links here.
The very first link, dipshit.

The second sentence of my post was a DIRECT QUOTE from the first link.

Christ, you can lead a horse to water...
Why minorities don't vote for the party which HATES them.


No American should vote for shit like that, you dumbass!

Or are you of the opinion that fathers should be able to behead their daughters with a sword for not marrying who the father arranged for in America?

Are you for fathers murdering their daughters, or not?

There is no in-between on this. Murder is murder.
See? You’re a white winger. You sound exactly like a typical Republican.

So you're saying Muslim dude gets a pass on cutting his daughter's head off with a sword, right?

You should catch a bullet right after him. A 2800 fps one. In. The. Head.
Oh? Who has made the claim that "Muslim dude gets a pass on cutting his daughter's head off with a sword"? Besides YOU, that is.

He did. He didn't say it was wrong. Next!
Oh really? Not seeing YOU say it's wrong either. IT IS against the law and wrong. I'll say that.....why won't you?
Isn't it funny how the pseudocons have not been informed by their propagandists about Trump's record spending budget?

How about that!

How many times have I said their bullshit manufacturers deliberately keep them in the dark? Geezus! Q.E.D.

After whining for EIGHT YEARS about Obama's spending, one of these dipshits is acting all Vinnie Barbarino over Trump's record spending bill.


Oh really? Not seeing YOU say it's wrong either. IT IS against the law and wrong. I'll say that.....why won't you?

It's a given I say it's wrong. I'm not the one trying to excuse it in the name of PC or religion. I risked my life to save a victim of Islam. My 1st experience with it was seeing how evil it is up close and personal.

Pardon me if I'm a tad jaded. :fu:

Single out the one link that says 4.4 trillion, pls. TIA.
I linked it AND quoted it, dumbass. Do you need glasses?

Wow. Talk about willful blindness!

No bitch. You posted 5 links in 1..and the main one leads to this thing with about 100 links.

Which one says 4.4 trillion proposed budget? I'm not playing whack-a-mole links here.

I too, can provide links, with links to other links.
You should be asking yourself why you don't already know this.

Your propagandists have kept you in the dark about Trump's record spending bill. Why do you think that is? You should be asking yourself why they haven't already informed you that Trump has shattered Obama's record.

Your ignorance of this matter is very revealing.
GOP leader in Texas says colleagues are trying to oust him for being Muslim

The Republican Party vice-chairman of Texas's third largest county said there is a movement to have him removed from his position because he's Muslim.

O'Brien has, without evidence, publicly accused Shafi of promoting Sharia law and being affiliated with terrorist groups.

She has written on Facebook that Shafi is a "fake Republican" who might have joined the party at the request of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the organization, the Post reported.

A member of the Texas Republican Party's 2018 platform committee came under fire this week after he proudly declared himself a "white nationalist."


I wasn’t sure weather to post this in politics or in discussion. It sounds like something you should see and politics.

So is this how the Republicans grow their party? By attacking current members? Without any evidence? Are they just taking their cue from Donald Trump? After all he is a nationalist too. How do we know? He told us!
No evidence anyone but one person is "attacking" him....stop crying about it jeez.

Single out the one link that says 4.4 trillion, pls. TIA.
I linked it AND quoted it, dumbass. Do you need glasses?

Wow. Talk about willful blindness!

No bitch. You posted 5 links in 1..and the main one leads to this thing with about 100 links.

Which one says 4.4 trillion proposed budget? I'm not playing whack-a-mole links here.

I too, can provide links, with links to other links.
You should be asking yourself why you don't already know this.

Your propagandists have kept you in the dark about Trump's record spending bill. Why do you think that is? You should be asking yourself why they haven't already informed you that Trump has shattered Obama's record.

Your ignorance of this matter is very revealing.

So you should have some kind of comparison link, correct?
Trump was handed a half trillion deficit.

In two years, he has DOUBLED it.

Let's all give Daffy Donald a big hand!

"Small government".

Nigga please!

Obama + $1 trillion = Daffy Donald
GOP leader in Texas says colleagues are trying to oust him for being Muslim

The Republican Party vice-chairman of Texas's third largest county said there is a movement to have him removed from his position because he's Muslim.

O'Brien has, without evidence, publicly accused Shafi of promoting Sharia law and being affiliated with terrorist groups.

She has written on Facebook that Shafi is a "fake Republican" who might have joined the party at the request of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the organization, the Post reported.

