GOP needs Geraldo to declare Ohio his home


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Lets face it. Jerry Springer will beat Kasich in a total landslide.

The only hope the GOP has to hold the Ohio Gov seat is to move Geraldo to Ohio and set up the all time epic governor race between the two TV talk show hosts.

In the end, the Ohio voters will see Geraldo and Springer as equal except for one thing....

Springer always chickened out from fighting.
Geraldo had the courage to take a chair in the face and still come out swinging...

Ohio voters will choose courage over cowardice, and hence Geraldo is the guy the GOP needs if they want to hold Ohio. Nobody else has a chance....

Lets face it. Jerry Springer will beat Kasich in a total landslide.

The only hope the GOP has to hold the Ohio Gov seat is to move Geraldo to Ohio and set up the all time epic governor race between the two TV talk show hosts.

This has to be the most idiotic idea I've heard yet.
A year ago I would have laughed my ass off and blasted the DNC for even bringing up the idea of helping Jerry Springer run for governor. But now that Trump's election has made the country a complete joke, I'm all for it!

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
Springer is actually pretty intelligent. And he has met his share of downtrodden....cough. :spinner:

That wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be.

Nice to know the Democrats still can't wrap their little brains around it all. You can literally see those wheels turning. Oh, so what they really want is a television celebrity with quick comebacks.
The electorate doesn't take too kindly to candidates viewed as carpetbaggers. Usually.
When given the choice between Geraldo and Springer, the Ohio voter will pick the courageous over the cowardly.
I'm not too worried, I don't think Springer has a chance in hell. Our state is turning more red with the exception of the reelecting DumBama. Gun rights are a very hot potato right now, so hot that even the last liberal governor (Strickland) we had signed legislation for more gun rights and the Castle Doctrine. Since he served only one term, he was considering running for governor again but backed off realizing it would be a lost cause.
I don't think Springer has a chance in hell

You underestimate the power of Springer to go "dirty" on Kasich....

Ohio has a choice - Springer.... or Geraldo. Nobody else can win....

Kasich is in his second term and can no longer run for Governor. His petulant behavior ruined him for any other possible office he may want to run for. As somebody who supported him early on, I now regret that support. I have no respect for a man that doesn't stand by his own words.

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