Alabama Democrat Flips GOP Seat After Campaigning Against Threats To IVF

A State House Seat?? A fucking STATE House Seat?? In the back woods of a back-woods fucking State?

And the mods let this piece of fucking shit stand??

Fucking pathetic.

In other news, I took a healthy shit this morning. Maybe I should start a thread on that.
It was for a seat in the state legislature not Congress it’s an upset but I wouldn’t make it into more than it is. Of course making something into a bigger deal than it is that is something both sides do very well.
Republicans will continue to lose with their opposition to reproductive autonomy, and appropriately so.
We won't lose anything anymore, not after how stupidly your ilk drove the country into the ground these past years.
You morons are the best campaigners Trump ever had.
And you can go kill all the babies you want and sell their parts, nobody is stopping you.
No. I’m saying there are no and never were such a thing as reproductive rights. If you want to discuss abortion, call it what it is.

We are calling it "what it is". It's reproductive health care. Doctors are now refusing to take patients until they're past the first trimester so they can't be accused of facilitating abortion, if the woman miscarries in the first 12 weeks.

OB/GYN's are LEAVING states which have banned reproductive care because they cannot properly care for their pregnant patients in an "abortion ban" state. This harms and endangers ALL pregnant women in their states.

Hospitals are refusing to treat any women for miscarriages, unless their lives are in imminent danger, for fear of unintentionally aiding an abortion, or being accused of aiding an abortion.

It's you loons who continue to lie about abortion so you can justify stripping women of the right to life-saving care in the event of pregnancy complications.
We won't lose anything anymore, not after how stupidly your ilk drove the country into the ground these past years.
You morons are the best campaigners Trump ever had.
And you can go kill all the babies you want and sell their parts, nobody is stopping you.

WHO crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years?

WHO pulled the economy out of the ditch and rebuilt employment, GDP, and the stock market after Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump crashed it with unfunded tax cuts to billionaires, and reckless spending?

Who has the highest growth rates in GDP, jobs, and the stock market in the past 40 years.

The reason Republicans run on lying about Democrats, and never run on their record is that all they are offering is debt, disease, and death.
A 25-point swing.

No wonder you're soiling yourself.

See you in November, loser.
You'll have trouble seeing anything in November. Maybe the inside of a basement, because that's where you'll be hiding.

Anybody that thinks a fucking upset in BumFuck Alabama by an over-wrought Karen is meaningful, really needs to get a grip on life. No wonder you're such a loser.

Going through life stupid is not a way to become much. I've never been able to separate stupidity from loserdom. Neither has anybody else. You wanna keep riding the loser-train, go for it. I've got mine, you get yours. Loser.
Its always risky to get between drunken party girls and their abortionist

Are you seriously suggesting that Amy Coney Barrett was a "drunken party girl"? She sounded for all the world to me like woman who has had miscarriages which went wrong and required a D&C.

She's had 7 children, which means she's probably had more than one miscarriage. 1/3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. I've been pregnant 5 times, and had three live births.

Both of my miscarriages were "partial miscarriages", and my second D&C would have been illegal in Texas since it was past 6 weeks. Even though the fetus had died, I would have been forced to wait until infection set in, which is horrifying since I only had one good fallopian tube. If it were damaged, I'd never have another child.

ACB seem shocked that these doctors were objecting to being forced to care for women having a "life saving D&C", because that D&C was more likely necessary to save the life of a woman having a spontaeous miscarriage, than someone taking the abortion pill.

All of the women on the SC asked the kind of questions that only women who have been there would know. Even ACB, who adamantly opposes "elective abortions", is horrified at the notion of women losing access to life saving maternal health care.

ACB was the one who pointed out that none of these doctors in this suit had ever been "forced" to care for a woman having a health crisis due to complications from the abortion pills. That all but 2 of them were DENTISTS.

This is the very antithesis of being "pro-life". Laws which kill women, when life saving care can easily and safely be given, aren't pro-life at all.
A State House Seat?? A fucking STATE House Seat?? In the back woods of a back-woods fucking State?

And the mods let this piece of fucking shit stand??

Fucking pathetic.

In other news, I took a healthy shit this morning. Maybe I should start a thread on that.

Yeah. A state house seat in one of the most heavily gerrymandered states in the union, just flipped. One with a veto-proof State House, and where Trump won 62% of the vote in 2020.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
This OP smells like Dem spin. :eusa_think:
Most of the 'Dems' in here are 'bots anyway. AI. Chatbots.

Everybody knows it.

The few that aren't are paid interns at shithole media corps like WaPo, the Slimes, and other Leftist/Socialist media outlets.

There's a smattering of imbeciles that are too stupid to have an opinion other than what they get from the BoobTube and some bored students dipping their toes into the politcal waters but, all in all, most of them are made-up.

If you bother to go to other Political MB's, you'll find the same posts, almost word for word with the same word for word deceptions, half-truths and lies.

It used to be different, there used to be more than a handful of honest democrats and even some leftists you could talk to.

No more. Not since obama. They're either hard-core Leftists or they're not on the team.
There are no reproductive rights. That’s a term made up by the dems to dupe the gullible.

Do you hope to someday get married and have children???? If your wife gets pregnant and needs care, do you want her to have access to the care she needs, or are you prepared to just let her die?
We are calling it "what it is". It's reproductive health care. Doctors are now refusing to take patients until they're past the first trimester so they can't be accused of facilitating abortion, if the woman miscarries in the first 12 weeks.

OB/GYN's are LEAVING states which have banned reproductive care because they cannot properly care for their pregnant patients in an "abortion ban" state. This harms and endangers ALL pregnant women in their states.

Hospitals are refusing to treat any women for miscarriages, unless their lives are in imminent danger, for fear of unintentionally aiding an abortion, or being accused of aiding an abortion.

It's you loons who continue to lie about abortion so you can justify stripping women of the right to life-saving care in the event of pregnancy complications.

You aren’t part of “we”. Never. So don’t pretend you are and don’t think “We” give two shits what you say.

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