A member of the Texas Republican Party's 2018 platform committee came under fire this week after he proudly declared himself a "white nationalist."


I wasn’t sure weather to post this in politics or in discussion. It sounds like something you should see and politics.

So is this how the Republicans grow their party? By attacking current members? Without any evidence? Are they just taking their cue from Donald Trump? After all he is a nationalist too. How do we know? He told us!

The same crybabies whining about this are the same idiots who were screaming that Kavanaugh was a rapist at the top of their lungs just 3 months ago.
GOP leader in Texas says colleagues are trying to oust him for being Muslim

The Republican Party vice-chairman of Texas's third largest county said there is a movement to have him removed from his position because he's Muslim.

O'Brien has, without evidence, publicly accused Shafi of promoting Sharia law and being affiliated with terrorist groups.

She has written on Facebook that Shafi is a "fake Republican" who might have joined the party at the request of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the organization, the Post reported.

A member of the Texas Republican Party's 2018 platform committee came under fire this week after he proudly declared himself a "white nationalist."


I wasn’t sure weather to post this in politics or in discussion. It sounds like something you should see and politics.

So is this how the Republicans grow their party? By attacking current members? Without any evidence? Are they just taking their cue from Donald Trump? After all he is a nationalist too. How do we know? He told us!

The same crybabies whining about this are the same idiots who were screaming that Kavanaugh was a rapist at the top of their lungs just 3 months ago.
Actually he was only a wannabe rapist and that was like 30 years ago. And a lot of us males, almost all imo, have "messed up" before we learned the pitfalls of booze and drugs on our behavior, and modified our practices.
There are none so blind as those who will not see...

Trump’s $4.4 Trillion Budget Boosts Defense With More Red Ink
White House Proposes $4.4 Trillion Budget That Adds $7 Trillion to Deficits

Trump’s 4.4 trillion dollar budget would increase US deficit

Trump’s Budget Proposal Projects Big Jump in Deficits

President Donald Trump released Monday a $4.4 trillion budget proposal that would boost spending for the military and border security, cut many domestic programs and projects deficits through the next decade.

From your source:

"Any president’s budget proposal is customarily dismissed by Congress -- which controls the government’s purse strings, under the Constitution -- as a dead-on-arrival wish list. That’s especially true with this year’s document. Just last week, Congress passed its own bipartisan two-year budget agreement that increased caps for both domestic and defense spending."

Now STFU and sit the fuck down with your partisan nonsense.
There are none so blind as those who will not see...

Trump’s $4.4 Trillion Budget Boosts Defense With More Red Ink

White House Proposes $4.4 Trillion Budget That Adds $7 Trillion to Deficits

Trump’s 4.4 trillion dollar budget would increase US deficit

Trump’s Budget Proposal Projects Big Jump in Deficits

President Donald Trump released Monday a $4.4 trillion budget proposal that would boost spending for the military and border security, cut many domestic programs and projects deficits through the next decade.

From your source:

"Any president’s budget proposal is customarily dismissed by Congress -- which controls the government’s purse strings, under the Constitution -- as a dead-on-arrival wish list. That’s especially true with this year’s document. Just last week, Congress passed its own bipartisan two-year budget agreement that increased caps for both domestic and defense spending."

Now STFU and sit the fuck down with your partisan nonsense.
The deficit has doubled with the cooperation of the Republican Congress.

Nice try.

Are you even aware that Trump and the GOP Congress already outspent Obama in FY2018?

You are the one who needs to sit down, STFU, and PAY ATTENTION.

People like you, with your stunning ignorance, are proving why a prediction I made a while ago will come true.

Your propagandists have deliberately kept you in the dark about Trump's spending. But once the Democrats take the House, you will all be told to start blaming the Democrats for the doubled deficit and record spending by Trump.

It's a predictable as the rising of the sun tomorrow, and as pathetic as Pooh Bear caught in a knothole.
Trump, with the full cooperation of the GOP Congress, outspent Obama by HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS in FY2018.

Trump is trying to bump that record to a new high of an even trillion dollars for FY2019.

As we just saw, AGAIN, the dipshit pseudocons are completely ignorant of these facts.

Worse, in the tard's desperation, he tried to claim the GOP Congress will stop this reckless spending, in full willful ignorance of what a whopping lie that is.

"Small government."

Nigga please!
Even the Heritage Foundation had to pause and gulp at the Trump spending binge.

"Small government."

Nigga please!

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