GOP looking to ask Putin to run for political office on the GOP ticket

The pity is how disdainful the right is of the hard work that goes into keeping the world from erupting into mass warfare, you guys almost seem to resent it when tensions are eased and nations step back from war, now that's more than pitiful, it's a national shame.

go get a damn crying towel and then cry us a river
we watched you ugly left with Bush's hard work into keeping the world from erupting...
the national shame WAS YOU ON THE LEFT marching in the streets when we had boots on the ground, carrying poster of Bush, AS HITLER, invading Senate hearings charging our SOS with fake blood on your hands, etc etc
now get back to your shrine of Obama and save your preaching for someone who might care

There was not a diplomatic bone in George Bush's body, that's what pissed off the left, that and the way he just unilaterally invaded another country, kind of like Putin did, maybe that explains it, you love imperialist conquerors.

there isn't a diplomatic bone in any of you on the don't try it..look at these threads and your two faced hypocrites...hate one man while claiming the other is some g-d at being diplomatic...all the while he's going around dropping drones on other countries, helping take OUT their leaders and leaving countries to be DEVOIRED BY THE WOLVES who sweep in after...some of you don't live in reality
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go get a damn crying towel and then cry us a river
we watched you ugly left with Bush's hard work into keeping the world from erupting...
the national shame WAS YOU ON THE LEFT marching in the streets when we had boots on the ground, carrying poster of Bush, AS HITLER, invading Senate hearings charging our SOS with fake blood on your hands, etc etc
now get back to your shrine of Obama and save your preaching for someone who might care

There was not a diplomatic bone in George Bush's body, that's what pissed off the left, that and the way he just unilaterally invaded another country, kind of like Putin did, maybe that explains it, you love imperialist conquerors.

there isn't a diplomatic bone in any of you on the don't try it..look at these threads and your two faced hypocrites...hate one man while claiming the other is some g-d at being diplomatic...all the while he's going around dropping drones on other countries, helping take OUT their leaders and leaving countries to be DEVOIRED BY THE WOLVES who sweep in after...some of you don't live in reality

You do not even know what diplomacy is, you and your bunch are fond of calling it "appeasement". Actually talking to world leaders as if they have some say in things, the nerve of our appeaser in chief. You remember that rhetoric? You repeated enough of it. We are killing less people than usual right now, I happen to think that's better, some of you seem to think it's cowardice.
pity Obamabots, so out of anything to try make him a hero

The pity is how disdainful the right is of the hard work that goes into keeping the world from erupting into mass warfare, you guys almost seem to resent it when tensions are eased and nations step back from war, now that's more than pitiful, it's a national shame.

go get a damn crying towel and then cry us a river
we watched you ugly left with Bush's hard work into keeping the world from erupting...
the national shame WAS YOU ON THE LEFT marching in the streets when we had boots on the ground, carrying poster of Bush, AS HITLER, invading Senate hearings charging our SOS with fake blood on your hands, etc etc
now get back to your shrine of Obama and save your preaching for someone who might care

Bush's hard work into keeping the world from erupting

Really? This has to be the craziest statement made on this board. The King of the unjustified war, the father of water boarding, the master of fabrication and cherry picking is now known as someone who worked hard to keep peace.....laughable at best. :badgrin:
You cannot escape the fact that obama has it all coming. Whether or not Putin has an adoring public in the US is almost beside the fact. So far, criticizing obama is racist, homophobic and unpatriotic. It has nothing to do with adoring Putin, it's just another deflection to somehow elevate obama to a station that he is not entitled to hold.

Nope, Obama acts like a reasonable, deliberative leader in foreign affairs, and you hate him for it calling him a pussy. Conservatives much prefer a warmonger who issues threats and ultimatums. The only people who seem to consider him a weakling are those hard right people who feel that military threats should be the in forefront of dealing with the rest of the world. You know there is this rather successful thing that avoids war, it's called diplomacy, it's slow, requires patience and rarely includes rocket launches.

Yup, no one has asked anyone in the GOP to explain to all the veterans who came back missing limbs how they fought in a war that was not necessary. The GOP seems to think diplomacy shows weakness, while acting like a cowboy with six shooters shows strength. They are would be happy if the US was under a conservative dictator.

^ that (don't forget that Shrub the Repub didn't pay for it either :eusa_shhh: )
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The pity is how disdainful the right is of the hard work that goes into keeping the world from erupting into mass warfare, you guys almost seem to resent it when tensions are eased and nations step back from war, now that's more than pitiful, it's a national shame.

go get a damn crying towel and then cry us a river
we watched you ugly left with Bush's hard work into keeping the world from erupting...
the national shame WAS YOU ON THE LEFT marching in the streets when we had boots on the ground, carrying poster of Bush, AS HITLER, invading Senate hearings charging our SOS with fake blood on your hands, etc etc
now get back to your shrine of Obama and save your preaching for someone who might care

Bush's hard work into keeping the world from erupting

Really? This has to be the craziest statement made on this board. The King of the unjustified war, the father of water boarding, the master of fabrication and cherry picking is now known as someone who worked hard to keep peace.....laughable at best. :badgrin:

