GOP: Obama "choking" America's economic growth


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Obama is transforming us...and driving us into the poorhouse, wiping away jobs with his "climate change bullshit"...the Gop needs to shout this message out DAILY
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Five years of the Obama presidency have produced nothing but economic "roadblocks" that inhibit growth and job creation, Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., charged in the weekly Republican address on Saturday.

He accused the Obama administration of "choking the engines of our economy," singling out the health-care reform law, the administration's energy policy and the government's excessive taxing and spending as areas of particular concern.

On Obamacare, Fitzpatrick said the law simply "isn't working as promised - and the president knows it."

"It's driving up premiums, and forcing workers and their spouses out of plans that they like," he said. "Small companies say the taxes and government mandates make it more difficult for them to hire."

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Obamacare's employer mandated health insurance delayed

The president is "busy handing out waivers and delays," Fitzpatrick said, urging the president to "give all Americans the same delay" he's giving "to big business."

Although he has emphasized that the law's rollout is proceeding apace, Mr. Obama has delayed the implementation of several provisions in Obamacare by one year, notably the mandate requiring employers with more than 50 workers to provide health coverage for their employees. He also delayed a provision capping the amount of out-of-pocket expenses any individual must pay annually for their health care, offering businesses and insurers more time to adjust to the law's new regulations.

On energy policy, Fitzpatrick accused the president of "blocking efforts to create jobs and make energy more affordable," slamming the administration's failure to quickly approve the Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring crude oil from Canadian tar sands to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

"This month marks five years since the Keystone application was first filed. Since then, it's passed every environmental review. Labor unions want it. It's privately funded - no taxpayer dollars involved. And again, it has bipartisan support in Congress," Fitzpatrick said. "So why is the Obama administration still standing in the way of this 'shovel-ready' project?"

The Pennsylvania Republican also made a more general ideological case against big government, warning that the "size and scope of the federal government" have ballooned out of control under Mr. Obama.

He accused the president of pushing "tax hikes" and "'stimulus'-style policies that have left us with weak job growth, high prices, and stagnant paychecks."

Republicans have a better plan to "simplify the tax code" and "eliminate excessive regulations," Fitzpatrick said, touting a GOP jobs plan that would break down "the government roadblocks that are hurting our economy."

all of it here
GOP: Obama "choking" America's economic growth - CBS News

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