GOP Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse blasts Trump in private phone call: "He kisses dictators' butts", treats women badly, failed on Covid, coddles white S!

let's bet when Trump sends the rejoinder tweet. i say 10 minutes!

And yet Sisse is going to vote to confirm ACB..... like a good little groveling cuck.

The republican party is a big tent. The Nebraska senator also praised the President but that didn't make "The Hill's" cut. Strange that a senator from Nebraska would be hypersensitive about "international human rights issues" but anything is possible in an election year. All in all it's much ado about nothing....again.
i'm reminded of scripture and the rift between the sheep and the goats at the end

the GOP is divided between pro-Trump and anti-Trump, and many play both sides, like Romney just came out will vote for Barrett, but criticizes Trump on other stuff

Trump can't agree with the GOP, he can't even agree with himself

the GOP are in a panic, they were done before the ship even sank!

Ben Sasse is an outcast weirdo misfit sissy boy. he is alienated, alienating, and now politically homeless.

remember Bob Corker? Jeff Flake?

good luck in your next (last) election, Sissy Sasse!
if Ben Sasse votes against Barrett, Trump will look like a fool!

careful, Donald

Why would Sasse vote against Barrett?
if his feud with Don escalates, anything can happen

remember McCain voting against the bill against Obamacare?

McCain was on his death bed...Sasse isn't going to vote against ACB because he knows it would kill his future aspirations of running in 2024. No one really cares about Sasses comments since we already know he's a never-TRUMPer. I would support him running in 2024 just to watch the left take him out.
Sasse, is member of the Old Republican Me-Too brigade. They went along so they could get along.

TRUMP is tough on dictators, very tough, But there is no sense in denying they are leaders of their country.

TRUMP is very good to woman, trusting them in leadership positions.....Sasse will have his chance to show he is too by voting for Barrett

TRUMP saved hundreds of thousands of lives with his EARLY TRAVEL ban and his Warp Speed search for a vaccine could save thousands more. A+ on ventilators and A+ on testing. The US leads the world in testing.

TRUMP treats all races equally, zero evidence he tolerates Bigotry in any form, unlike RACIST Joe Biden.

Now since this was a private phone call, it could be yet another example of FAKE NEWS, so I won't say any more about Sasse for now.

Keep posting right wing talking points.
Trump is on a twitter rampage as we speak. monitoring for Sasse smackdown-tweet
let's bet when Trump sends the rejoinder tweet. i say 10 minutes!

The libertarian wing of the GOP (Sasse, Massie, Amash, etc.) have never been much of a fan
that was fast!

They are trying their best to make Pres. Trump to fit their narrative.

Trump has retweeted Rand Paul's almost entire recent tweet catalog this morning

you can also read Rand's tweets, by, you know, going on his official twitter page!
He's correct but he's just covering his rear end at this point. This wasn't "leaked". It was released to give him cover in his Senate race, which he's going to win easily.

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