No, the craziest would be all your threads and posting on this board
CHERRY PICKER whining sheep ugly American
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Last night Katzndogz was a foreign policy expert lol & today is Steph :rolleyes: You zany Repub drones :p

Pretty sad display of partisan hate bleeding over into foreign affairs :(
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There was not a diplomatic bone in George Bush's body, that's what pissed off the left, that and the way he just unilaterally invaded another country, kind of like Putin did, maybe that explains it, you love imperialist conquerors.

there isn't a diplomatic bone in any of you on the don't try it..look at these threads and your two faced hypocrites...hate one man while claiming the other is some g-d at being diplomatic...all the while he's going around dropping drones on other countries, helping take OUT their leaders and leaving countries to be DEVOIRED BY THE WOLVES who sweep in after...some of you don't live in reality

You do not even know what diplomacy is, you and your bunch are fond of calling it "appeasement". Actually talking to world leaders as if they have some say in things, the nerve of our appeaser in chief. You remember that rhetoric? You repeated enough of it. We are killing less people than usual right now, I happen to think that's better, some of you seem to think it's cowardice.

you're free to grovel and like it your President and country does it too...doesn't mean the rest of do or has to
don't end a sentence w/ a preposition Steph. Glad to help

As to the OP, rw'ers take Pootie Poot's cawk out of your mouths!!!
there isn't a diplomatic bone in any of you on the don't try it..look at these threads and your two faced hypocrites...hate one man while claiming the other is some g-d at being diplomatic...all the while he's going around dropping drones on other countries, helping take OUT their leaders and leaving countries to be DEVOIRED BY THE WOLVES who sweep in after...some of you don't live in reality

You do not even know what diplomacy is, you and your bunch are fond of calling it "appeasement". Actually talking to world leaders as if they have some say in things, the nerve of our appeaser in chief. You remember that rhetoric? You repeated enough of it. We are killing less people than usual right now, I happen to think that's better, some of you seem to think it's cowardice.

you're free to grovel...doesn't mean the rest has to

I'm afraid you do until you can finally vote in someone who has no moral dilemma whatsoever sending our troops to fight a war just because you people thirst for war drums, cool explosions and overt projection of military power.
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I think the below says it all......

It is true that Obama has been "a reasonable, deliberative leader in foreign affairs," that conservatives are blinded to this fact is yet another example of their subjective partisanism.

The right’s adoration of Putin is both understandable and telling, where conservatives, who are for the most part authoritarian, would indeed be attracted to a fellow authoritarian: Putin.

And as is often the case, conservatives seek to have it both ways, exposing their inane inconsistency – where Obama can’t be both ‘dictator’ and ‘weakling’ at the same time, when in fact the president is neither.
It is true that Obama has been "a reasonable, deliberative leader in foreign affairs," that conservatives are blinded to this fact is yet another example of their subjective partisanism.

The right’s adoration of Putin is both understandable and telling, where conservatives, who are for the most part authoritarian, would indeed be attracted to a fellow authoritarian: Putin.

And as is often the case, conservatives seek to have it both ways, exposing their inane inconsistency – where Obama can’t be both ‘dictator’ and ‘weakling’ at the same time, when in fact the president is neither.

it's only true to partisan hacks such a you
60% of the American people who now DISAPPROVES him begs to differ..must suck huh..then we get threads such as these whiny BS
It is true that Obama has been "a reasonable, deliberative leader in foreign affairs," that conservatives are blinded to this fact is yet another example of their subjective partisanism.

The right’s adoration of Putin is both understandable and telling, where conservatives, who are for the most part authoritarian, would indeed be attracted to a fellow authoritarian: Putin.

And as is often the case, conservatives seek to have it both ways, exposing their inane inconsistency – where Obama can’t be both ‘dictator’ and ‘weakling’ at the same time, when in fact the president is neither.

it's only true to partisan hacks such a you
60% of the American people who now DISAPPROVES him begs to differ..must suck huh..then we get threads such as these whiny BS

People disapprove of Obama for all sorts of different reasons, for example not getting us into more wars seems to really piss some people off for some reason.
It is true that Obama has been "a reasonable, deliberative leader in foreign affairs," that conservatives are blinded to this fact is yet another example of their subjective partisanism.

The right’s adoration of Putin is both understandable and telling, where conservatives, who are for the most part authoritarian, would indeed be attracted to a fellow authoritarian: Putin.

And as is often the case, conservatives seek to have it both ways, exposing their inane inconsistency – where Obama can’t be both ‘dictator’ and ‘weakling’ at the same time, when in fact the president is neither.
It is true that liberals cannot defend their failed policies and repeat lies over and over hoping to make them true.
We need puddle boots and umbrellas the chit and tears are coming at us fast and furious in this thread

pathetic you on the left have become...we can and still put down Booooooooooooooosh

but you dare criticize the dear leader
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We need puddle boots and umbrellas the chit and tears are coming at us fast and furious in this thread

pathetic you on the left have become...we can and still put down Booooooooooooooosh

but you dare criticize the dear leader

Criticize away, it's not like it means anything unless it is based in reality and involves some sort of thought process.
Repubs miss blowing huge wads of taxpayer cash, under the last Repub Prez, on foreign adventures w/ dubious outcomes. Poor Repub- voters :(

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