GOP looking to ask Putin to run for political office on the GOP ticket

When the history of this is written, Obama will likely be credited for his restraint and forbearance, where his efforts successfully avoided yet another unnecessary war.

When the history of the Bush years are written, however, GWB will be justifiably criticized for seeking out illegal and unnecessary war.

I personally didn't agree with Bush often, but the decision to fight the war on terror was justifable and necessary. He handled the policy of 'attack when being attacked' really well. And nowadays the American army has proven to be succesful, because the amount of Al-Quida members have strongly decreased.

So when did Iraq attack us? Perhaps I was on vacation....maybe?

I was talking about the war on terror, not the war in Iraq. The war on terror was more in Afghanistan. The war in Iraq was indeed not necessary, but I forgot about that one.
Why is the American army actually still in Iraq? I mean, they killed Hussain years ago by now.
I personally didn't agree with Bush often, but the decision to fight the war on terror was justifable and necessary. He handled the policy of 'attack when being attacked' really well. And nowadays the American army has proven to be succesful, because the amount of Al-Quida members have strongly decreased.

So when did Iraq attack us? Perhaps I was on vacation....maybe?

I was talking about the war on terror, not the war in Iraq. The war on terror was more in Afghanistan. The war in Iraq was indeed not necessary, but I forgot about that one.

I take this back, there was a reason. The US and UK suspected that Iraq had mass destruction weapons. So, it was not according to 'attack when being attacked', but even better, 'attack before being attacked'.
I know the OP is making a feeble attempt at sarcastic humor, but Obama has done far more harm to me and my Nation than Putin could ever possibly do. So i would say Obama is a bigger enemy of our Nation than Putin is. Putin didn't pass the NDAA and commit terrible IRS and NSA abuses against the American People. Putin's no threat to me, but American Communists/Progressives are. It is what it is.
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Yeah, i still don't get all the hysterical hate for Putin. Putin has never done any harm to me or my Nation. But I can't say that about Obama. Americans should express that kind of outrage towards their own corrupt Government. Big Brother is a far greater threat to our Nation than Putin and Russia could ever be. It's time for Americans to stop being distracted, and focus their frustration and anger on the proper culprits... Their own U.S. Government.
Compared to obama, Putin would be an improvement.

Yeah the hysterical hate for Putin coming from Americans, just seems bizarre. Do they hate him simply because they've been told they're supposed to hate him? I have a feeling most don't even know why they hate him. Like i said, Putin has never done me or my Nation any harm. But Obama has done, and continues to do quite a bit of harm to our Nation. He's definitely far more a threat to us than Putin and Russia could ever be. That's just how i feel anyway.
It's no secret that Stalin was "uncle joe" to FDR and there were more Stalinists in FDR's cabinet than in the freaking Kremlin at the time but the radical left has to be aware that Bariskie Obama is president today and not the GOP.
Compared to obama, Putin would be an improvement.

Yeah the hysterical hate for Putin coming from Americans, just seems bizarre. Do they hate him simply because they've been told they're supposed to hate him? I have a feeling most don't even know why they hate him. Like i said, Putin has never done me or my Nation any harm. But Obama has done, and continues to do quite a bit of harm to our Nation. He's definitely far more a threat to us than Putin and Russia could ever be. That's just how i feel anyway.

Putin is white, Christian and a patriot. Everything obama isn't.
I would love to see all you traitors face to face with Putin. He'd liet you freeze your worthless asses off in Siberia and we'd be rid of you.
Compared to obama, Putin would be an improvement.

Yeah the hysterical hate for Putin coming from Americans, just seems bizarre. Do they hate him simply because they've been told they're supposed to hate him? I have a feeling most don't even know why they hate him. Like i said, Putin has never done me or my Nation any harm. But Obama has done, and continues to do quite a bit of harm to our Nation. He's definitely far more a threat to us than Putin and Russia could ever be. That's just how i feel anyway.

No, you useless pos.

YOU suck up to our enemies because that's what you're told to do. Not one of you could manage an independent thought.
Compared to obama, Putin would be an improvement.

Yeah the hysterical hate for Putin coming from Americans, just seems bizarre. Do they hate him simply because they've been told they're supposed to hate him? I have a feeling most don't even know why they hate him. Like i said, Putin has never done me or my Nation any harm. But Obama has done, and continues to do quite a bit of harm to our Nation. He's definitely far more a threat to us than Putin and Russia could ever be. That's just how i feel anyway.

No, you useless pos.

YOU suck up to our enemies because that's what you're told to do. Not one of you could manage an independent thought.

It's your beloved Dear Leader who has brought us the NDAA, the Mandate, and awful IRS/NSA abuses. Putin had nothing to do with that. So in my opinion Obama is a far greater threat to our Nation than Putin could ever possibly be. That's my independent thought. Caspisce.
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In the end, Obama and Putin are quite similar. They have a lot in common. Obama's a divisive Saul Alinsky Communist Organizer, and Putin's an old Communist KGB Henchman. They both have deep roots in Communism. They both oppress their People. They're both petty spiteful Dictators.

So i'm pretty sure they'll come together and work out a deal on Ukraine. But it will be an awful deal for Americans. They're gonna be stuck with another hefty bill. Our Government will rape them and spend several $Billions in Taxpayer Dollars over there. It's a real travesty. Shame on em.
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