GOP Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse blasts Trump in private phone call: "He kisses dictators' butts", treats women badly, failed on Covid, coddles white S!

Sasse is an actual conservative, which is why he is so repulsed by President Q Anon, who soils the GOP more every day.
and most AMERICANs are repulsed by the geriatric prick and their evil ways that are ruining AMERICA. but you stupid retards that side with the evil, vile demonrats are to blind to see anything wrong w/these asswipes, which makes you the same---rah-rah blm and antifa, the demonrat scum
after seeing Trump's stinging tweet rejoinder, Sasse reportedly looked down at his feet

he knows he will lose this battle with the President
when attacked by Democrats and the media (i repeat myself), Trump loves it, because he feels it benefits him with his base

when attacked by a GOPer, he becomes like a wounded animal, and NOTHING can calm him down. you have been warned, Senator Sasse!
Ben Sasse doesn't want to support the president, he wants to BE the president

lust is a sin, folks!

most Republicans tossed away their dignity by deciding to worship at Trump's feet

not Sasse, folks, not Sasse
Sasse has degrees from Harvard, Oxford, and Yale

but it's Trump who has 70 million followers on twitter, is president, and pays 0 taxes

who's the smart guy, then?
if Ben Sasse votes against Barrett, Trump will look like a fool!

careful, Donald

Why would Sasse vote against Barrett?
if his feud with Don escalates, anything can happen

remember McCain voting against the bill against Obamacare?
He won't vote against Barrett..she fits with his psuedo-libertarianism....

Sasse is walking the tight-rope -- he is trying to position himself to run in 2024 -- but do it in a way that Tom Cotton isn't doing...because Tommy has been lock-step with any and everything Trump has done -- Sasse is trying to use this opportunity to distance himself a bit..

It will be like someone being in lock-step with Bush for his whole admin -- and then trying to run based on that a few years later....

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